Surname L

Click on the Individual Name below to go to the will in which the name appears.

Name in Will Relationship
to deceased
Deceased Date
of Will
Lain, John Witness Pollock, Cullen 1751
Lamb, Eliza Sister Davenport, Hugh 1836
Lamb, Gideon Administrator Lamb, William 1831
Lamb, Gideon Deceased   1836
Lamb, Isaac Guardian Caswell, Mathew 1754
Lamb, Julia Wife Lamb, Gideon 1836
Lamb, Mary Daughter Norman, Rachal 1795
Lamb, William Deceased   1831
Lamb, William Son Lamb, Gideon 1836
Lamb, Wilson Witness Spruill, Hezikiah 1831
Lamb, Wilson Executor Overton, Priscilla 1832
Lamb, Wilson Deceased   1835
Lamb, Wilson Son Lamb, Gideon 1836
Lambert, Aron Master Jackson, Jeremiah 1774
Land, Andrew Witness Long, James 1773
Land, John Witness Webb, Robert 1771
Lane, John Executor Knox, Andrew 1796
Langley, Andrew Son Langley, James 1784
Langley, Dorcas Daughter Tarkenton, Levi N. 1895
Langley, James Deceased   1784
Langley, James Son Langley, James 1784
Langly, Levy Juror Wynne, Jeremiah 1831
Langly, Rosana Witness Davenport, Joanna 1841
Langley, Thomas Son Langley, James 1784
Langston, Ann Daughter Langston, Mulford 1753
Langston, Ann Daughter Langston, Mulford 1763
{Langston}, Ann Wife Henry, Samuel 1778
{Langston}, Ann Wife White, Thomas 1783
Langston, Mary Wife Langston, Mulford 1753
Langston, Mary Wife Langston, Mulford 1763
Langston, Mulford Father Langston, Ann 1753
Langston, Mulford Husband Langston, Mary 1753
Langston, Mulford Deceased   1763
Langston, Mulford Father Langston, Ann 1778
Langston, Mulford Father White, Ann 1783
Langston, Mulford Former Neighbor Corprew, Jonathan 1783
Lanier, Adam Grandson Lanier, Robert 1744
Lanier, Anna Narah Christina Daughter Lanier, Robert 1744
{Lenear}, Dick Slave Lenear, Sarah 1750
Lanier, Elizabeth Daughter Lanier, Robert 1744
{Lenear}, Fanny Slave Lenear, Sarah 1750
Lanier, Grace Daughter Lanier, Robert 1744
{Lanier}, Hannah Slave Lanier, Robert 1744
{Lanier}, Jack Slave Lanier, Robert 1744
{Lenear}, Jack Slave Lenear, Sarah 1750
Lanier, Jean Daughter Lanier, Robert 1744
Lanier, John Son Lanier, Robert 1741
Lanier, John Witness Lanier, Robert 1741
Lanier, John Son Lanier, Robert 1744
Lenear, John Robert Witness Lenear, Sarah 1750
{Lanier}, Nan Slave Lanier, Robert 1744
{Lenear}, Nan Slave Lenear, Sarah 1750
{Lenear}, Ned Slave Lenear, Sarah 1750
{Lenear}, Pender Slave Lenear, Sarah 1750
Lanier, Robert Father Lanier, John 1741
Lanier, Robert Grandfather Daniel, Robert Lanier 1741
Lanier, Robert Witness Swanner, Mathias Tobias 1743
Lanier, Robert Deceased   1744
Lanier, Samariah Daughter Lanier, Robert 1744
Lanier, Sarah Daughter Lanier, Robert 1744
Lanier, Sarah Wife Lanier, Robert 1744
Lenear, Sarah Mother Lenear, William 1750
Lanier, William Son Lanier, Robert 1744
Lanier, William Guardian Swanner, Mathias Tobias 1743
Lenear, William Son Lenear, Sarah 1750
Lary, James Son Lary, James 1775
Lary, James Deceased   1775
Lary, Joseph Son Lary, James 1775
Lary, Martha Daughter Lary, James 1775
Lary, Salathiel Son Lary, James 1775
Lary, Sarah Wife Lary, James 1775
Lasher, Asa Son Lasher, John 1804
Lasher, John Deceased   1804
Lasseter, James Deceased   1764
Lasseter, Lettice Wife & Administratrix Lasseter, James 1764
Latham, Augustus Witness Armstrong, Nancy H. 1872
Latham, Charles Executor Spruill, Joseph A. 1860
Latham, Edgar R. Executor Wood, Susan 1877
Latham, Lina J. Grand daughter Wood, Susan 1877
Latham, Thomas H. Witness Armstrong, Nancy H. 1872
Lattimore, Samuel Legatee Powers, Joshua 1818
Laurence, Obediah Son in Law Fox, Thomas 1764
Larrance, Obediah Deceased   1782
Laurence, Obediah Brother in Law Fox, James 1783
Laurence, Obediah Administrator Hill, Thomas 1799
Laurence, Rachel Daughter Fox, Thomas 1764
Laurence, Rachel Heir Fox, John 1783
Laurence, Rachel Heir Fox, James 1783
Lawrence, Benjamin Witness Hooker, Stephen 1766
Lawson, Jno. Legatee Fewox, James 1710
Lawson, Mary Legatee & Executrix Fewox, James 1710
Lawson, Nathaniel Mentioned Fewox, James 1710
Leach, Joseph Deceased   1809
Leachfield, John B. Witness Wynne, Thomas T. 1848
Leachfield, Leary Brother Smith, Francis 1842
Leary, Charles Witness Basnight, B. S. 1871
{Leary}, Chat Slave Leary, Thomas 1780
Leary, Cors. Witness Long, Elizabeth 1736
Leary, Cornelius Son Leary, Richard 1738
Leary, Cornelius Brother Leary, Richard 1739
Leary, Cornelius Deceased   1742
Leary, Cornelius Administrator Harris, Joshua 1756
Leary, Cornelius Witness Leary, Richard 1769
Leary, Cornelious Brother Leary, John 1770
Leary, Cornelius Executor Swain, John Senr. 1787
Leary, Cornelius Witness Roussom, Edward 1787
Leary, Cornelius Witness Miller, James 1790
Leary, Elizabeth Daughter Worley, John 1739
Leary, Elizabeth Daughter Worley, John 1740
Leary, Elizabeth Daughter Young, Joseph 1772
Leary, Elizabeth Administratrix Leary, Richard 1782
{Leary}, Elizabeth Wife & Guardian Steeley, Thomas 1795
Leary, Elizabeth Grandaughter Powers, Joshua 1818
Leary, Enoch Executor Miller, James 1790
Leary, Enoch Son in Law Gray, Godfrey 1792
Leary, Enoch Guardian Hawkins, Thomas 1799
Leary, Enoch Executor Bateman, Isaac 1818
Leary, Ezekiel Son in Law Powers, Joshua 1818
Leary, Gilley Daughter Gray, Godfrey 1792
Leary, James Son Leary, Richard 1738
Leary, James Brother Leary, Cornelius 1742
Leary, James Witness Leary, Richard 1769
Leary, James Deceased   1777
Leary, Joahua Witness Swain, John 1765
Leary, John Son Leary, Richard 1738
Leary, John Brother Leary, Cornelius 1742
Leary, John Witness Tetterton, William 1759
Leary, John Senr. Father Leary, John 1767
Leary, John Son Leary, John Senr. 1767
Leary, John Brother Leary, Cornelious 1770
Leary, John Executor Roussom, Edward 1787
Leary, John Executor Swain, John Senr. 1787
Leary, Joseph Administrator Leary, James 1777
Leary, Joshua Witness Swain, John Senr. 1765
Leary, Joshua Witness Gilberd, Nicoles Senr. 1770
Leary, Joshua Witness Gilberd, Nicoles 1770
Leary, Joshua Son & Executor Leary, Thomas 1780
Leary, Joshua Executor & Witness Hassell, William Senr. 1783
Leary, Joshua Witness Long, Andrew 1785
Leary, Joshua Executor McDowell, Thomas 1786
Leary, Joshua Witness Hassell, Mourning 1797
Leary, Joyce Executrix Leary, Richard 1769
Leary, Kezia Witness Hawkins, Thomas 1759
Leary, Kizia Witness Tetterton, William 1759
Leary, Kezia Daughter Swain, John Senr. 1765
Leary, Kizia Daughter Powers, Joshua 1818
{Leary}, Michail Slave Leary, Thomas 1780
