Currituck County Estates
A - H
Adams, R.J.O. 1909
Alexander, B.W. 1867 [no documents in folder but says see Joseph A. "Sprecill".
This is probably a Tyrrell Co. estate and "Sprecill" should be Spruill]
Ashby, Lamuel 1886
Austin, A.J. 1902 [probate of his 1894 will]
Aydlett, John 1906
Aydlott, Isaac T. 1869
Badham, William 1858 [Chowan Co., NC]
Baker, Lemuel 1876
Ballance, A.J. 1882
Ballance, Dorcas 1886
Ballance, Elmer 1896
Ballance, L.W. 1906
Ballance, Levi 1871
Ballance, Wesley 1870
Ballance, Willo 1871
Ballance, Wilson 1878
Barnard, Dennis 1911
Barnard, Jesse L. 1814
[no documents in folder but says see Peter Barnard]
Barnard, Peter 1812
Barrett, Thomas 1906
[probate of his 1906 will]
Baum, Abram 1888, 1890
& 1908
Baum, Jacob 1877, 1880 & 1908 [of Princess Anne Co., VA & Currituck
Co., NC]
Baum, Jacob C. 1900
[see also Abram Baum estate]
Baum, Josephus 1887
Baum, Polly 1908 [no documents in folder but says see Abram Baum]
Baxter, Dallas 1887
Baxter, Gertrude 1911
Baxter, H.
[Hilyard] E. 1882
Baxter, Sr., Isaac 1867
Baxter, Joseph 1873 [appears
to be his will and not an estate record]
Baxter, Maggie M. 1903
Baxter, Mrs. M.
[Margaret] D. 1902
Baxter, Rosetta 1911
Baxter, Sarah & Mary 1878
Baxter, Thomas E. 1858
Baxter T. (Thomas) F. 1893
Beacham, W.T. (William Thomas) 1911
Beasley, C. (Caleb) W. 1882 [probate of his 1871 will]
Beasley, Edmond A. 1911 [probate of his 1906; folder erroneously labeled
"Edward A. Beasley"]
Beasley, M.W. 1901 [probate of
his 1901 will]
Beasley, William 1902
Belanga, Henry 1896
Bell, Caleb 1872
Bell, Duke 1869
Bell, Haywood D. 1883
Bell, James 1858
Bell, Jason 1899
Bell, John J.
1893 & 1895
Bell, Joseph E. C. 1906
Bell, L. (Lycurgus) M. 1891
Bell, Louisa 1902
[1894 will & probate of same]
Bell, Mamie/Mary A. 1907; 1910
Bell, Mathias 1867
Bell, Nelly 1883
Bell, Penelope 1869; 1902
Bell, Samuel 1902 [no documents in folder but says see Penelope Bell]
Bell, Sarah 1883 [probate of her 1877 will]
Bell, Stephen R. 1903
Bell, Tully 1869
Benbury, John A. 1867 [Chowan Co., NC]
Berry, Barbara 1876 [probate of her 1876 will]
Berry, R.M. 1874
Berry, Thomas 1889
Berry, William 1882
Best, Nichodemus 1872 [his nuncupative
will and probate of same]
Bonney Sr., Ferdinand 1904 [probate of his 1899 will]
Bonney, Gideon 1819
Boswood, Cordelia 1904
[probate of her 1897 will]
Boswood, G. [Gideon] C. 1913
Boswood, Willoughby 1869
Bowden, James 1886
Bowden, John 1891 [no documents in folder but says see Timothy Bowden]
Bowden, Thomas 1882
Bowden, Timothy 1891
Bowser, Benjamin J. 1900
Boyd, John 1868; 1883
Boyd, Malachi 1876; 1890
Brabble, John W. 1906
Bradley, Reuben 1892
Bray, Elizabeth 1871
Bray, Mariah 1897
Bray, Richard J. 1861
Bray, Walter 1901
Brickhouse, Caleb C. 1906
Brickhouse, Joel B. 1895
Brickhouse, Sallie 1907
[probate of her 1907 will]
Brinson, Avery J.
