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Will of Thomas Harrison Galloway

Transcribed by Philip Underwood-Sheppard

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Will of Thomas Harrison Galloway - 1859-1933, buried at Oak Grove Cemetery, Transylvania County, NC, son of Andrew Jackson Galloway and Alpha Melinda Aiken.  Married 1) Sallie C. Neely (1868-1905, buried at Oak Grove Cemetery, Transylvania County, NC).  Married. 2) Carrie Boggs (d. 1912).  Married 3) Rholly Corpening. Transylvania County, North Carolina, Record of Wills, Book 3, pp. 392-393.

Information and index of Transylvania County Wills and Estate Records


A paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of T. H. Galloway, deceased, is exhibited before me, the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court for said County, by Pauline Galloway, one of the devisees and legatees under said will, and the due execution thereof by the said T. H. Galloway, deceased, is proved by the oath and examination of O. H. Orr and F. E. Shuford, the subscribing witnesses thereto, who being duly sworn, do depose and say, and each for himself deposeth and saith, that he is a subscribing witness to the paper writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and testament of T. H. Galloway, that the said T. H. Galloway in the presence of this deponent, subscribed his name at the end of said paper writing now shown as aforesaid, and which bears date of the 7th. day of September, 1928. And the deponent further saith that the said T. H. Galloway, the testator aforesaid, did, at the time of subscribing his name as aforesaid, declare said paper writing so subscribed by him and exhibited to be his last will and testament, and attesting witness thereto, and at the request and in the presence of the said testator. 

And this deponent further saith that at the said time when the said testator subscribed his name to the said last will as aforesaid, and at the time of the deponent's subscribing his name as attesting witness thereto, as aforesaid, the said T. H. Galloway was of sound mind and memory, of full age to execute a will, and was not under any restraint, to the knowledge, information or belief of this deponent. And further these deponents say not. 

F. E. Shuford 
O. H. Orr 

Severally subscribed and sworn, this the 11th. day of Sept. 1922. Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court. 

State of North Carolina, County of Transylvania.} In the Superior Court. 

It is, therefore, considered and adjudged by the Court that the said paper writing, and every part thereof, is the last will and testament of T. H. Galloway, deceased, and the same, with the foregoing examination and this certificate are ordered to be recorded and filed. This the 11th. day of September, 1922 Otto Alexander, Clerk Superior Court

State of North Carolina, Transylvania County. 

I, T. H. Galloway, being of sound mind, memory and understanding, do make and declare this to be my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all other Wills made by me 

1. I will that the lot of land on the South side of Main Street in the Town of Brevard, N. C., conveyed to my former wife, S. C. Galloway by M. E. Evans by deed dated April 8th, 1893, entail to Marguerite Galloway and Mrs. Anna Mae Sheldon - hers and my children as the law directs. 

2. I will and bequeath to my three children Margurite Galloway and Anna Mae Sheldon and Pauline Galloway, the lot of land situate on West side of Galloway Street in the Town of Brevard, N. C. and known as Indian Mound Lot "or Hill." See deed executed to the dated March 18, 1926 by me. 

3. I will and bequeath to my said three children Margurite Galloway and Mrs. Anna Mae Sheldon and Pauline Galloway and my beloved wife, Rholly C. Galloway during the natural life of my said wife, the lot of land situate on the South side of Probate [sic] Street in the Town of Brevard, N. C. and on the North side of Main Street and on the east side of Galloway Street and on the West side of Picklesimer lot and the dwelling on said Lot to be held in common by them as a home for any and all of them during the natural life of my said wife Rholly C. Galloway, if she does not remarry, but if my said wife Rholly C. Galloway remarries, then and at the date of said marriage, this bequeath as a home to her shall become null and void, the said lot and (home) dwelling shall revert in entirety to my three children - Margurite and Mrs. Anna Sheldon and Pauline Galloway to be equally divided among them. 

4. I further will and bequeath that my executrix hereinafter named shall collect of my money deposits from Brevard Banding Company ($1000.00) one thousand dollars and pay the same to my said beloved wife Rholly C. Galloway. 

5. I further will and bequeath that my said executrix shall collect of my money deposits from the Brevard Banking Company ($1000.00) one thousand dollars and pay for the completion of my daughter Pauline's college education in the North Carolina for Women at Greensboro. 

6. I further will and bequeath that the remainder of her estate, house and kitchen furniture of whatever name or description - notes certificates bonds of whatever kind and value be equally divided among my said children Margurite Galloway and Mrs. Anna Mae Sheldon and Pauline Galloway. 

7. I do hereby make, constitute and appoint my daughter, Margurite Galloway, executrix to execute this Will and to act without bond 

This 7th. day of Sept. 1928. 

T. H. Galloway 

Signed and acknowledged in the presence of witnesses. 

F E Shuford 
O H Orr 

Filed and recorded this the 11th day of Sept. 1933. Otto Alexander Clerk of Superior Court

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