Leary, Mary Daughter Leary, Richard 1738
Leary, Mary Sister Leary, Cornelius 1742
{Leary}, Nero Slave Leary, Thomas 1780
Leary, Paulene E. Daughter Combs, John B. 1911
{Leary}, Penelope Daughter Leary, Thomas 1780
Leary, Rebechak Daughter Leary, Richard 1738
Leary, Rebuhak Sister Leary, Cornelius 1742
Leary, Richard Witness Hawkins, Thomas 1730
Leary, Richd. Witness Long, Elizabeth 1736
Leary, Richard Son Leary, Richard 1738
Leary, Richard Deceased   1738
Leary, Richard Brother Leary, Cornelius 1739
Leary, Richard Father Leary, Cornelius 1742
Leary, Richard Witness Leary, Cornelius 1742
Leary, Rich. Witness Blount, John Senr. 1761
Leary, Richard Deceased   1769
Leary, Richard Deceased   1782
Leary, Sarah Daughter Leary, Richard 1738
Leary, Sarah Wife Leary, Richard 1738
Leary, Sarah Witness Leary, Cornelius 1739
Leary, Sarah Sister Leary, Cornelius 1742
Leary, Thos. Witness Long, Elizabeth 1736
Leary, Thomas Son Leary, Richard 1738
Leary, Thos. Witness Leary, Cornelius 1739
Leary, Thos. Witness Worley, John 1739
Leary, Thomas Neighbor & Witness Hawkins, Thomas 1759
Leary, Thomas Executor Tetterton, William 1759
Leary, Thos. Witness Blount, John Senr. 1761
Leary, Thomas Witness Gray, Henry 1762
Leary, Thomas Witness Swain, John Senr. 1765
Leary, Thomas Witness Leary, Richard 1769
Leary, Thomas Mentioned Wiley, James 1770
Leary, Thos. Witness Gilberd, Nicoles Senr. 1770
Leary, Thos. Witness Gilberd, Nicoles 1770
Leary, Thomas Grandson Leary, Thomas 1780
Leary, Thomas Deceased   1780
{Lee}, Abbigal Slave Lee, Stevens 1747
{Lee}, Abraham Slave Lee, Stevens 1779
{Lee}, Adam Slave Lee, Stevens 1747
{Lee}, Adonis Slave Lee, Stevens 1779
{Lee}, Ambros Slave Lee, Thomas 1751
{Lee}, Ambros Slave Lee, Elizabeth 1753
{Lee}, Ambrus Slave Lee, Isaac 1764
{Lee}, Amy Slave Lee, Thomas 1751
Lee, Ann Wife Lee, Thomas 1796
{Lee}, Ben Slave Lee, Thomas 1751
{Lee}, Ben Slave Lee, Isaac 1764
{Lee}, Bess Slave Lee, Stevens 1779
{Lee}, Big Rachel Slave Lee, Stevens 1779
{Lee}, Boss Slave Lee, Stevens 1747
{Lee}, Cate Slave Lee, Steven 1764
{Lee}, Cesar Slave Lee, Stevens 1779
{Lee}, Cleo Slave Lee, Stevens 1779
{Lee}, Cloe Slave Lee, Thomas 1751
{Lee}, Con Slave Lee, Thomas 1796
{Lee}, Daniel Slave Lee, Stevens 1779
{Lee}, Daph Slave Lee, Stevens 1747
Lee, David Deceased   1799
{Lee}, David Slave Lee, Thomas 1796
{Lee}, Dick Slave Lee, Stevens 1747
{Lee}, Dick Slave Lee, Thomas 1796
{Lee}, Dido Slave Lee, Stevens 1747
{Lee}, Dinah Slave Lee, Thomas 1751
{Lee}, Duroy Slave Lee, Stevens 1747
Lee, Edward {Nephew} Lee, Thomas 1716
Lee, Elizabeth {Neice} Lee, Thomas 1716
Lee, Elizabeth Wife Lee, Stevens 1747
Lee, Elizabeth Wife Lee, Thomas 1751
Lee, Elizabeth Witness Pollock, Cullen 1751
Lee, Elizabeth Mother Lee, Stephens 1753
{Lee}, Elizabeth Mother Lee, Francis 1771
{Lee}, Elizabeth Sister Lee, Francis 1771
Lee, Elisabeth Daughter Lee, Stevens 1779
{Lee}, Emperour Slave Lee, Stevens 1747
{Lee}, Eve Slave Lee, Stevens 1747
Lee, Frances Daughter Lee, Stevens 1747
Lee, Francis Son Lee, Thomas 1751
Lee, Frances Daughter Jones, Evan 1752
Lee, Francis Brother Lee, Isaac 1764
Lee, Francis Witness Ward, Francis 1771
Lee, Francis Deceased   1771
{Lee}, Francis Daughter Lee, Stevens 1779
{Lee}, Grent Slave Lee, Stevens 1779
{Lee}, Hannah Slave Lee, Stevens 1779
{Lee}, Harry Slave Lee, Thomas 1751
{Lee}, Hercules Slave Lee, Stevens 1747
Lee, Isaac Son Lee, Thomas 1751
Lee, Isaac Deceased   1764
{Lee}, Jack Slave Lee, Stevens 1747
{Lee}, Jack Slave Lee, Thomas 1751
{Lee}, Jenney Slave Lee, Stevens 1747
{Lee}, Jo Slave Lee, Thomas 1751
Lee, John Neighbor Ward, James 1765
{Lee}, Judie Slave Lee, Stevens 1779
{Lee}, L. Slave Lee, Stevens 1779
{Lee}, L. Jac Slave Lee, Stevens 1779
{Lee}, L. Rachel Slave Lee, Stevens 1779
{Lee}, Little Dick Slave Lee, Stevens 1747
{Lee}, Little Duroy Slave Lee, Stevens 1779
{Lee}, Lucey Slave Lee, Stevens 1779
{Lee}, Manuel Slave Lee, Stevens 1779
{Lee}, March Slave Lee, Stevens 1747
{Lee}, Marey Sister Lee, Francis 1771
Lee, Mary Wife Lee, Thomas 1716
Lee, Mary Deceased   1716
Lee, Mary Daughter Lee, Thomas 1751
Lee, Mary Daughter Fagan, Richard 1773
Lee, Mary Daughter Lee, Stevens 1779
Lee, Mary Wife Lee, Stevens 1779
Lee, Mary Daughter & Administratrix Fagan, Sarah 1780
Lee, Mary Witness Davison, Robert 1783
Lee, Mary Mother Lee, Thomas 1786
{Lee}, Moll L. Slave Lee, Stevens 1779
{Lee}, Nan Slave Lee, Steven 1764
{Lee}, Old Nancy Slave Lee, Stevens 1779
{Lee}, Old Sam Slave Lee, Stevens 1747
{Lee}, Peter Slave Lee, Stevens 1747
{Lee}, Phebe Slave Lee, Thomas 1751
{Lee}, Quaqua ? Slave Lee, Thomas 1751
{Lee}, Rose Slave Lee, Stevens 1747
{Lee}, Rose Slave Lee, Thomas 1751
{Lee}, Rose Slave Lee, Isaac 1764
Lee, R. E. Nephew Alexander, Alice E. 1918
{Lee}, Sal Slave Lee, Stevens 1779
{Lee}, Sam Brickhouse Slave Lee, Stevens 1779
Lee, Samuel Deceased   1792
Lee, Sarah Daughter in Law Lee, Thomas 1751
[Lee}, Sarah Wife Lee, Francis 1771
{Lee}, Sarah Daughter Lee, Stevens 1779
{Lee}, Sarah Daughter Lee, Stevens 1779
Lee, Sarah Wife Crooke, Clement 1799
{Lee}, Sharper Slave Lee, Stevens 1777
Lee, Stephens Son Lee, Thomas 1716
Lee, Stephen Witness Fryly, William 1737
Lee, Stephen Executor Downing, William 1739
Lee, Steven Executor Canady, Richard 1744
Lee, Stevens Son Lee, Stevens 1747
Lee, Stevens Deceased   1747
Lee, Stephen Executor Downing, William 1748
Lee, Stevens Son Lee, Thomas 1751
Lee, Stevens Executor Lee, Thomas 1751
Lee, Stevens Executor Pollock, Cullen 1751
Lee, Stephens Son Lee, Elizabeth 1753
Lee, Steven Uncle Gray, Steven 1764
Lee, Steven Uncle Gray, Ann 1764
Lee, Stevens Executor Blount, Jacob Senr. 1765
Lee, Steven Mentioned Mackey, William 1765
Lee, Steven Executor Williams, Edward 1765
Lee, Stevens Guardian Downing, William 1765
Lee, Stevens Neighbor Gilberd, Nicoles 1770
Lee, Stevens Witness Ward, Francis 1771
Lee, Stephens Administrator Lee, Francis 1771
Lee, Stevens Grantor Downing, Stevens 1777
Lee, Stevens Grantor Downing, Richard 1777
Lee, Stevens Daughter Crooke, Sarah 1779
Lee, Stevens Son in Law Crooke, Clement 1779
Lee, Stevens Deceased   1779
{Lee}, Syllor Slave Lee, Stevens 1779
Lee, Thomas Husband Lee, Mary 1716
Lee, Thomas Deceased   1716
Lee, Thomas Witness Fryly, William 1737
Lee, Thomas Witness Middleton, Henry Sr. 1738/9
Lee, Thomas Son in law Downing, William 1739
Lee, Thomas Executor Lee, Stevens 1747
Lee, Thomas Neighbor Rhoads, William Senr. 1749
