Surnames Sa - So

Click on the Individual Name below to go to the will in which the name appears.

Name in WillRelationship
to deceased
of Will
Sadler, John Witness Cohoon, William 1785
Sagg, Anderson Witness Callhoun, Margrat 1734
Sagg, Anderson Witness Leary, Richard 1738
Sagg, Anderson Witness Leary, Cornelius 1739
Salisbury, John Deceased   1831
Salyear, Elizabeth Niece Massey, Fredrick 1811
Salyear, John Husband of Niece Massey, Fredrick 1811
Salyear, Samuel G. Witness Tweedy, David Senior 1842
Salyer, Samuel Witness Alexander, John J. 1842
Sample, Edmund Mentioned Swain, Ann E. 1921
Sample, Edward Deceased   1837
Sample, Edward Husband Hassell, Sally 1837
Sample, Edward Father Sample, Solomon H. 1837
Sample, Edward Father Sample, Jeremiah W. 1837
Sample, Edward Father Sample, Mahala Ann 1837
Sample, Edward Father Sample, George 1837
Sample, Edward Father Sample, Elizabeth 1837
Sample, Elizabeth Daughter Sample, Edward 1837
Sample, George Son Sample, Edward 1837
Sample, George Husband Tarkington, Angelico 1837
Sample, Henry Nephew Snell, John S. 1914
Sample, J. W. Witness Brickhouse, Nathaniel G. 1884
Sample, Jeremiah W. Son Sample, Edward 1837
Sample, Jeremiah W. Husband Roughton, Mary C. 1837
Sample, Mahala Ann Daughter Sample, Edward 1837
Sample, Mahala Ann Wife Davenport, James 1837
Sample, Solomon H. Son Sample, Edward 1837
Sample, Solomon H. Husband Cahoon, Mary 1837
Sample, Solomon H. Husband Cahoon, Levina 1837
Sample, Milton Nephew Snell, John S. 1914
Sample, Sally Wife Sample, Edward 1837
Sample, S. H. Mentioned Swain, Ann E. 1921
Sample, Solomon H. Son Sample, Edward 1837
Sanderlin, John Administrator Payne, John 1834
Sanderlin, John Administrator Davis, Maxey 1836
Sanders, Elizabeth Daughter Sanders, Seth 1845
Sanders, Elizabeth Daughter Sanders, Zebiah 1853
Sanders, John Witness Hassell, Zebedee 1804
Sanders, John Witness Hassell, Zebedee 1804
Sanders, John Witness Hassell, Zebedee 1804
Sanders, John Deceased   1816
Sanders, John Son in Law Phelps, Seth Senr. 1821
Sanders, John Son Sanders, Seth 1845
Sanders, John Son & Executor Sanders, Zebiah 1853
Sanders, Martha Daughter Sanders, Seth 1845
Sanders, Martha Daughter Sanders, Zebiah 1853
Sanders, Mary Daughter Sanders, Seth 1845
Sanders, Mary Daughter Sanders, Zebiah 1853
Sanders, Mohala Niece Pledger, Selby 1831
Sanders, Nancy Daughter Phelps, Seth Senr. 1821
Sanders, Nancy Daughter Sanders, Seth 1845
Sanders, Nancy Daughter Sanders, Zebiah 1853
Sanders, Patsey Grandaughter Phelps, Seth Senr. 1821
Sanders, Sarah C. Mentioned Woodly, Daniel 1881
Sanders, Seth Deceased   1845
Sanders, Zebiah Deceased   1853
Sanders, Ziba Wife Sanders, Seth 1845
Sanderson, Ann Remarried Widow Spruill, Charles T. 1836
Sanderson, Ann Caroline Wife Sanderson, Jesse 1856
Sanderson, Caroline Remarried Widow Mann, William 1840
Sanderson, Caroline Wife Sanderson, Jesse 1840
Sanderson, Jesse Husband of Widow Mann, William 1840
Sanderson, Jesse Husband Mann, Caroline 1840
Sanderson, Jesse Executor Spruill, Milly 1852
Sanderson, Jesse Mentioned Midgett, Thomas M. 1854
Sanderson, Jesse Witness Hoskins, Winiford 1855
Sanderson, Jesse Deceased   1856
Sanderson, John Husband of Widow Spruill, Charles T. 1836
Sanderson, John Administrator Thoroughgood, Mary 1837
Sanderson, John Witness Patrick, Jehoda 1850
Sanderson, John Brother Sanderson, Jesse 1856
Sanderson, Richard Deceased   1785
Sanderson, Richardson Deceased   1804
Sanderson, Sarah Daughter Tweedy, David Senior 1842
