Anders Family
David Asbel Anders with
grandson Jim and wife
Tina Smith Anders Family

US GenWeb Project

Rufus and Florence Hall Owen Family in 1947
Rufus and Florence Hall Owen and children

US GenWeb Archives Project


Transylvania County, NC GenWeb Project
"Digging Into The Genealogy of Our Ancestors"

NC GenWeb

William Parker Warrants and Surveys - 1807, 1808 

Transcribed by Linda O. Anders, Feb. 24th, 2009 

Parker Deed 2

State of North Carolina  {Warrant of Survey
Buncombe County         {No. 11098
Joseph Henry Entry Taker of Claims for Land in
the County aforesaid To the Surveyor of Said County
you are herby required as Soon as may be to Lay
off and Survey for William Parker One Hundred acres
of Land on the North fork of French Broad River
Including Both Sides of Said River and the mouth
of a Creek Known by the name of Ownses Creek--
Entered the 8th of July 1807.

and Return the Works of Survey to the Secretarys
office together with this Warrant. Observing the acts
of the General Assembly in Such Case made and
provided. Given under my hand at office the 9th Day
of October 1807

  Joseph Henry ET

Parker Deed 3

Scale of 100 poles In an Inch
State of North Carolina
Buncombe County 
By Virtue of the Within Warr
-ant of No. 11098 and Entred the 8th Day of July
1807 I have Surveyed a tract of Land for William Parker
on the north fork of french Broad River on both Sides of Said
River Begining on a White Oake Standing on the Side of a
Ridge near the Mouth of a Small branch that Runs Into
the north fork below Where Said Parker now Lives and Runs
West One Hundred and Eighty poles Crossing said River to
a Stake thence South ninty poles to a Stake thence
East One Hundred and Eighty poles Crossing Said River
to a Stake thence North ninty poles to the Begining
Containing One Hundred Acres Certified by me John
Miller DS this 19th Day of May 1808

Ch.C.  Thomas Rhodes     John Patton CS
          Amos Justus

Parker Deed 4

State of North Carolina  {Warrant of Survey
Buncombe County         {No. 11197
Joseph Henry Entry Taker of Claims for Land in
the County aforesaid To the Surveyor of Said County
you are herby required as Soon as may be to
Lay off and Survey for William Parker Fifty acres
of Land on the East Side of the North fork of
French Broad River Lying on the head of the
first Branch Below his house
Entered the 25th of September 1807.

and Return the Works of Survey to the Secretarys office
together with this Warrant. Observing the acts of the
General Assembly in Such Case made and provided.
Given under my hand at office the 26th Day
of December 1807

  Joseph Henry ET

Parker Deed 1

Scale of 100 poles In an Inch
State of North Carolina
Buncombe County  By Virtue of
The Within Warrant from
Joseph Henry Entry taker of no.
11197 and Entred the 25th
Day of September 1807 I have
Surveyed for William Parker a tract of Land on the
East Side of the North fork of french broad River
and on the head of the first branch that Runs Into the
No. fork below Where Said Parker Lives Begining on a
Large White Oake Lands on the North Side of a branch
And Near a Small path that Leads from Wm.
Trambels to the Settlement of french Broad River
And Runs East one Hundred poles to a Stake thence
South Eighty poles to a Stake thence West one
Hundred poles Crossing a branch to a Stake then
North Eighty poles Crossin Said Branch to the
Begining Containing fifty Acres Certified
By me John Miller DS this 19th Day of May

Ch.C.  Amos Justus
         Thomas Rhodes     John Patton CS

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