Lee, Thomas Witness Bell, Elizabeth 1750
Lee, Thomas Son Lee, Thomas 1751
Lee, Thomas Mentioned Carkeet, Benjamin 1751
Lee, Thomas Deceased   1751
Lee, Thomas Grantee Blount, Mary 1752
Lee, Thomas Grantee Davenport, Elizabeth 1752
Lee, Thomas Grantee Lewis, Ann 1752
Lee, Thomas Brother Lee, Isaac 1764
Lee, Thomas Executor Lee, Francis 1771
Lee, Thomas Mentioned Airs, John 1776
Lee, Thomas Son Lee, Stevens 1779
Lee, Thomas Son Lee, Mary 1786
Lee, Thos. Neighbor Cooley, Penelope 1794
Lee, Thomas Deceased   1796
{Lee}, Tony Slave Lee, Stevens 1777
{Lee}, Toney Slave Lee, Stevens 1779
{Lee}, Tony Slave Lee, Thomas 1796
Lee, William Brother Lee, Thomas 1716
Lee, William {Nephew} Lee, Thomas 1716
{Lee}, Winney Slave Lee, Stevens 1779
{Lee}, York Slave Lee, Isaac 1764
{Lee}, Young Sam Slave Lee, Stevens 1747
Legett, Daniel Junr. Deceased   1777
Leggett, Daniel Witness Everitt, Nathaniel 1782
Leggett, Daniel Witness Hopkins, Thomas 1794
Leggett, Luke Witness Everitt, Nathaniel 1782
Leggett, Daniel Witness Harrison, Thomas 1783
Leggett, Mary Daughter Butler, John 1772
Legget, Elias Son Legget, Elias 1761
Legget, Elias Deceased   1761
Legget, James Brother & Executor Legget, Elias 1761
Legget, Jeremiah Son Legget, Elias 1761
Leggett, Luke Witness Harrison, Thomas 1783
Leggett, Martha Daughter Garrett, James 1798
Legitt, Penelope Wife & Administratrix Earl, William 1798
Legget, Sarah Wife Legget, Elias 1761
Legget, William Son Legget, Elias 1761
Leggett, Wm. Grandson Garrett, James 1798
Leggett, Wm. Heir Garrett, James 1799
Leich, Jos. Mentioned Spruill, Samuel 1832
{Leigh}, Adam Slave Leigh, Thomas 1822
Leigh, Ann Elizabeth Daughter Leigh, Thomas 1822
{Leigh}, Beck Slave Leigh, Thomas 1822
Leigh, Benjamin Son Leigh, Thomas 1822
Leigh, Benjamin Witness Hassell, Amelia 1825
Leigh, Benjamin Deceased   1826
Leigh, Benjamin Uncle Mann, Thomas E. 1840
Leigh, Charlotte Daughter Spruill, Hezekiah 1802
Leigh, Charlotte Grandaughter Spruill, Hezekiah 1802
{Leigh}, Chloe Slave Leigh, Thomas 1822
{Leigh}, Christopher Raney Slave Leigh, Thomas 1822
{Leigh}, Daniel Slave Leigh, Thomas 1822
{Leigh}, Dave Slave Leigh, Thomas 1822
Leigh, Elizabeth Grandaughter Spruill, Hezekiah 1802
Leigh, Eph Witness Spruill, Benjamin 1874
Leigh, Ephraim Mentioned Minchee, Michael 1868
Leigh, Ephraim Witness Haskins, Sarah 187X
{Leigh}, Esther Slave Leigh, Thomas 1822
{Leigh}, Easter Slave Leigh, Thomas 1822
{Leigh}, Hannah Slave Leigh, Thomas 1822
Leigh, Hezekiah Gilbert Grandson Spruill, Hezekiah 1802
{Leigh}, Isaac Slave Leigh, Thomas 1822
{Leigh}, Jane Slave Leigh, Thomas 1822
{Leigh}, Jerry Slave Leigh, Thomas 1822
{Leigh}, Jinny Slave Leigh, Thomas 1822
Leigh, Lois Grandaughter Spruill, Hezekiah 1802
{Leigh}, London Slave Leigh, Thomas 1822
{Leigh}, Mackro Moses Slave Leigh, Thomas 1822
{Leigh}, Major Slave Leigh, Thomas 1822
{Leigh}, Milly Slave Leigh, Thomas 1822
{Leigh}, Mustifer Slave Leigh, Thomas 1822
Leigh, Nancy Daughter in Law Mann, Edward 1816
{Leigh}, Nize Slave Leigh, Thomas 1822
{Leigh}, Peg Slave Leigh, Thomas 1822
{Leigh}, Penny Slave Leigh, Thomas 1822
{Leigh}, Rainey Slave Leigh, Thomas 1822
Leigh, Richard Son in law Spruill, Hezekiah 1802
Leigh, Rosanah Daughter & Executrix Spruill, Hezekiah 1802
Leigh, Rosanna Wife Leigh, Thomas 1822
Leigh, Rose Ann Daughter Leigh, Thomas 1822
Leigh, Rosina Grandmother Mann, Thomas E. 1840
Leigh, Samuel Witness Swain, Rachel 1817
Leigh, Samuel Son & Executor Leigh, Thomas 1822
Leigh, Samuel Guardian Alexander, John (Maj) 1823
Leigh, Samuel Administrator Leigh, Benjamin 1826
Leigh, Samuel Administrator & Guardian Etheridge, William 1836
Leigh, Samuel Witness Alexander, George H. 1836
Leigh, Samuel Grand son Mann, Thomas E. 1840
Leigh, Samuel Witness Spruill, Richard 1840
Leigh, Sarah Grandaughter Spruill, Hezekiah 1802
{Leigh}, Silus Slave Leigh, Thomas 1822
{Leigh}, Tamer Slave Leigh, Thomas 1822
{Leigh}, Tamer Slave Leigh, Benjamin 1826
Leigh, Thomas Master Hopkins, Edmund 1797
Leigh, Thomas Son in Law Spruill, Hezekiah 1802
Leigh, Thomas Guardian Alexander, William 1804
Leigh, Thomas Guardian Dowdy, William 1811
Leigh, Thomas Witness Dowdy, William 1811
Leigh, Thomas Executor & Guardian Midyett, Ann 1815
Leigh, Thomas Guardian Combs, William 1819
Leigh, Thomas Witness Brickhouse, William Senr. 1821
Leigh, Thomas Deceased   1822
Leigh, Thomas Father Leigh, Benjamin 1826
Leigh, Thomas Grand father Mann, Thomas E. 1840
Leigh, Thos. Witness Brickhouse, John 1809
{Leigh}, Two loged lon Slave Leigh, Thomas 1822
{Leigh}, Truman Slave Leigh, Benjamin 1826
Lenire, Richard Mentioned Massey, Fredrick 1811
Lenning, John Mentioned Harvey, Mitellas 1781
Lenox, Robert Fiance Pollock, Frances 1751
Lenox, Robert Executor Mackey, William 1765
LeRoy, Margaret Neighbor Bateman, Lois 1921
{Lewis}, Aaron Slave Lewis, Thomas 1853
{Lewis}, Amanda Slave Lewis, Thomas 1853
Lewis, Ann Daughter Hawkins, James 1752
Lewis, Ann Wife Lewis, Thomas 1752
Lewis, Ann Grantor Lee, Thomas 1752
Lewis, Ann Executrix Turner, Joshua 1754
Lewis, Ann Administratrix Lewis, Thomas 1755
{Lewis}, Annis Slave Lewis, Thomas 1853
Lewis, Charles J. Son Lewis, Thomas 1853
{Lewis}, Charlotte Slave Lewis, Thomas 1853
{Lewis}, Eliza Daughter Lewis, Thomas 1853
{Lewis}, Eliza Slave Lewis, Thomas 1853
Lewis, Elizabeth Daughter Lewis, Thomas 1755
{Lewis}, Eveline Slave Lewis, Thomas 1853
Lewis, Exum Witness Blount, Jacob Senr. 1765
{Lewis}, Francis Slave Lewis, Thomas 1853
{Lewis}, George Slave Lewis, Thomas 1853
Lewis, H. E. Witness Alexander, Abner 1845
Lewis, H. E. Witness Spruill, William N. 1848
Lewis, Hender Witness Alexander, John G. 1853
Lewis, Henderson Son Lewis, Thomas 1853
Lewis, Henderson Witness Bateman, Henry 1857
Lewis, Henderson Witness Clayton, David 1857
Lewis, Henderson Witness Alexander, Nathan 1862
Lewis, Henry Mentioned Pritchett, David 1859
Lewis, Henry E. Witness Wynne, Robert 1852
{Lewis}, Hester Slave Lewis, Thomas 1853
Lewis, Hezekiah P. Son Lewis, Thomas 1853
Lewis, H. E. Witness Wynne, Jeremiah 1831
Lewis, H. E. Witness Hassell, Richard D. 1842
Lewis, H. E. Witness Dillen, Sally 1848
Lewis, H. E. Witness Bateman, Lois 1849
Lewis, H. E. Witness Davenport, Silas 1852
Lewis, H. E. Witness Halsey, Mary R. 1854
Lewis, H. E. (Dr.) Witness Lewis, Thomas 1853
Lewis, H. G. Witness Swain, Jesse 1833
{Lewis}, James Slave Lewis, Thomas 1853