Sanderson, Thomas L. Brother Sanderson, Jesse 1856
Sargent, David M. Executor Ferebee, James 1826
Sargent, David M. Administrator Bateman, Levi Junr. 1827
Sarver, Dennis Mentioned Marchant, John 1777
Sarver, Zephaniah Mentioned Marchant, John 1777
Satterthwaite, Fenner B. Mentioned Blount, Thomas H. 1843
Saunders, John Witness Snell, Holt 1809
Saunders, William Mentioned Smith, John 1804
Saunderson Mentioned Mann, John M. 1907
Saviles, Charity Witness Handcock, William 1794
Savils, Ann Grandaughter Snell, Roger 1765
Savils, Mary Daughter Snell, Roger 1765
Savin, David Witness McGown, William 1775
Sawyer, Abel Administrator Applegate, William 1816
Sawyer, Abel Administrator Sawyer, Robert Senr. 1817
Sawyer, Abner Witness McGown, Hannah 1807
Sawyer, Abner Executor Sikes, John 1826
Sawyer, Anes Daughter Sawyer, Dennis 1820
Sawyer, Angelica Daughter Sawyer, Joab 1835
Sawyer, Anson Son Sawyer, Joab 1835
Sawyer, Barbara Daughter Sawyer, Josiah 1822
Sawyer, Benjamin S. Son Sawyer, Josiah 1822
Sawyer, Branson Son Sawyer, Nora 1919
Sawyer, Burkett Witness Dunbar, Thomas 1841
Sawyer, Caleb Deceased   1830
Sawyer, Charlote Daughter Sawyer, Josiah 1822
Sawyer, Christopher Deceased   1820
Sawyer, C. M. Witness Hill, Charles W. 1907
Sawyer, Daniel Witness Belange, Elisha 1809
Sawyer, Daniel Witness Livermon, Justice B. 1812
Sawyer, Daniel Witness Routon, Agness 1813
Sawyer, Daniel Deceased   1817
Sawyer, Daniel B. Son Sawyer, Josiah 1822
Sawyer, David Son Sawyer, Nora 1919
Sawyer, Dennis Administrator Simmons, Samuel 1778
Sawyer, Dennis Senr. Deceased   1784
Sawyer, Dennis Deceased   1820
Sawyer, D. C. Mentioned Cahoon, Allen 1906
Sawyer, D. T. Executor Twidy, Levi 1882
Sawyer, Elisha Grantee Pelsue, James 1794
Sawyer, Elisha Heir Sawyer, Jonathan 1794
Sawyer, Elijah Deceased   1840
Sawyer, Elisha Witness Sawyer, Ezkiel 1850
Sawyer, Elizabeth Wife Sawyer, Christopher 1820
{Sawyer}, Emmaline Greatgrandaughter Liverman, Thomas 1818
Sawyer, Enoch Son Sawyer, James 1793
Sawyer, Ephraim Administrator Sawyer, Thomas 1783
Sawyer, Ephraim Brother Sawyer, Joab 1787
Sawyer, Ephraim Son Sawyer, Thomas 1787
Sawyer, Ephram Deceased   1789
Sawyer, Ezkiel Deceased   1850
{Sawyer}, Ferebee Wife Richardson, John Junr. 1839
{Sawyer}, Frances Delia Daughter Sawyer, Daniel 1817
Sawyer, Frances Wife Sawyer, Ephram 1789
Sawyer, Franklin Fayete Son & Executor Sawyer, Daniel 1817
Sawyer, Frederick Deceased   1831
Sawyer, Griffin Neighbor Sawyer, Ephraim 1787
Sawyer, Griffin Deceased   1805
Sawyer, Griffin Son Sawyer, Griffin 1805
{Sawyer}, Hannah Sister Sikes, Abel 1818
Sawyer, Hannah Wife Sawyer, Josiah 1822
Sawyer, Henry H. Son Sawyer, Joab 1835
Sawyer, Ida E. Daughter Cahoon, Allen 1906
Sawyer, Ida E. {Grand daughter} Cahoon, Allen 1906
Sawyer, Ina May Daughter Sawyer, Nora 1919
Sawyer, Isaac Deceased   1809
Sawyer, Jacob Deceased   1796
Sawyer, James Deceased   1793
Sawyer, James Son & Administrator Sawyer, James 1793
Sawyer, James Son in Law Heath, Jacobus 1795
Sawyer, James Father Sawyer, Malichi 1795
Sawyer, James Mentioned Twidy, Saley 1867
Sawyer, James A. Deceased   1881
Sawyer, Jesse Husband of Grandaughter Liverman, Thomas 1818
Sawyer, Jesse Greatgrandson Liverman, Thomas 1818
Sawyer, Jesse Administrator Sawyer, Joab 1835
Sawyer, Jesse Son Sawyer, Joab 1835
Sawyer, Jesse Son in Law Alford, William 1840
Sawyer, Joab Brother Sawyer, Ephraim 1787
Sawyer, Joab Son Sawyer, Thomas 1787
Sawyer, Joab Witness McGown, Hannah 1807
Sawyer, Joab Deceased   1835