Brinson, James 1883 [includes his will and probate of same]
Brockett, Gideon L. 1871
Brothers, Johnson [Jonathan] 1877
Brown, Jacob 1877 [no documents in folder but says see Sanford Doxey]
Brown, Joseph 1871
Brumley, David 1904
Brumley, John J. 1896
Brummell, Stephen 1888
Brumsey, Augustus 1879
Brumsey, Augustus W. 1908 & 1912
[includes the probate of his 1908 will]
Brumsey, Elizabeth 1884
Brumsey, John 1882
Brumsey, John W. 1905
[probate of his 1905 will]
Brumsey, Malachi J. [no date on folder
nor on the 1 document in folder]
Brumsey, Thomas 1873
Bunnell, Jordan C. 1868
Bunnell, Stephen D. 1900
Burfoot, John F. 1872
Burk, Amanda 1873
Butt, John J. 1872
Caffee, Eliza
1869 [no documents in folder but says see James Caffee]
Caffee, James 1869
Caffee, Morton 1881
Caffee, William 1869 [no documents in folder but says see James Caffee]
Capps, Caleb M. 1894; 1903
Capps, Eliza 1882
[probate of her 1882 will]
Capps, Isaiah 1873
Capps, Tully L. 1882
Cartwright, Morris C. 1910
Cason, Calvin B. 1883
Caton, John 1886
Chaddic, William W. 1878
Chappell, John G. 1886
Cherry, John 1887
Cherry, Polly 1870
Cherry, Willis 1867
Cooper, Wilson 1908
[probate of his 1908 will]
Corbell, Malachi 1908
Cornick, Endymeon 1897
[of Princess Anne Co., VA]
Corprew, Washington 1910
Cowell, Amanda 1887
Cowell, Elizabeth 1867
Cowell, J.F. [Joseph Ferebee] 1883
Cowell, James 1887 [no documents in folder but says see Amanda Cowell]
Cowell, James F. 1880
Cowell, Solomon 1868
Cowell, Dr. William H. Sr. 1895
Cox, Edward 1841
Cox, John1853
Cox, John 1867
Cox, Major John 1883
Cox, Thomas 1841 [no documents in folder but says see Edward Cox]
Crain, Charles H. 1907
Crank, C. [Caleb] S. 1896
Crank, Caleb T. 1881
Crank, Marion B. 1900
Creekmore, Hilliary 1867
Creekmore, W. [William] P. 1905; 1911
Cuffee, Melvin W. 1922
Culpepper, Henry 1885
Culpepper, Jesse 1886
Culpepper, Letitia 1880
Curles, W.T. 1910
Dail/Dale, Edith 1921
Dailey, Sarah 1883 [no documents in folder but says see also Major
John Cox]
Daily, John 1880
Daniel, Spencer 1868
Dean[s], William 1867
DeCormis, J. [Joseph] L. 1923
DeCormis, Tullie/Tully A.P. 1877 [probate of her 1877 will]
Delon, Nathan 1881
Dey, Benjmain S. 1867 [says see also
R.J. Bray]
Dey, Joseph S. 1869
Dowdy, Caleb 1886
Dowdy, G.[George] W. 1903
Dowdy, Ivey 1876 [probate of
his 1875 will]
Dowdy, Margaret 1886 [probate
of her 1886 will]
Dowdy, Oliver 1886
Dowdy, Peggy [Margaret] 1887
Dowdy, Samuel 1893 [probate of his 1892 will]
Dowdy, William 1868
Doxey, A. [Alexander] A. 1881
Doxey, Dempsey 1870
Doxey, [Sandford] Edwin 1883
Doxey, Enoch 1873
Doxey, Henry & Milbra 1868
Doxey, James 1896
Doxey, John 1886
Doxey, John C. 1867
Doxey, Margaret 1871
Doxey, N.H. 1908
Doxey, S.E. 1882
Doxey, Sandford 1877
Doxey, Sarah J. 1885
Doxey, Susan A. 1893
[includes probate of her will]
Doxey, William 1870
Doxey, Z. [Zachariah] M. & Mary 1906
Dozier, Alfred 1897 & 1905
[includes probate of his 1897 will]
Dozier, Ambrose W. 1918
Dozier, Benjamin 1839
Dozier, C. [Clement] F. 1869
Dozier, Lydia
1866 [no documents in folder but says see Peter Barnard]
Dozier, Patsey 1891 [no documents in folder but says see Timothy Bowden]
Dozier, Peter 1887
Dozier, Philip 1866
Dozier, Polly 1876
Dozier, Susanna 1816
Dozier, Tully L. 1862
Dozier, William 1870
Dudley, Natheniel W. 1869
Duke, John 1871 [probate of
his 1871 will]
Dunton, A.B. 1898
Dunton, David 1853 [will & probate in Princess Anne Co., Va.]
Dunton, John J. 1902
Etheridge, Edmund 1883?
Etheridge, Elizabeth A. 1898
Etheridge, Harrison 1908
Etheridge, Jefferson 1886
Etheridge, John T. 1888
Etheridge, Mary 1885
Etheridge, Napoleon B. 1913
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