Lewis, James L. Witness Cahoon, George 1914
Lewis, Jesse Legatee Turner, Joshua 1754
Lewis, Jesse Executor Turner, Joshua 1754
Lewis, Jesse Son Lewis, Thomas 1755
Lewis, Jesse Master Bateman, Godfrey 1775
Lewis, Jessy Master Spruill, Ann 1775
Lewis, Joseph Mentioned Cheson, Elizabeth 1814
Lewis, Joshua Son Lewis, Thomas 1755
{Lewis}, Joshua Slave Lewis, Thomas 1853
{Lewis}, Maria Slave Lewis, Thomas 1853
Lewis, Mary J. Wife of Grandson Alexander, Jesse Col. 1818
{Lewis}, Phebe Slave Lewis, Thomas 1853
{Lewis}, Sampson Slave Lewis, Thomas 1853
Lewis, Sarah Daughter Applegate, William 1816
Lewis, Thomas Husband Lewis, Ann 1752
Lewis, Thomas Son in Law Hawkins, James 1752
Lewis, Thomas Deceased   1755
Lewis, Thomas Son Lewis, Thomas 1755
Lewis, Thomas Mentioned Cheson, Elizabeth 1814
Lewis, Thomas Witness Bateman, Joseph 1827
Lewis, Thomas Witness Pettigrew, Ebenizer 1848
Lewis, Thomas Deceased   1853
Lewis, William Son in Law Applegate, William 1816
Lewis, Willis W. Witness Dillen, Sally 1848
Liechfield, A. D. Executor Holida, Canada 1876
Liechfield, James Witness Twidy, Levi 1882
Liechfield, W. A. Mentioned Brickhouse, James 1881
Ligon, Green W. Deceased   1838
Liles, George Witness Haughton, William 1756
Lindsey, Jonathan Mentioned Spruill, William 1840
Linnington, Edward Executors Ludford, William 1732
Linnington, George Witness Ludford, William 1732
Linon ?, Robert Executor McKildoe, John 1772
Linton, Elizabeth Wife & Executrix Linton, Lamuel none
{Linton}, Hannah Sister Sikes, Abel 1818
{Linton}, Hannah Remarried Wife Sawyer, Josiah 1822
Linton, Hannah Daughter Sikes, John 1826
Linton, Jemime Daughter Linton, Lamuel none
Linton, Jesse Deceased   1820
Linton, Lamuel Deceased   none
Linton, Robert Brother in Law Sikes, Abel 1818
Linton, Robert Husband of Widow & Guardian Sawyer, Josiah 1822
Litchfield, Abram D. Son in Law Swain, Jesse 1833
Litchfield, Abram D. Husband Wynne, Ann Eliza 1840
Litchfield, Abram D. Son in Law Wynne, Tully 1840
Litchfield, Abram D. Deceased   1886
Litchfield, Ann Eliza Wife Litchfield, Abram D. 1840
Litchfield, Ann Eliza Daughter Wynne, Tully 1840
Litchfield, Ann Eliza Wife Litchfield, Abram D. 1886
Litchfield, Claudius Son Litchfield, Abram D. 1886
Litchfield, Climmy Daughter Litchfield, Abram D. 1886
Litchfield, E. R. Son Litchfield, Abram D. 1886
Litchfield, Elizabeth Wife & Administratrix Litchfield, Jacob 1806
{Litchfield}, Ferebee Son in Law Swain, Jesse 1833
{Litchfield}, Florence Gertrude Daughter Litchfield, Abram D. 1886
Litchfield, George Witness Mann, Samuel 1822
Litchfield, George Husband Hassell, Victorine 1840
Litchfield, Jacob Deceased   1806
Litchfield, James Administrator Cooper, James 1866
Litchfield, Jerry A. Witness Meekins, Johnathan H. 1886
Litchfield, Jesse Son Litchfield, Abram D. 1886
Litchfield, Livinia {Daughter} Cooper, James 1866
Litchfield, W. A. Son Litchfield, Abram D. 1886
Littlejohn, Thomas B. Administrator Combs, John Joseph 1796
Littlejohn, Elizabeth Grand daughter Collins, Josiah 1819
Littlejohn, William G Grand son Collins, Josiah 1819
Littlejohn, W. A. Witness Alexander, Allen 1866
Little, John Mentioned Mackey, William 1765
Liverman, Abenia/Abiah Son Liverman, John Senr. 1808
{Liverman}, Abim Slave Liverman, Thomas 1818
{Liverman}, Abram Slave Livermon, William Senr. 1805
Liverman, Adiment/Adamant Son & Guardian Liverman, John Senr. 1808
Liverman, Adamant Administrator Liverman, William 1824
Liverman, Adamant Deceased   1835
Liverman, Adamant Husband Cohoon, Julia 1835
Liverman, Adamant Father Liverman, Eliza 1835
Liverman, Adamant Father Liverman, Frederick J. 1835
Liverman, Adamant Father Liverman, Nancy 1835
Liverman, Adamant Father Liverman, Angelico 1835
Liverman, Adamant Father Liverman, Mary 1835
Liverman, Affa Daughter in Law Basnight, Lemuel 1839
{Liverman}, Afrey Slave Liverman, John Junr. 1810
{Livermon}, Aggy Slave Livermon, Thomas Senr. 1808
{Liverman}, Amey Slave Liverman, John Junr. 1810
{Liverman}, Andrew Slave Liverman, John William 1783
{Livermon}, Andrew Slave Livermon, Thomas Senr. 1808
{Liverman}, Andrew Slave Liverman, Dempsy 1837
Liverman, Angelico Daughter Liverman, Adamant 1835
Liverman, Angelico Wife Meekins, Asa 1835
{Liverman}, Anisto Slave Liverman, Thomas 1818
Liverman, Ann Daughter Liverman, Thomas 1818
{Liverman}, Annica Slave Liverman, William Junr. 1831
{Liverman}, Anton Slave Liverman, John Junr. 1810
Livermon, Asa Son Livermon, William Senr. 1805
Livermon, Ashby B. Son Livermon, Justice B. 1812
Liverman, Ashberry Nephew Liverman, Thomas B. 1812
Liverman, Ashbury Son Liverman, Jethro 1815
Liverman, Ashbee Son in Law Liverman, Thomas 1818
Liverman, Ashbee Administrator Davenport, James 1837
Liverman, Ashby/Ashbury Son in Law Basnight, Jacob 1845
Liverman, Barnhard Ammerlong Deceased   1781
Liverman, Benjamin Administrator Smith, Justice 1808
{Liverman}, Baly Slave Liverman, William Junr. 1831
{Liverman}, Ben Slave Liverman, Thomas 1818
{Liverman}, Benjamin Slave Liverman, William Junr. 1831
{Liverman}, Bob Slave Livermon, William Senr. 1805
Livermon, Brittani B. Daughter Livermon, Justice B. 1812
Liverman, Britty Niece Liverman, Thomas B. 1812
Liverman, Brittie Daughter Bowzer, William F. 1915
Liverman, Brookey Sister in Law Liverman, Thomas B. 1812
Liverman, Charlotte/Sharlotty Daughter Liverman, John Senr. 1808
{Liverman}, Clem Slave Liverman, William Junr. 1831
{Liverman}, Chloe Slave Liverman, John William 1783
{Livermon}, Cloe Slave Livermon, Thomas Senr. 1808
{Liverman}, Cloe Slave Liverman, John Junr. 1810
{Liverman}, Cloe Slave Liverman, Thomas 1818
Liverman, Clive V. Great nephew Holmes, L. E. 1918
{Liverman}, Cooper Slave Liverman, Thomas 1818
{Liverman}, Daniel Slave Liverman, John William 1783
{Liverman}, David Slave Liverman, William 1805
Liverman, Delaney Grandchild Liverman, John Senr. 1808
Livermon, Dempsey Son Livermon, Thomas Senr. 1808
Liverman, Dempsey Son in Law Liverman, John Junr. 1810
Liverman, Dempsey Brother Liverman, Thomas B. 1812
Liverman, Dempsey Mentioned Liverman, Thomas 1818
Liverman, Dempsey Brother & Executor Liverman, Isaac 1821
Liverman, Dempsey Son Liverman, Isaac 1821
Liverman, Dempsey Executor Patrick, Jno. A. 1821
Liverman, Dempsey Executor Patrick, John A. 1821
Liverman, Dempsey Witness Liverman, Sarah 1822
Liverman, Dempsey Executor Liverman, Mary 1828
Liverman, Dempsy Executor Garrett, Jemima 1825
Liverman, Dempsey Guardian Liverman, William Junr. 1831