Sawyer, Joab Junr. Guardian Sawyer, Joab 1835
Sawyer, John Witness Smith, William 1790
Sawyer, John Son Sawyer, Josiah 1822
Sawyer, John T. Administrator Howett, Sylvanus 1826
Sawyer, John Deceased   1840
Sawyer, John T. Son in law Wright, Francis 1858
Sawyer, John T. Witness Twiddy, Thomas 1878
Sawyer, Johnathan Witness Cohoon, William 1785
Sawyer, Jonathan Witness Cahoon, James Senr. (heirs) 1799
Sawyer, Jonathan Deceased   1800
Sawyer, Joseph Witness Sawyer, Jonathan 1800
Sawyer, Joseph Witness McGown, Hannah 1807
Sawyer, Joseph Mentioned Liverman, Dempsy 1837
Sawyer, Joseph Witness Sawyer, Ezkiel 1850
Sawyer, Josiah Son Sawyer, Ephram 1789
Sawyer, Josiah Administrator Smith, William 1817
Sawyer, Josiah Brother in Law Sikes, Abel 1818
Sawyer, Josiah Executor Sawyer, Dennis 1820
Sawyer, Josiah Deceased   1822
Sawyer, Josiah Mentioned Jones, Timothy Jr. 1826
Sawyer, Kesiah Daughter Sawyer, Ephram 1789
Sawyer, Keziah Wife Sawyer, Jonathan 1800
Sawyer, Lavinia Wife Smith, Levin 1836
Sawyer, Lemuel Executor & Guardian Sawyer, Thomas 1783
Sawyer, Levin Guardian Sawyer, James 1793
Sawyer, Leven Master Sawyer, Griffin 1805
Sawyer, Levin Deceased   1836
Sawyer, Levin Husband Smith, Lavinia 1836
Sawyer, Malichi Nephew Heath, Jacobus 1795
Sawyer, Malichi Son Sawyer, James 1795
{Sawyer}, Martha Grandaughter Liverman, Thomas 1818
Sawyer, Mary Wife & Administratrix Sawyer, Griffin 1805
Sawyer, Mary Wife Sawyer, Caleb 1830
Sawyer, Mary Ann Daughter Sawyer, Joab 1835
Sawyer, Mary Elizabeth Wife Sawyer, James A. 1881
Sawyer, M. E. Witness Collins, Josiah 1819
Sawyer, M. Witness Sikes, John 1826
Sawyer, Nancy Daughter Sawyer, Josiah 1822
Sawyer, Nancy Daughter Brickhouse, Sarah 1837
Sawyer, Nancy Daughter Wright, Francis 1858
Sawyer, Nora Deceased   1919
Sawyer, Orcady Wife Sawyer, Ezkiel 1850
Sawyer, Ottis {Grandson} Cahoon, Allen 1906
Sawyer, Patsy Daughter in Law Midyett, Samuel 1825
Sawyer, Patsey Wife Smith, Isaiah 1840
Sawyer, Peleg Administrator Sawyer, Prudence 1840
Sawyer, Penny Mentioned Sawyer, Ezkiel 1850
Sawyer, Peter Witness Sawyer, Ephram 1789
Sawyer, Polly Witness Melson, John A. 1809
Sawyer, Polly Wife Sawyer, Elijah 1840
Sawyer, Polly Daughter Twiddy, Isaac I. 1900
{Sawyer}, Prudence Wife Sawyer, Dennis 1820
Sawyer, Prudence Deceased   1840
Sawyer, Quincy Son Sawyer, Josiah 1822
Sawyer, Quincy Administrator Sawyer, John 1840
Sawyer, Rachel Witness Davis, Richard 1822
Sawyer, Rachel Daughter Alexander, Agnes 1822
Sawyer, Robert Witness Pelsue, James 1794
Sawyer, Robert Administrator Sawyer, Jacob 1796
Sawyer, Robert Witness Hoskins, Thomas Senr. 1804
Sawyer, Robert Senr. Deceased   1817
Sawyer, Sabry Daughter Sawyer, Dennis 1820
Sawyer, Sarah Daughter Sawyer, Ephram 1789
Sawyer, Sarah Wife Sawyer, Joab 1835
{Sawyer}, Sarah Daughter Alford, William 1840
Sawyer, Sillick Son Sawyer, Joab 1835
Sawyer, Stephen Witness Sikes, John 1826
Sawyer, Suzzie Daughter Twiddy, Isaac I. 1900
Sawyer, Theodosia Wife & Executrix Sawyer, Daniel 1817
Sawyer, Thomas Deceased   1783
Sawyer, Thomas Father Sawyer, Ephraim 1787
Sawyer, Thomas Father Sawyer, Joab 1787
Sawyer, Thomas F. Administrator Sawyer, Elijah 1840
Sawyer, Thomas Deceased   1858
Sawyer, Tursis Sister in law Sawyer, Ezkiel 1850
Sawyer, T. Robert Son & Executor Sawyer, Jonathan 1800
Sawyer, Valentine Security Sawyer, Robert Senr. 1817
Sawyer, William Husband of Greatgrandaughter Liverman, Thomas 1818
Sawyer, William Mentioned Sawyer, Ezkiel 1850
Sawyer, Willis Mentioned Davis, Richard 1822
