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Will of Washington E. "Wash" Galloway, 1903

Transcribed by Philip Underwood-Sheppard

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Will of Washington E. "Wash" Galloway - 1851-1910, buried at CC Whitmire Cemetery, Transylvania County, NC, son of James Madison Galloway and Margaret Trammel), m. in 1872 in Transylvania County Sarah Lucinda Whitmire (1847-1920, buried at CC Whitmire Cemetery, Transylvania County, NC, daughter of William Monteith Whitmire and Rebecca Gillespie). Transylvania County, North Carolina, Record of Wills, Book 2, pp. 366-369.

Information and index of Transylvania County Wills and Estate Records

North Carolina, Transylvania County:

I Washington E Galloway, of the above named county & state, being of sound mind, but considering the uncertainty of my earthly existence, do make & declare this my last will & testament. 

1st My executor hereinafter named shall give my body a decent burial, suitable to the wishes of my friends & relations and shall pay all funeral expenses together with all my just debts out of the first money which may come into his hands belonging to my estate. 

2nd I give and devise unto my wife Sarah Lucinda Galloway, she surviving all the land of whatsoever kind & character and wheresoever situated of which I may be lawfully sized at my death to be held and enjoyed by her for and during her natural life and at her death to be equally divided between all the children born of our marriage who may be living at the death of my said wife Sarah Lucinda Galloway. And if any of our children shall have died before the death of my said wife Sarah Lucinda Galloway leaving issue of their body, then such issue shall equally share the part of my estate which would descend to the heirs of my body as herein before mentioned and provided. 

3rd My will and desire is that all the residue of my personal estate (if any) after all my just debts, & expenses, have been paid shall belong to my said wife, to be used and enjoyed my her during her natural life and at her death any remainder to be equally divided among my children, or the issue of such children. 

4th My desire is that if my personal property at my death should be insufficient to pay all my just debts, then my executor hereinafter named, shall sell some of my lands, to pay the same, first disposing of such out lands as I may die sized & possessed of. 

5th I hereby constitute and appoint Sarah Lucinda Galloway my lawful executor to all intents and purposes, to execute this my last will & testament according to the true intent and meaning of the same, and every part and clause thereof, hereby revoking and declaring utterly void all other wills and testaments by me heretofore made. 

In witness where of I the said Washington E. Galloway do hereunto set my hand and seal this the 2 day of December 1903 

Washington E. Galloway {seal} 

Signed sealed, published & declared by the said Washington E. Galloway to be his last will & testament in the presents of us who at his request & in his presents do subscribe our names as witnesses there to. 

Welch Galloway 
Isaac Hoskins
Netter Fisher 

North Carolina, In the Superior Court Transylvania County:

Before the Clerk A paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Washington E. Galloway deceased, is exhibited before me the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Transylvania County, by Lucinda Galloway the Executrix thereof by the said Washington E. Galloway is proved by the oath & examination of Welch Galloway & Isaac Hoskins the subscribing witness thereto, who being duly sworn doth depose and say and each for himself deposeth & saith, that the paper writing now shown him purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of Washington E. Galloway in the presence of these deponents subscribed his name at the end of said paper writing now shown as aforesaid and which bears date of Dec. 2, 1903. 

And the deponents further sayd and each for himself deposeth and sayeth, that the said Washington E. Galloway testator a aforesaid did at the time of subscribing his name as aforesaid ____ the paper writing so subscribed by him and exhibited to be his Last Will and Testament and these deponents did thereupon subscribe their names at the end of said Will as attesting witnesses thereto, at the request of said testator and in his presence and in the presence of each other, and these deponents further say, and each for himself deposeth & say that at the time when said testator subscribed his name to the said Last Will as aforesaid, and at the time when these deponents superscribed their names as aforesaid,. as attesting witnesses thereto as aforesaid, the said Washington E. Galloway was of sound mind and memory of full age to execute a will and was not under any restraint to the knowledge information or belief of these deponents, and further these deponents say not. 

Welch Galloway {seal} 
Isaac Hoskins {seal} 

Severally sworn and subscribed to this July 9, 1910 before me T T Loftis Clerk Superior Court 

North Carolina, Transylvania County:

In the Superior Court It is therefore considered and adjudged by the Court, that the said paper writing and every part thereof, is the Last Will and Testament of Washington E. Galloway deceased, and the same with the foregoing examinations of the witnesses, and this certificate is ordered to be recorded and filed. This July 9, 1910 

T. T. Loftis Clerk Superior Court

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Additional notes from Philip Underwood-Sheppard:

From The Sylvan Valley (North Carolina) News, August 23, 1907: Wash Galloway was on the [train] wreck but says he was not hurt, only the largest lady on the train fell in his lap. 

From The Sylvan Valley (North Carolina) News, October 4, 1907: To The Sheriff Of Transylvania County: You are hereby notified that the County Board of Elections have appointed for the bond election for the South Atlantic Trans-continental Railroad Company, which election is to be held on October the 31st, 1907, the following persons as registrars and judges for holding said election, and you will so notify them according to law:... Eastatoe Precinct - W. E. Galloway... judge(s)...

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