Liverman, Dempsey Witness Meekins, William 1832
Liverman, Dempsey Deceased   1837
Liverman, Director/Selectial Grandchild Liverman, John Senr. 1808
{Livermon}, Easter Slave Livermon, Thomas Senr. 1808
Liverman, Elias Son Liverman, John Junr. 1810
Liverman, Elias {Son} Liverman, Mary 1828
Liverman, Elias Deceased   1839
Liverman, Elias Brother Liverman, Mary 1855
{Liverman}, Elisabeth/Betty/Ziney Daughter Liverman, John Senr. 1808
{Liverman}, Elizabeth Daughter in Law Liverman, John Senr. 1808
{Liverman}, Elizabeth Daughter in Law Liverman, John Junr. 1810
Livermon, Elizabeth S. Daughter Livermon, Justice B. 1812
Liverman, Betsy Niece Liverman, Thomas B. 1812
{Liverman}, Elizabeth Deceased Wife Liverman, Isaac 1821
Liverman, Elizabeth Daughter Liverman, William Junr. 1831
{Liverman}, Eliza Slave Liverman, William Junr. 1831
Liverman, Eliza Daughter Liverman, Adamant 1835
Liverman, Elizabeth Wife Liverman, Elias 1839
{Liverman}, Ellick Slave Livermon, William Senr. 1805
{Liverman}, Ellie Slave Liverman, Elias 1839
Liverman, Enos Son Liverman, William Junr. 1831
Liverman, Esther Daughter Liverman, Jethro 1815
{Liverman}, Fanny Slave Livermon, William Senr. 1805
{Liverman}, Farobe Slave Liverman, Dempsy 1837
Liverman, Franklin {Son} Liverman, Dempsy 1837
Liverman, Franklin {Nephew} Liverman, Mary 1855
Liverman, Fredrick Son Liverman, John Senr. 1808
Liverman, Frederick J. Son Liverman, Adamant 1835
Liverman, Frederic Son Liverman, Dempsy 1837
{Liverman}, Frederick {Nephew} Liverman, Mary 1855
{Livermon}, Ganza Slave Livermon, William Senr. 1805
{Liverman}, Ganza Slave Liverman, Sarah 1822
Liverman, George L. Grandson Liverman, Thomas 1818
Liverman, George L. Greatgrandson Liverman, Thomas 1818
{Liverman}, George Slave Liverman, William Junr. 1831
{Liverman}, Hank Slave Liverman, John Junr. 1810
{Liverman}, Hannah Slave Liverman, John Junr. 1810
Liverman, Hardy Son Liverman, Jethro 1815
Liverman, Hardy H. Deceased   1869
{Liverman}, Harkles Slave Liverman, Dempsy 1837
Liverman, Hezekiah Son Liverman, John Senr. 1808
Liverman, Hezekiah Deceased   1817
Liverman, Hezekiah Witness Liverman, Mary 1855
Livermon, Isaac Son Livermon, Thomas Senr. 1808
Liverman, Isaac B. Administrator & Brother Liverman, Thomas B. 1812
Liverman, Isaac Deceased   1821
{Liverman}, Isaac Slave Liverman, William Junr. 1831
Liverman, Isaiah Son Liverman, John Senr. 1808
{Liverman}, Isam Slave Liverman, William 1805
Liverman, I. E. Niece Holmes, L. E. 1918
{Livermon}, Jack Slave Livermon, Thomas Senr. 1808
{Liverman}, Jack Bold Slave Liverman, Thomas 1818
Livermon, James Son & Executor Livermon, William Senr. 1805
{Liverman}, James Slave Liverman, John Senr. 1808
Liverman, James Deceased   1825
Liverman, James M. Witness Liverman, Hardy H. 1869
Liverman, James M. Deceased   1879
Liverman, Jane Wife of Grandson Liverman, John Senr. 1808
{Liverman}, Jeckanias Slave Liverman, Dempsy 1837
{Liverman}, Jesse Slave Liverman, John Junr. 1810
Liverman, Jesse Deceased   1822
Liverman, Gethro/Jethro Son Liverman, John Senr. 1808
{Liverman}, Jacob Slave Liverman, William Junr. 1831
Liverman, Jenny Grandaughter Liverman, John Senr. 1808
Liverman, Jethro Deceased   1815
{Livermon}, Jick (?) Slave Livermon, Thomas Senr. 1808
{Liverman}, Jimmy Slave Liverman, John William 1783
{Liverman}, Jim Slave Liverman, Thomas 1818
Liverman, Jno. M. Mentioned Liverman, Hardy H. 1869
Liverman, John Witness Meekins, Ann 1774
Liverman, John Witness Rousham, William 1782
Liverman, John Son Liverman, John William 1783
Liverman, John son of William Witness Liverman, John William 1783
Liverman, John Mentioned Meekins, Isaac 1790
Liverman, John Son Liverman, William 1794
Liverman, John Brother & Witness Liverman, William 1794
Liverman, John Witness Ward, Anthony 1797
Livermon, John Son Livermon, William Senr. 1805
Liverman, John Senr. Deceased   1808
Liverman, John Son Liverman, John Senr. 1808
Liverman, John Witness Liverman, John Senr. 1808
Liverman, John Junr. Deceased   1810
Liverman, John Son Liverman, John Junr. 1810
Liverman, John Son Liverman, Jethro 1815
Liverman, John D. Son & Administrator Liverman, William Junr. 1831
Liverman, John Son Liverman, Elias 1839
Liverman, John Husband of Widow Walker, John V. 1839
Liverman, John {Nephew} Liverman, Mary 1855
Liverman, John William Deceased   1783
Liverman, Johnson J. Grandson Liverman, Thomas 1818
Liverman, Joseph B. Guardian Cohoon, Ashberry 1872
Liverman, Josiah/Joseph Son Liverman, John Senr. 1808
{Liverman}, Josua Slave Liverman, John Junr. 1810
{Liverman}, Julia Daughter in Law Liverman, John Senr. 1808
Liverman, Julia Wife Liverman, Adamant 1835
Livermon, Justice Son & Guardian Livermon, Thomas Senr. 1808
Livermon, Justice B. Deceased   1812
Liverman, Justice B. Brother Liverman, Thomas B. 1812
Liverman, Keziah Remarried Widow Walker, John V. 1839
{Liverman}, Larey Slave Livermon, William Senr. 1805
{Liverman}, Levi Slave Livermon, William Senr. 1805
{Liverman}, Lewis Slave Livermon, William Senr. 1805
{Liverman}, Louisa Daughter in Law Liverman, Thomas 1818
Liverman, Louisa Daughter Sikes, Abel 1818
{Liverman}, Louisa Daughter Liverman, William Junr. 1831
{Liverman}, Luce Slave Liverman, Thomas 1818
{Liverman}, Kate Slave Liverman, William Junr. 1831
Liverman, Maraney Daughter Liverman, Hezekiah 1817
Liverman, Maria Daughter Liverman, Thomas 1818
Liverman, Mariah Daughter Liverman, Dempsy 1837
Liverman, Maria Deceased   1838
Liverman, Mariney Wife Clayton, Thomas W. 1842
{Liverman}, Martha {Daughter} Liverman, Mary 1828
Liverman, Martha Daughter Liverman, Elias 1839
{Liverman}, Martha Sister Liverman, Mary 1855
{Livermon}, Mary Daughter Livermon, William Senr. 1805
{Liverman}, Mary Daughter Liverman, John Senr. 1808
{Liverman}, Mary Daughter in Law Liverman, John Senr. 1808
Liverman, Mary Wife & Administratrix Liverman, John Junr. 1810
Livermon, Mary "Polly" W. Daughter Livermon, Justice B. 1812
Liverman, Mary Wife Liverman, Jethro 1815
Liverman, Mary Maiden Name Banks, Mary 1818
Liverman, Mary/Polly Daughter Liverman, Thomas 1818
Liverman, Mary Grandaughter Liverman, Thomas 1818
Liverman, Mary Daughter Brickhouse, William Senr. 1821
Liverman, Mary Executrix Liverman, James 1825
Liverman, Mary Deceased   1828
Liverman, Mary Wife Godwin, John 1835
Liverman, Mary Daughter Liverman, Adamant 1835
Liverman, Mary Mentioned Liverman, Dempsy 1837