Sawyer, Willis Son in Law Alexander, Agnes 1822
Sawyer, Winey Mentioned Livermon, Thomas Senr. 1808
Sawyer, W. W. Witness Hassell, B. F. Sr. 1904
Sawyer, W. W. Witness Hill, Charles W. 1907
Sawyer, W. W. Witness Hollis, Easter 1912
Scales, Hannah Daughter Morris, William 1767
Scarbrough, Mary Daughter Wilson, William 1740
Schroder, Charles S. Witness Baird, Francis R. 1877
Scott, Nancy Wife Scott, William 1812
Scott, Samuel Brother Scott, William 1812
Scott, Sarah M. F. Witness Hall, Mary A. 1864
Scott, Sarah M. F. Executrix Young, Martha M. 1865
Scott, William Mentioned Hall, John 1800
Scott, William Deceased   1812
Scrieves, Thomas Deceased   1838
Seals, John Apprentice Duggan, Thomas 1754
Seals, John Witness Webb, Robert 1771
Seals, Mary Daughter in Law Garrett, James 1798
Sedgex, Ann Wife & Executrix Sedgex, John 1768
{Sedgex}, Mary Wife Williams, Owen 1775
Sedgex, Ann Mother in Law Williams, Owen 1775
Sedgex, Ann Deceased   1785
{Sedgex}, Cate Slave Sedgex, Ann 1785
{Sedgex}, Dinah Slave Sedgex, Ann 1785
{Sedgex}, Jenney Slave Sedgex, John 1768
Sedgex, John Guardian Jennet, Abraham 1761
Sedyex, John Witness Ludford, Thomas 1764
Sedgex, John Deceased   1768
Sedgex, John Father in Law Williams, Owen 1775
{Sedgex}, Judey Slave Sedgex, Ann 1785
{Sedgex}, June Slave Sedgex, Ann 1785
{Sedgex}, Lucey Slave Sedgex, Ann 1785
{Sedgex}, Mary Daughter Sedgex, John 1768
Sedgix, Mary Maiden Name Hooker, Mary 1786
Sedgix, Mary Daughter Sedgix, John 1786
{Sedgex}, Mingo Slave Sedgex, Ann 1785
{Sedgex}, Pleasant Slave Sedgex, Ann 1785
{Sedgex}, Sam Slave Sedgex, Ann 1785
{Sedgex}, Tom Slave Sedgex, John 1768
{Sedgex}, Tom Slave Sedgex, Ann 1785
Seeley, Gideon Son in Law Caswell, Samuel 1808
Seeley, Nancy (Anne) Daughter Caswell, Samuel 1808
Selby, Benjamin M. Mentioned Blount, Thomas H. 1843
Selby, Henry Witness Thoroughgood, Amos 1836
Selby, Miriah Louisa Deceased   1914
Selby, Percy Son Selby, Miriah Louisa 1914
{Sevils}, Charity Wife Johnson, Jobe 1822
Sevils, James Witness Thoroughgood, John 1825
Sexton, Alice Daughter Bodwell, Swanner 1910
Sexton, David Witness Alcox, Jacob 1781
Sexton, Samuel Witness Tarkenton, Joseph 1825
Shallington, Hattie E. Wife Shallingon, W. E. 1909
{Shallington}, Lelah Daughter Shallingon, W. E. 1909
Shallington, Thomas B. Son Shallingon, W. E. 1909
Shallington, William E. Witness Ashbee, Solomon 1846
Shallington, W. E. Deceased   1909
Shaw, John Witness Ellis, James H. 1822
Shaw, William Administrator Smith, James 1793
Shawhon, James Deceased   1781
Shepard, Charles Son in Law Basnight, Lemuel 1839
Shepard, Hosea Deceased   1840
Shepard, Phebe Ann Daughter Basnight, Lemuel 1839
Sheppard, H. W. Mentioned Holmes, L. E. 1918
Sherrard, James Son in law Mathews, Charity 1771
Sherrard, Susanah Daughter Mathews, Charity 1771
Sherrod, John Witness Andrews, Levi 1772
Sherrod, Kaben Witness Andrews, Levi 1772
Shiles, Mary Witness Hambleton, Jane 1733
Shiner (?), Elisabeth Daughter Liverman, John 1808
Shircary, John Deceased   1804
Shivery, John Deceased   1804
Short, Henry B. Executor Spruill, Joseph A. 1860
{Sikes}, Abe Slave Sikes, John 1826
Sikes, Abel Deceased   1818
Sikes, Abel Son Sikes, John 1826
Sikes, Abraham Son Haman, Mary 1804
Sikes, Amanda Neice Sikes, Abel 1818
Sykes, Amanda Daughter Sykes, Thomas 1824
{Sikes}, Annis Slave Sikes, Thomas 1840
Sikes, Ashel Husband of Grandaughter Owens, Thomas 1817
Sykes, Ayers Mentioned Bowser, Zion 1906
Sikes, Benjamin Son Haman, Mary 1804
