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Will of Joseph Jordan, 1864

Transcribed by Philip Underwood-Sheppard

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Will of Joseph Jordan, Fall Term 1864, Transylvania County, North Carolina Will Book 1, pages 34-38.

Information and index of Transylvania County Wills and Estate Records


Fall Term 1864

    The following is a true copy of a will of Joseph Jordan as proven in court by subscribing witnesses thereto, viz.

    1st part as proven by D. King a subscribing witness thereto as follows:

    In the name of God, Amen, I Joseph Jordan of the county of Henderson and state of North Carolina being of sound mind and memory but considering the uncertainty of my earthly existance do make and declair this my last will and testament in manner and form following (that is to day):

    First, that my executors hereinafter named shall provide for my body a decent and christian like burial and pay all funeral expenses together with my just debts howsoever and to whomesoever owing out of the money that my first come into their hands as a part or parcel of my estate.

    Item. I give and devise to my beloved wife, Hannah, all that tract or parcel of land on which I now live consisting of about four hundred and fifty acres together with my mansion house all out houses and other improvements to have and to hold to her the said Hannah during the term of her natural life in satisfaction for and in lew of her dower and thirds of and in all my real estate.

    Item. I have given to the following of my children, that is to say, Sarah, wife of William Duckworth, Thomas P. Jordan, Elizabeth, wife of G. W. Galloway, Martha, wife of John Hightower, william P. Jordan, Eliza, wife of Noah Henry, Huldah, wife of James Orr, Joseph P. Jordan, who I consider to just and equitable proportion of my estate I therefore will them nothing except what may hereafter appear in view of the advancement that I have made to each and every one of them.

    Item. I give and devise to my said beloved wife Hannah two beds and furniture her choise, all the household and kitchen furniture not otherwise dispose of in my will one of my stock of horses her choise one side saddle two milch cows her choise one sow and pigs and a years provision at the time of my death.

    Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Susannah single woman one bed and furniture that she now claims to her and her personal representatives forever.

    Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Rebecca (single woman) one bed and furniture that she now claims to her and her personal representatives forever.

    Item. I will and desire is that after the death of my wife all of that tract of land that I have bequeathed to her during her natural life shall be equally and proportionally divided between my three children (that is) my two daughters Susannah and Rebecca (single women) and my youngest son, Decator Jordan, share and share alike and that they shall derive title therefrom to have and to hold to them and their heirs executors, administrators and assigns in fee simple forever.

    Item. My will and desire is that all the ballance of my personal property not otherwise disposed of in will be sold after my debts and the debts owing to me be collected and if there should be any surplus over and above the payment of debts expenses and legisees that such surplus shall be equally divided and payed over to my said wife and all my children in equal proportion share and share alike to each and every of them their heirs executors administrators and assignees absolutely.

    And lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my two sons Thomas P. and William R. Jordan my lawful executors to all intents and purposes to execute this my last will and testament according to the true intent and meaning of the same and every part and clause thereof hereby revoking and declairing utterly void all other wills and testaments by me heretofore made.

    In witness whereof I the said Joseph P. Jordan hereunto set my hand and seal this 24th day of October AD, 1846.

    Signed sealed and published and declaired by the said Joseph Jordan to be his last will and testament in the presents of us who at his request and in his presence do subscribe our names as witnesses thereto.

Daniel King
John King, Jr.

                                                                                                        Joseph Jordan (seal)

The second part was proved by the oath of Daniel King and Jeremiah Osborn as follows that is to say,

    State of North Carolina
    Henderson County    May the 6th 1854

    Whereas I Joseph Jordan, Sr. of the county and state aforesaid having made my last will and testament in writing bearing date 24 day of October 1846 now I do hereby declare this present writing to be as a codicil to my said will and testament and direct the same to be annexed thereto and take part thereof and I do hereby give and bequeath to my wife Hannah Jordan my negro boy John to have the full controle of said boy and use him as her own in addition to what I gave her in my will refered to and after her death I do hereby give and bequeath said boy to my son Joseph P. Jordan in trust for my daughters Susannah and Rebecca it further directs that there may be no mistake as to my intentions and will that said boy after the death of my wife shall work on the land which I give to my son Decator and daughters Susannah and Rebecca for the support of my said daughters as long as they remain single and thereto do direct for him to be sold and equally divided among my three children Decator Jordan and Susannah and Rebecca Jordan

Whereunto I set my hand and

Daniel King    }
J. Osborn         }

                                                                                                    Joseph Jordan (Seal)

    The third part proven by the oath of Thomas Taylor and A. M. Hawkins the subscribed witnesses thereto is as follows (viz).

    I Joseph Jordan in consideration of the death of my wife since the publication of my will dated October 24, 1846 and of the codicil dated May 5th 1854 and of other changes in the condition of my family and property and especially the death of my son Joseph and the addition of his property to my estate I add this codicil to my said will.

    Item. All the personal estate of every kind which by my will or codicil I have given to my wife I will to fall the residue of my estate which I will provide for in this codicil.

    Item 2. The specific divises and bequests which I gave by my will to my two daughters Rebecca and Susannah my son Decator I thereby ratify and confirm.

    Item 3. I will and bequeath that all the personal estate which may be in my possession at the time of my death including that acquired by the death of my son and especially all the slaves by sold by me executor and after the payment of my debts and funeral expenses that the proceeds by divided as follows to my grand Mary Orr one hundred dollars and the residue equally between my three children Rebecca Susannah and Decator.

    Item 4. All the notes, accounts, _____ in action of every kind and all the cash which may be on hand at my death. I direct my executor to pay over after collection to my daughters Rebecca and Susannah and my son Decator to be equally divided between them.

    Item 5. All those portions of my will inconsistent with this codicil I revoke and amend all other parts I ratify and confirm I further revoke and amend the codicil heretofore made my me June 3rd 1862.

    Signed in the presence of


    T. W. Taylor        }
    A. M. Hawkins    }    Jurats
                                                                                                        Joseph Jordan (Seal)

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