Liverman, Mary Wife Liverman, William C. 1837
Liverman, Mary Deceased   1855
Liverman, Merium/Marium Grandaughter Liverman, John Senr. 1808
Liverman, Miles Son Liverman, John Senr. 1808
Liverman, Miles Witness Cohoon, Joseph 1817
{Liverman}, Mingo Slave Livermon, William Senr. 1805
{Liverman}, Mingo Slave Liverman, Thomas 1818
Liverman, Morning Grandaughter Liverman, John Senr. 1808
Liverman, Nancy Wife & Executrix Liverman, John Senr. 1808
Liverman, Nancy Daughter Liverman, John Senr. 1808
Liverman, Nancy Daughter Liverman, John Junr. 1810
{Liverman}, Nancy {Daughter} Liverman, Mary 1828
Liverman, Nancy Daughter Liverman, Adamant 1835
{Liverman}, Nancy Sister Liverman, Mary 1855
{Liverman}, Nelly Slave Livermon, William Senr. 1805
{Liverman}, Nell Slave Liverman, William Junr. 1831
Livermon, Patrick Son Livermon, Justice B. 1812
Liverman, Patrick Nephew Liverman, Thomas B. 1812
Liverman, Patrick Deceased   1830
Liverman, Patty Daughter Liverman, William 1805
Livermon, Patsey Daughter Livermon, William Senr. 1805
Liverman, Patty/Patsey Daughter Liverman, John Junr. 1810
Liverman, Patsey Daughter Liverman, Sarah 1822
Livermon, Pembroke "Brookey" Wife & Executrix Livermon, Justice B. 1812
Liverman, Pembroke Administrator Liverman, Jesse 1822
{Liverman}, Penny Slave Liverman, William Junr. 1831
Liverman, Permelia Daughter Liverman, Jethro 1815
Livermon, Feaby Daughter Livermon, Thomas Senr. 1808
Liverman, Phebee Sister Liverman, Thomas B. 1812
Liverman, Phebe Wife & Executrix Liverman, Thomas 1818
Liverman, Phoebe Grandaughter Liverman, Thomas 1818
Liverman, Phebe Guardian Liverman, Jesse 1822
Liverman, Phebe Ann Wife Liverman, Hardy H. 1869
{Livermon}, Fillis Slave Livermon, William Senr. 1805
{Liverman}, Polly Daughter in Law Liverman, John Senr. 1808
Liverman, Polley Daughter Liverman, John Junr. 1810
Liverman, Polley Niece Liverman, Thomas B. 1812
{Liverman}, Fillis Slave Liverman, Sarah 1822
Liverman, Polly Daughter Liverman, Mary 1828
Liverman, Polly Daughter Liverman, Elias 1839
{Liverman}, Polly {Niece} Liverman, Mary 1855
Liverman, Prusia Daughter Liverman, Thomas 1818
{Liverman}, Randal Slave Livermon, William Senr. 1805
{Liverman}, Redick Slave Liverman, William Junr. 1831
Liverman, Richard Son Liverman, Hezekiah 1817
{Liverman}, Richard Slave Liverman, Mary 1828
{Liverman}, Road Slave Liverman, Thomas 1818
{Liverman}, Rosanna Daughter Meekins, John Senr. 1831
{Liverman}, Rose Slave Liverman, John Junr. 1810
{Liverman}, Ruth Slave Livermon, William Senr. 1805
Liverman, Sarah Daughter Liverman, William 1805
Livermon, Sarah Daughter Livermon, William Senr. 1805
Livermon, Sarah Wife & Executrix Livermon, William Senr. 1805
{Livermon}, Sall Slave Livermon, Thomas Senr. 1808
{Liverman}, Sall Slave Liverman, Thomas 1818
{Liverman}, Sam Slave Liverman, Thomas 1818
Liverman, Sarah Daughter Liverman, Thomas 1818
Liverman, Sarah Deceased   1822
Liverman, Sarey Daughter Liverman, Sarah 1822
Liverman, Sarah {Daughter} Liverman, Mary 1828
{Liverman}, Sall Slave Livermon, William Senr. 1805
{Liverman}, Sally Daughter in Law Liverman, John Senr. 1808
Liverman, Sally Daughter Liverman, John Junr. 1810
{Liverman}, Sally Wife Alford, William 1840
Liverman, Sally Sister Liverman, Mary 1855
Liverman, Samuel Son Liverman, William C. 1837
Liverman, Selectial/Director Grandchild Liverman, John Senr. 1808
{Liverman}, Selia Slave Livermon, William Senr. 1805
{Liverman}, Sealy Slave Liverman, William Junr. 1831
{Liverman}, Shack Slave Liverman, William Junr. 1831
{Liverman}, Silvia Slave Livermon, William Senr. 1805
{Liverman}, Silvy Slave Liverman, William Junr. 1831
Liverman, Spence Son Liverman, John Junr. 1810
{Livermon}, Susan Daughter Livermon, William Senr. 1805
{Liverman}, Tamer Slave Liverman, William Junr. 1831
Liverman, Thomas Administrator Liverman, Barnhard Ammerlong 1781
Liverman, Thomas Son Liverman, John William 1783
Liverman, Thomas Witness Poole, John 1794
Liverman, Thomas Administrator Curless, Joseph 1801
Liverman, Thomas Witness Jones, Robert 1802
Livermon, Thomas Son & Executor Livermon, William Senr. 1805
Livermon, Thomas Son in Law Livermon, Thomas Senr. 1808
Livermon, Thomas Son Livermon, Thomas Senr. 1808
Livermon, Thomas Senr. Deceased   1808
{Livermon}, Tom Slave Livermon, Thomas Senr. 1808
Liverman, Thomas B. Deceased   1812
Liverman, Thomas Brother in Law Liverman, Thomas B. 1812
Liverman, Thomas Son Liverman, Hezekiah 1817
Liverman, Thomas Deceased   1818
Liverman, Thomas Son Liverman, William Junr. 1831
Liverman, Thomas M. Deceased   1835
Liverman, (James) Thompson Son Liverman, Thomas 1818
Liverman, Thompson Son in Law Sikes, Abel 1818
Liverman, Thompson Guardian Davenport, James 1837
Liverman, Tompson Special Administrator Davenport, Maria 1838
Liverman, Thompson Administrator Liverman, Maria 1838
Liverman, Timothy Grandson Liverman, John Senr. 1808
Liverman, Timothy Mentioned Patrick, Jno. A. 1821
Liverman, Tina Daughter Liverman, John Senr. 1808
{Liverman}, Vilet Slave Liverman, William Junr. 1831
Liverman, W. M. Deceased   1825
Liverman, William Witness Rousham, William 1782
Liverman, William Son & Executor Liverman, John William 1783
Liverman, William Mentioned Poole, John 1794
Liverman, William Father Liverman, John 1794
Liverman, William Brother Liverman, John 1794
Liverman, William Executor Jones, Robert 1802
Liverman, William Father Liverman, Sarah 1805
Liverman, William Father Liverman, Patty 1805
Livermon, William Son & Executor Livermon, William Senr. 1805
Livermon, William Senr. Deceased   1805
Livermon, William Son Livermon, Thomas Senr. 1808
Liverman, William Son Liverman, John Senr. 1808
Liverman, William Grandson Liverman, John Senr. 1808
Liverman, William Son & Administrator Liverman, John Junr. 1810
Liverman, William Junr. Guardian Norris, Jesse 1813
Liverman, William Junr. Guardian Liverman, Hezekiah 1817
Liverman, William Senr. Executor Liverman, Thomas 1818
Livermon, William Junr. Deceased   1820
Liverman, William Son & Executor Liverman, Sarah 1822
Liverman, William Deceased   1824
Liverman, William Witness Liverman, Mary 1828
Liverman, William Junr. Deceased   1831
Liverman, William C. Son Liverman, William Junr. 1831
Liverman, William C. Husband Jones, Mary 1837
Liverman, William C. Deceased   1837
Liverman, William Son Liverman, William C. 1837
Liverman, William I. Son in Law Meekins, John Senr. 1831
Liverman, William Mentioned Meekins, Adin 1838