Sikes, Benjamin Brother Sikes, Abel 1818
Sikes, Benjamin Nephew Sikes, Abel 1818
Sikes, Benjamin Administrator Sawyer, Josiah 1822
Sykes, Benjamin Son Sykes, Thomas 1824
Sikes, Benjamin Son Sikes, John 1826
Sikes, Benjamin Grandson Sikes, John 1826
Sykes, Benjamin Administrator Galloway, Henry Senr. 1829
Sikes, Benjamin Administrator Simmons, James 1829
Sikes, Benjamin Administrator Cohoon, Isaiah 1833
Sikes, Benjamin Witness Rowe, Rachel 1834
Sikes, Benjamin Administrator Cahoon, Gideon 1835
Sikes, Benjamin Son Sikes, Thomas 1840
Sikes, Benjamin Witness Hayman, Tednick 1872
Sikes, Benj. F. Witness Swain, Job A. 1873
Sikes, Benjamin F. Witness Mann, Mary C. 1885
Sikes, Ben F. Mentioned Shallingon, W. E. 1909
{Sikes}, Boas Slave Sikes, John 1826
Sikes, B. F. Executor Respass, Thomas H. 1887
Sikes, B. T. Witness Godfrey, Dempsey Unk.
Sikes, Caroline Neice Sikes, Abel 1818
Sykes, Caroline Daughter Sykes, Thomas 1824
Sikes, Caroline Daughter Sikes, Thomas 1840
Sikes, Caroline Wife Mann, Solomon 1840
Sikes, C. H. M. Husband Sikes, Mary C. 1884
{Sikes}, Chain Slave Sikes, John 1826
{Sikes}, Charity Slave Sikes, Thomas 1840
{Sikes}, Charles Slave Sikes, Thomas 1840
{Sikes}, Charlotte Slave Sikes, Thomas 1840
{Sikes}, Elick Slave Sikes, Thomas 1840
Sikes, Eliza Neice Sikes, Abel 1818
Sykes, Eliza Daughter Sykes, Thomas 1824
Sikes, Eliza Daughter Sikes, Thomas 1840
{Sikes}, Ellen Slave Sikes, Thomas 1840
Sykes, Ellen Mentioned Bowser, Zion 1906
{Sikes}, Fred Slave Sikes, Thomas 1840
{Sikes}, Gilbert Slave Sikes, Thomas 1840
Sikes, Hannah Sister Sikes, Abel 1818
{Sikes}, Hannah Wife Sawyer, Josiah 1822
Sikes, Hannah Daughter Sikes, John 1826
Sykes, Hattie Daughter Roughton, Joseph 1912
{Sikes}, Henry Slave Sikes, Thomas 1840
{Sykes}, Isaac Slave Sykes, Thomas 1824
Sikes, Jesse Deceased   1814
Sikes, Jesse Son Sikes, Abel 1818
Sikes, Jesse Grandson Sikes, John 1826
Sikes, Jesse Witness Dunbar, Thomas 1841
Sikes, Jesse Witness Liverman, James M. 1879
Sykes, Jessie Mentioned White, Thomas 1880
Sikes, John Son Haman, Mary 1804
Sikes, John Senr. Administrator Sikes, Jesse 1814
Sikes, John Deceased   1826
Sikes, John Son & Executor Sikes, John 1826
Sikes, Julia Wife Sikes, Abel 1818
Sikes, Louisa Daughter Sikes, Abel 1818
Sikes, Louisa Daughter in Law Liverman, Thomas 1818
{Sikes}, Margaret Slave Sikes, Thomas 1840
{Sikes}, Mary Sister Sikes, Abel 1818
Sikes, Mary Neice Sikes, Abel 1818
Sykes, Mary Wife & Executrix Sykes, Thomas 1824
Sykes, Mary Daughter Sykes, Thomas 1824
Sikes, Mary Wife Sikes, John 1826
Sikes, Mary Wife Sikes, Thomas 1840
Sikes, Mary C. Deceased   1884
Sikes, Matilda Mentioned Owens, Ann Eliza 1868
{Sikes}, Mills Slave Sikes, Abel 1818
{Sikes}, Moses Slave Sikes, Thomas 1840
Sikes, Peter Son Haman, Mary 1804
{Sikes}, Phoebe Sister Sikes, Abel 1818
{Sikes}, Phebe Daughter Sikes, John 1826
Sikes, Polly Daughter Bateman, Levi 1819
{Sikes}, Polly Daughter Sikes, John 1826
{Sikes}, Raason Slave Sikes, John 1826
Sikes, Sally Ann Grandaughter Owens, Thomas 1817
{Sikes}, Sarah Sister Sikes, Abel 1818
{Sikes}, Sarah Daughter Sikes, John 1826
Sikes, Stanley Witness Bowzer, William F. 1915
Sikes, Thomas Witness Meekins, Isaac Senr. 1818
Sikes, Thomas Brother & Executor Sikes, Abel 1818
Sikes, Thomas Son in Law Bateman, Levi 1819
Sykes, Thomas Deceased   1824
Sikes, Thomas Son Sikes, John 1826
Sikes, Thomas Deceased   1840
Sikes, Thomas Husband Bateman, Mary 1840
Sikes, Thomas Father Sikes, Caroline 1840
Sikes, Thomas Father Sikes, Eliza 1840