Liverman, Wilson Son Liverman, Dempsy 1837
Liverman, Wilson Executor Liverman, Elias 1839
Liverman, W. E. Mentioned Alexander, Anthony 1917
Liverman, W. E. Executor Holmes, L. E. 1918
{Liverman}, Zilphy Slave Liverman, John Junr. 1810
Liverman, Zilpha Ann Daughter Basnight, Jacob 1845
{Lockhart}, Elizabeth Daughter Lockhart, Thomas 1779
{Lockhart}, Jemima Daughter Lockhart, Thomas 1779
Lockhart, Jesse Deceased   1758
Lockhart, Rosanna Widow & Administratrix Combs, Robert 1759
Lockhard, Thomas Mentioned Jennett, Ann Patterson 1764
Lockhart, Thomas Deceased   1779
Lofar, Jas. Witness West, William & Elizabeth 1755
Lofthon, Susanna Daughter Burtenshall, Richard 1740
{Long}, Amarilla Slave Long, Giles Senr. 1782
Long, Abner Witness Swain, Joshua 1793
Long, Andrew Witness Long, Joshua 1750
Long, Andrew Witness White, Mary 1758
Long, Andrew Guardian Spruill, John Senr 1759
Long, Andrew Witness Long, John 1767
Long, Andrew Friend Long, John 1767
Long, Andrew Mentione Long, James 1768
Long, Andrew Mentioned Harvey, Mitellas 1781
Long, Andrew Witness Long, Giles Senr. 1782
Long, Andrew Deceased   1785
Long, Ann Daughter Long, James 1752
{Long}, Ann Daughter Long, Andrew 1785
Long, Ann Wife & Executrix Long, Andrew 1785
Long, Ann Legatee Stewart, Thomas 1788
Long, Anna Daughter Long, Stephen Senr. 1792
{Long}, Anne Daughter Long, James Senr. 1787
Long, Ann Wife Lee, Thomas 1796
{Long}, Ben Slave Long, Thomas 1753
Long, Daniel Son Long, James Senr. 1787
{Long}, Darcas Daughter Long, John Senr. 1790
{Long}, Dave Slave Long, Andrew 1785
{Long}, David Slave Long, Giles Senr. 1782
Long, Easter Daughter Swain, John Senr. 1765
{Long}, Easter Slave Long, Jemima 1785
Long, Elizabeth Witness Leary, Richard 1738
Long, Elizabeth Mother Long, John 1736
Long, Elizabeth Witness Long, James 1752
Long, Elizabeth Daughter Long, Thos. 1753
Long, Elizabeth Daughter Long, Andrew 1785
Long, Elizabeth Daughter Long, John Junr. 1794
Long, Ester Daughter Long, Joshua 1750
Long, Esther Daughter Long, Stephen Senr. 1792
{Long}, Flip Slave Long, Thomas 1753
Long, Francis Son (?) Long, John 1757
Long, Gabrial Executor Stewart, Thomas 1788
Long, Giles Witness Long, Joshua 1750
Long, Giles Witness Hawkins, James Daughters 1752
Long, Giles Brother Long, James 1752
Long, Giles Witness White, Mary 1758
Long, Giles Son Long, Giles Senr. 1782
Long, Giles Senr. Deceased   1782
Long, Giles Administrator Long, Miles 1785
Long, Hannah Daughter Long, John Senr. 1790
Long, Isaac Son Long, James 1752
Long, Isaac Witness Long, Giles Senr. 1782
Long, Isaac Witness Norman, Mary 1787
Long, Isaac Friend & Executor Long, John Senr. 1790
Long, Isaac Son Long, Stephen Senr. 1792
{Long}, Isbell Slave Long, Giles Senr. 1782
Long, James Son Long, James 1752
Long, James Deceased   1752
Long, James Witness Long, Thos. 1753
Long, James Son Long, Thomas 1753
Long, James Witness Wynne, Thomas 1755
Long, James Brother & Executor Spriull, John Senr 1759
Long, James Witness Fagan, Richard 1765
Long, James Friend Long, John 1767
Long, James Witness Long, John 1767
Long, James Deceased   1768
Long, James Witness Ward, Francis 1771
Long, James Guardian Worley, Joshua 1771
Long, James Brother {Long}, Sarah 1773
Long, James Brother in Law Spruill, Joseph 1773
Long, James Brother Jackson, Sarah 1773
Long, James Uncle Jackson, James 1773
Long, James Uncle Jackson, Joseph 1773
Long, James Uncle Spruill, Benjamin 1773
Long, James Uncle Spruill, Frederick 1773
Long, James Administrator Marshall, David 1778
Long, James Executor & Witness Leary, Thomas 1780
Long, James Administrator Harvey, Mitellas 1781
Long, James Son & Executor Long, Giles Senr. 1782
Long, James Son & Executor Long, Andrew 1785
Long, James Son Long, James Senr. 1787
Long, James Senr. Deceased   1787
Long, James Witness Miller, James 1790
Long, James Witness Long, John Senr. 1790
Long, James Son Long, Stephen Senr. 1792
Long, James son of Giles Deceased   1793
Long, James son of Andrew Mentioned Long, James 1793
Long, James Capt. Administrator Steeley, Luretta 1793
Long, James Junr. Brother in Law Lee, Thomas 1796
Long, James Senr. Administrator Long, John Junr. 1794
Long, James Executor Pierce, Thomas 1795
Long, James Deceased   1825
Long, James Father Long, James 1825
Long, James Father Long, Levi 1825
Long, James Father Long, Stephen 1825
Long, Jamima Wife Long, Joshua 1750
Long, Jemima Daughter Long, James 1752
Long, Jemima Mother in Law & Executrix Norman, Jeremiah 1767
Long, Jemime Grandaughter Swain, John Senr. 1765
Long, Jemima Grandmother Norman. Thomas 1785
Long, Jeremia Son Long, Andrew 1785
Long, Jesse Son Long, James Senr. 1787
Long, Joannah Mother & Executrix Blount, Samuel 1778
Long, Joannah Wife & Executrix Long, Stephen Senr. 1792
{Long}, Joanna Previous Name of Wife Cooper, Willis 1809
Long, Joel Son Long, Stephen Senr. 1792
Long, John Mentioned Giles, Mathias 1713
Long, John Witness Hawkins, Thomas 1730
Long, John Son Long, Elizabeth 1736
Long, John Witness Leary, Richard 1738
Long, John Witness Worley, John 1739
Long, John Son (?) Long, John 1757
Long, John Deceased   1757
Long, John Neighbor & Witness Hawkins, Thomas 1759
Long, John Witness Leary, John Senr. 1767
Long, John Friend Long, James 1767
Long, John Witness Long, John 1767
Long, John Friend Long, Andrew 1767
Long, John Witness Long, John 1767
Long, John Mentioned Swain, John Senr. 1787
Long, John Son & Executor Long, John Senr. 1790
Long, John Senr. Deceased   1790
Long, John Brother Cooley, Penelope 1794
Long, John Junr. Deceased   1794
Long, John Mentioned Pierce, Thomas 1795
Long, Joshua Deceased   1750
Long, Joshua Mentioned Cheson, Elizabeth 1814
{Long}, Judy Slave Long, Thomas 1753
{Long}, Jube Slave Long, Giles Senr. 1782
Long, Kezia Grandaughter Swain, John Senr. 1765
Long, Kezia Witness Norman, Jeremiah 1767
Long, Keziah Daughter Long, Joshua 1750
{Long}, Keziah Daughter Long, John Senr. 1790
Long, Kisier Wife & Executrix Long, William 1790
Long, Keziah Mother Howell, Jesse (?) 1824
Long, Levi Son Long, James 1752
Long, Levi Son Long, James Senr. 1787
Long, Levi Son in Law Davenport, Joannah 1795
Long, Levi Son Long, James 1825
{Long}, Lew Slave Long, Andrew 1785
{Long}, Luse Slave Long, James 1773
{Long}, Mackling Slave Long, Andrew 1785
{Long}, Mary Daughter Long, James 1752
Long, Mary Wife Long, James 1752
Long, Mary Mentioned Russell, Robert 1777