Sikes, Thomas Father Sikes, Benjamin 1840
Sikes, Thomas Father in Law Mann, Solomon 1840
Sikes, Thomas Father in Law Alcock, John 1840
{Sikes}, Vilet Slave Sikes, John 1826
Sikes, Walter Son Haman, Mary 1804
Silvah, Elizabeth Daughter Sedgex, Ann 1785
Simmone, Note Daughter Hollis, Easter 1912
Simmons, Amanda Daughter in law Simmons, S. S. 1888
Simmons, America Administrator Jennett, Joseph 1809
Simmons, America Deceased   1814
Simmons, Dorcas Sister/Daughter McHenry, Mary 1819
Simmons, Eliza Daughter Simmons, James 1829
Simmons, Fred Mentioned Dunbar, John 1866
Simmons, Dennis Husband of Grandaughter Alexander, Jesse Col. 1818
Simmons, George Mentioned Swain, Ann E. 1921
Simmons, James Deceased   1829
Simmons, Jemima Daughter Cahoon, James Senr. 1795
Simmons, Jamima Wife Simmons, Josiah 1805
Simmons, John Mentioned Meekins, Isaac 1790
Simmons, John Son Simmons, Samuel 1812
Simmons, John Junr. Son in Law Cullipher, James 1815
Simmons, John Senr. Deceased   1829
Simmons, John Junr. Administrator Simmons, John Senr. 1829
Simmons, John Son Simmons, James 1829
Simmons, John Juror Wynne, Jeremiah 1831
Simmons, Joseph W. Son Simmons, S. S. 1888
Simmons, Josiah Witness Sawyer, Ephram 1789
Simmons, Josiah Father Simmons, Mericha 1803
Simmons, Josiah Father Simmons, Samuel Junr. 1803
Simmons, Josiah Deceased   1805
Simmons, Josiah Son Simmons, Samuel 1812
Simmons, Keziah Deceased   1834
Simmons, Laura M. Daughter Mann, John M. 1907
Simmons, Lydia Remarried Daughter Wynne, Jeremiah 1831
Simmons, Lucinda Wife Simmons, James 1829
{Simmons}, Martha Grandaughter Alexander, Jesse Col. 1818
Simmons, Martha {Niece} Liverman, Mary 1855
Simmons, Martha Daughter Alexander, Caroline 1861
Simmons, Mericha Son Simmons, Josiah 1803
Simmons, Polly Daughter Simmons, James 1829
Simmons, Polly Wife Simmons, S. S. 1888
Simmons, Prudence Wife Sawyer, Dennis 1820
{Simmons}, Rebecca Daughter Cullipher, James 1815
Simmons, Samuel Deceased   1778
Simmons, Samuel Witness Sawyer, Ephram 1789
Simmons, Samuel Junr. Son Simmons, Josiah 1803
Simmons, Samuel Administrator Simmons, Josiah 1805
Simmons, Samuel Witness Belange, Elisha 1809
Simmons, Samuel Deceased   1812
Simmons, Samuel Administrator Simmons, America 1814
Simmons, Samuel S. Son in Law Wynne, Jeremiah 1831
Simmons, Samuel S. Adminitrator Walker, Caleb 1835
Simmons, Samuel S. Administrator White, William 1839
Simmons, Samuel S. Executor Davenport, Elizabeth 1843
Simmons, Samuel Mentioned Jones, Eben/Ebbin 1893
Simmons, Snowden Son Simmons, James 1829
Simmons, S. S. Administrator Wynne, Tully 1840
Simmons, S. S. Witness Halsey, Mary R. 1854
Simmons, S. S. Witness Norman, Ira E. 1854
Simmons, S. S. Mentioned Alexander, Nathan 1862
Simmons, S. S. Witness Meekins, Johnathan H. 1886
Simmons, S. S. Deceased   1888
Simmons, William Witness Wynne, Jeremiah 1831
Simons, Argill Legatee Leary, Thomas 1780
Simons, Charlton Deceased   1796
Simons, Darcas Daughter Long, John Senr. 1790
Simons, John Son in Law Long, John Senr. 1790
Simons, Thomas Grandson Leary, Thomas 1780
Simpson, Bet Mentioned Woodland, Samuel 1777
Simpson, Canon Witness Ludford, William 1702
Simpson, Dianna Daughter Pierce, Thomas 1795
Simpson, Isaac Son in Law Pierce, Thomas 1795
Simpson, John Deceased   1782
Simpson, Salathea Witness Warrington, John 1798
Simson, C---- Grandson Pierce, Thomas 1795
Simson, Easther Grandaughter Pierce, Thomas 1795
Simson, Hardy Grandson Pierce, Thomas 1795
Simson, John Grandson Pierce, Thomas 1795
Simson, Mille Grandaughter Pierce, Thomas 1795
Sitizen, Sally Daughter Cahoon, Abel 1847
Sivels, Mary Witness Snell, Roger 1772
Skinner, Even Executor Swift, Joseph 1792
Skinner, Evan Son in Law Swain, John Senr. 1787
Skinner, John Grandson Swain, John Senr. 1787
Skinner, Sarah Daughter Swain, John Senr. 1787
Skinner, Sarah Halsey Grandaughter Halsey, Mary R. 1854
Skinner, T. Witness Pierce, Thomas 1795
Skinner, Thomas Grandson Halsey, Mary R. 1854
Skittletharp, J. M. Witness Dunbar, William 1881
Slade, Ann Widow & Executrix Worley, Lovick 1754
Slade, Ann Wife & Executrix Slade, Henry 1766
Slade, Ann Former Wife Worley, Lovick 1766
Slade, Ann Daughter Long, Andrew 1785
Slade, Barbary Daughter Slade, Henry 1766
Slade, Chloe Daughter Blount, Benjamin Senr. 1786
{Slade}, Easter Slave Slade, Henry 1766
Slade, Ebenezer Witness Worley, John 1740
Slade, Ebenezer Brother in law Downing, William 1739
Slade, Ebenezer Mentioned Conner, James 1761
Slade, Ebenezer Brother & Executor Slade, Henry 1766
{Slade}, Gidion Slave Slade, Henry 1766
Slade, Henry Brother in law Downing, William 1739
Slade, Henry Mentioned Worley, Lovick 1754
Slade, Henry Deceased   1766
Slade, John Administrator &
Barrett, William 1757
Slade, John Deceased   1763
Slade, John Gray Son Slade, Henry 1766
Slade, Joshua Son Slade, Henry 1766
Slade, Joshua Heir Worley, William 1783
Slade, Joshua Husband of Widow Long, James 1793
{Slade}, Judeth Slave Slade, Henry 1766
Slade, Millia Daughter Slade, Henry 1766
{Slade}, Pat Slave Slade, Henry 1766
{Slade}, Rose Slave Slade, Henry 1766
{Slade}, Sarah Slave Slade, Henry 1766
{Slade}, Sarah Remarried Widow Long, James 1793
{Slade}, Scipio Slave Slade, Henry 1766
Slade, William Administrator Garner, James 1772
Slade, William Administrator Gainer, James 1772
Slade, Wm. Administrator Warnin, Hambleton 1800
Sleight, W. S. Witness Lewis, Thomas 1853
Slinghuff, Jesse Witness Spruill, St. Clair 1915
Small, Thomas M. Witness Haughton, Eliza. B. 1871
Smith, Abraham Mentioned Spruill, Benjamin Senr. 1791
Smith, Abraham Deceased   1799
Smith, Absala Daughter Smith, Abraham 1799
Smith, Alice Wife Smith, Thomas 1763
Smith, Allen Witness Wynne, Jeremiah 1831
Smith, Amelia Daughter Ansley, Joseph 1818
Smith, Amelia Daughter Ansley, Joseph 1827
Smith, Andrew Son Smith, Abraham 1799
Smith, Ann Daughter Smith, John 1798
Smith, Ann Daughter in Law Arnold, Joseph Senr. 1800
Smith, Ann Witness Tweedy, Benjamin 1817
Smith, Asa Witness Tweedy, Benjamin 1817
Smith, Ava Witness Jackson, Samuel 1807
Smith, Avery Witness Sawyer, Daniel 1817
Smith, A. H. Husband of Grandaughter Owens, Thomas 1817
Smith, Alexander H. Administrator & Guardian Pucket/Pritchet, Cintha 1840
Smith, A. H. Deceased   1856
Smith, Benjamin Son Smith, James 1757
Smith, Benjamin Witness Basnight, Jacob 1800
Smith, Benjamin Brother ? Smith, John 1801
{Smith}, Budget Slave Smith, Francis 1842
Smith, Charity Wife Ward, John 1816
{Smith}, Charity Sister Smith, Francis 1842
{Smith}, Chloe Slave Smith, A. H. 1856
{Smith}, Clarissa Slave Smith, Rosanna 1855
Smith, Cyntha Wife Smith, William 1817
{Smith}, Delilah Daughter Smith, James 1783
Smith, Dorcas Daughter Smith, John 1798
Smith, Ebenezer Son in Law Armstrong, Solomon 1782
Smith, Edmond Mentioned Swanner, Mathias Tobias 1743
Smith, Elizabeth Wife Smith, William 1741
{Smith}, Elizabeth Daughter Smith, James 1783
Smith, Elizabeth Legatee Baker, Hilery 1787
Smith, Elizabeth Daughter Smith, William 1790
Smith, Elizabeth Guardian Smith, John 1798