Long, Mary Administratrix Butcher, Bill 1778
Long, Mary Daughter Long, Andrew 1785
{Long}, Mary Daughter Long, Stephen Senr. 1792
Long, Miles Son Long, Giles Senr. 1782
Long, Miles Deceased   1785
{Long}, Moll Slave Long, Giles Senr. 1782
{Long}, Nan Slave Long, Andrew 1785
{Long}, Nancy Daughter Long, Stephen 1825
Long, Nehemiah Son Long, Giles Senr. 1782
{Long}, Patt Slave Long, James 1773
Long, Polly Daughter Davenport, Joannah 1795
Long, Polly Witness Tarkenton, John Junr./Senr. 1825
Long, Polly Mentioned Spruill, William 1840
Long, Pricilla Daughter Long, Joshua 1750
{Long}, Pislila Wife & Executrix Norman, Jeremiah 1767
Long, Priscillah Daughter Long, Stephen Senr. 1792
{Long}, Priscilla Daughter Long, John Senr. 1790
{Long}, Primus Slave Long, Thos. 1753
{Long}, Primus Slave Long, John 1767
{Long}, Punch Slave Long, Andrew 1785
Long, Rebecca Wife Long, James Senr. 1787
Long, Rebekah Daughter Davenport, Richard 1773
Long, Rhodey Daughter Wiley, James 1770
Long, Richard Son (?) Long, John 1757
Long, Robin Daughter (?) Long, John 1757
{Long}, Rose Slave Long, Thos. 1753
{Long}, Rose Slave Long, Giles Senr. 1782
Long, Samuel Mentioned Mixson, Jeremiah 1826
Long, Sarah Daughter Long, James 1752
{Long}, Sarah Sister Long, James 1773
{Long}, Sarah Daughter Long, Giles Senr. 1782
Long, Sarah Legatee Stewart, Thomas 1788
Long, Sarah Wife & Administratrix Long, James 1793
Long, Sarah Ann Daughter (?) Long, John 1757
{Long}, Sary Daughter Long, Stephen Senr. 1792
{Long}, Sally Daughter Long, Stephen 1825
Long, Shardrick Son (?) Long, John 1757
Long, Simeon Son Long, James Senr. 1787
Long, Stephen Nephew Long, Joshua 1750
Long, Stephen Son Long, James 1752
Long, Stephen Senr. Deceased   1792
Long, Stephen Son Long, Stephen Senr. 1792
Long, Stephen Senr. Previous Husband of Wife Cooper, Willis 1809
Long, Stephen Son Long, James 1825
Long, Stephen Father {Long}, Nancy 1825
Long, Stephen Father {Long}, Sally 1825
Long, Susanah Wife Long, John 1757
Long, Thomas Mentioned Rhoads, William Senr. 1749
Long, Thos. Father Long, Elizabeth 1753
Long, Thomas Father Long, James 1753
Long, Thomas Son (?) Long, John 1757
Long, Thomas Grandson Long, Giles Senr. 1782
Long, Thomas (of New England) Mentioned Long, James 1793
Long, Thomas Son Long, John Junr. 1794
Long, Thomas S. Attorney Selby, Miriah Louisa 1914
Long, Ware Son (?) Long, John 1757
Long, Whitley Mentioned Swain, Jeremiah 1791
Long, William Witness Long, Giles Senr. 1782
Long, William Son & Executor Long, Andrew 1785
Long, William Deceased   1790
{Lovett/Lovick}, Cuf Slave Lovett (Lovick), Lancaster 1756
Lovett (Lovick), Elizabeth Daughter Lovett (Lovick), Lancaster 1756
Lovett (Lovick), Lancaster Deceased   1756
Lovett, Lancaster Father Lovett, Mary 1765
Lovett, Lois Sister Worley, William 1783
Lovett (Lovick), Lydia Wife & Administratrix Lovett (Lovick), Lancaster 1756
Lovett (Lovick), Mary Daughter Lovett (Lovick), Lancaster 1756
Lovett, Mary Deceased   1765
Lowrey, Benjamin Son in law Hoskins, Thomas Senr. 1804
Lowrey, Leda Daughter Hoskins, Thomas Senr. 1804
{Lucas}, Ann Wife & Administratrix Cullipher, Henry 1806
Lucas, Bailey Son Lucas, Richard 1833
Lucas, Betsy Daughter Lucas, Richard 1833
Lucas, Charles Son Lucas, James 1796
Lucas, Daisey/Dorsey Daughter Lucas, Richard 1833
Lucas, Edward Son Lucas, Richard 1833
Lucas, James Deceased   1796
Lucas, James H. Son Lucas, Richard 1833
Lucas, Mary Daughter Lucas, Richard 1833
Lucas, Merriam Daughter in Law Armstrong, Solomon 1782
{Lucas}, Rebecca Sister Hassell, Edward Junr. 1809
Lucas, Rebecca Niece Massey, Fredrick 1811
Lucas, Rebecca Wife Lucas, Richard 1833
Lucas, Rebecca Daughter Lucas, Richard 1833
Lucas, Richard Son Lucas, James 1796
Lucas, Richard Guardian Hassell, Edward 1798
Lucas, Richard Son in Law & Executor Hassell, Edward Junr. 1809
Lucas, Richard Husband of Niece Massey, Fredrick 1811
Lucas, Richard Administrator Cullipher, Elizabeth 1825
Lucas, Richard Deceased   1833
Lucas, Richard Son Lucas, Richard 1833
Ludford, Ann Daughter Ludford, William 1732
{Ludford}, Anne Wife Rushel, John 1764
{Ludford}, Anne Daughter Ludford, William 1764
Ludford, Betsey Daughter Ludford, Thomas 1818
Ludford, Christian Daughter Ludford, William 1732
Ludford, Christian Wife Ludford, William 1732
Ludford, Enock Son Ludford, Thomas 1764
Ludford, Enoch Administrator Johnston, Randol 1795
Ludford, Enoch Deceased   1799
Ludford, Enoch Son Ludford, Thomas 1818
Ludford, Enoch Son in Law Combs, Jno. Senr. 1839
Ludford, Enoch Husband Ludford, Mary/Polly 1839
Ludford, Fiodm(?) Son Ludford, William 1732
Ludford, Frances Wife Ludford, Thomas 1764
Ludford, Hannah Sister Ludford, John 1735
Ludford, Jamson(?) Daughter Ludford, William 1732
Ludford, Jean(?) Mother Ludford, William 1732
Ludford, Joanna Daughter Ludford, William 1732
Ludford, John Son Ludford, William 1732
Ludford, John Deceased   1735
Ludford, Jones Son Ludford, Enoch 1799
Ludford, Martha Daughter Ludford, William 1732
Ludford, Mary Daughter Ludford, William 1732
Ludford, Mary/Polly Daughter Combs, Jno. Senr. 1839
Ludford, Mary/Polly Wife Ludford, Enoch 1839
Ludford, Nancy Wife Ludford, Thomas 1818
Ludford, Rachel Daughter Ludford, William 1732
Ludford, Sarah Grand daughter Ludford, William 1702
Ludford, Sarah Daughter Ludford, William 1732
Ludford, Sarah Sister Ludford, John 1735
Ludford, Sally Wife Ludford, Enoch 1799
Ludford, Spencer Son Ludford, Enoch 1799
Ludford, Spencer Mentioned Leigh, Thomas 1822
Ludford, Thomas Son Ludford, William 1732
Ludford, Thomas Brother Ludford, John 1735
Ludford, Thomas Executor Alexander, Anthony Senr. 1741
Ludford, Thomas Mentioned Brickhouse, Peter 1761
Ludford, Thomas Deceased   1764
Ludford, Thomas Son Ludford, Enoch 1799
Ludford, Thomas Deceased   1818
Ludford, Thomas Mentioned Leigh, Thomas 1822
Ludford, William Son Ludford, William 1702
Ludford, William Deceased   1702
Ludford, William Deceased   1732
Ludford, William Father Rushel, Anne 1764
Ludford, William Father in Law Rushel, John 1764
Ludford, William (alias Smith) Son Ludford, Thomas 1764
Lues, Marey Daughter Chesson, John 1766
Lurrey, Elizabeth Daughter Worley, John 1740
Lurrey, Thomas Executor Worley, John 1740
Lyons, Elizabeth Daughter Phelps, Godfrey 1807
Lyon, Thomas Son Webster, Richard 1800
Lyons, Thomas Son in Law Phelps, Godfrey 1807

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Updated May 1, 2015
Gordon L. Basnight