Smith, Elizabeth Wife & Guardian Smith, John Junr. 1799
Smith, Elizabeth Daughter Smith, John Junr. 1799
Smith, Elizabeth Daughter Smith, Abraham 1799
Smith, Elizabeth Deceased   No Date
{Smith}, Elizabeth Wife Sawyer, Christopher 1820
Smith, Elizabeth Sister Phelps, Nathan A. 1832
Smith, Enoch Administrator Smith, Lodawick 1829
Smith, Enoch Juror Wynne, Jeremiah 1831
Smith, Epraim Son Smith, Abraham 1799
Smith, Frances Wife & Administratrix Smith, Jacob 1788
Smith, Francis Son in Law Basnight, Dorcas 1832
Smith, Francis Deceased   1842
Smith, Herbert L. Witness Sawyer, Nora 1919
Smith, Isaac Son Smith, Abraham 1799
Smith, Isaiah Deceased   1840
Smith, Isaiah Husband Sawyer, Patsey 1840
Smith, Isaiah Husband Cahoon, Mary 1840
Smith, Jacob Witness Overton, Rachel 1779
Smith, Jacob Deceased   1788
Smith, James Deceased   1751
Smith, James Son Smith, James 1751
Smith, James Guardian Smith, James 1751
Smith, James Deceased   1757
Smith, James Deceased   1783
Smith, James Deceased   1793
Smith, Jemima Daughter Smith, James 1751
Smith, Jno. Mentioned Hunnings, Zachariah 1790
Smith, Joanna Daughter Bateman, Nathan Senr. 1790
Smith, Joannah Wife Smith, Abraham 1799
Smith, Johanna Daughter Smith, Abraham 1799
Smith, John Son Smith, William 1741
Smith, John Son Smith, James 1751
Smith, John Son Smith, James 1757
Smith, John Witness Smith, Thomas 1763
Smith, John Witness Mackey, William 1765
Smith, John Witness McGown, William 1775
Smith, John Son Smith, James 1783
Smith, John Witness Hooker, John 1790
Smith, John Brother & Executor Smith, William 1790
Smith, John Witness Ward, Anthony 1797
Smith, John Senr. Friend Garrett, Jemima 1798
Smith, John Junr. Witness Smith, John Senr. 1798
Smith, John Deceased   1798
Smith, John Administrator Smith, John 1798
Smith, John Junr. Deceased   1799
Smith, John Deceased   No Date
Smith, John Deceased   1801
Smith, John Deceased   1804
Smith, Joseph Son Smith, Abraham 1799
Smith, Justice Deceased   1808
{Smith}, Keziah Sister Smith, Francis 1842
Smith, Lavinia Wife Sawyer, Levin 1836
Smith, Lodawick Deceased   1829
Smith, Loes Daughter Smith, Abraham 1799
Smith, Ludford Son Smith, Lodawick 1829
Smith, Mary Daughter Jennet, Abraham 1761
Smith, Mary Grandaughter Meekins, Isaac Senr. 1769
Smith, Mary Witness Gibson, John 1797
Smith, Mary Witness Gibson, John 1797
Smith, Mary Witness Gibson, John 1797
Smith, Mary Witness Gibson, John 1797
Smith, Mary Witness Gibson, John 1797
Smith, Mary Daughter Smith, John 1798
Smith, Mary (Granny) Mother Smith, John 1801
Smith, Mary Wife Smith, Isaiah 1840
{Smith}, Melina Slave Smith, A. H. 1856
{Smith}, Moses Slave Smith, A. H. 1856
Smith, Nancy Daughter Smith, Abraham 1799
Smith, Nancy Grandaughter Owens, Thomas 1817
Smith, Nancy Wife Smith, A. H. 1856
Smith, Patience Daughter Swain, James 1763
Smith, Patsey Wife Smith, Isaiah 1840
Smith, Peggey Witness Hooker, John 1790
Smith, Penelope Daughter Smith, James 1751
Smith, Peter Son & Administrator Smith, James 1751
Smith, Pricilla Daughter Burtenshall, Richard 1740
Smith, Pricilla Daughter Smith, James 1751
Smith, Rachel Wife Smith, James 1783
Smith, Rachel Wife Smith, William 1790
Smith, Rachel Daughter in Law Armstrong, Spencer 1832
Smith, Rebecca Daughter Armstrong, Solomon 1782
Smith, Rebecca Cooper Grandaughter Garrett, Jemima 1825
Smith, Redick Son Smith, Thomas 1763
Smith, Robert Administrator Smith, Robert 1810
Smith, Rosanna Deceased   1855
Smith, Rose/Rosannah Daughter Basnight, Dorcas 1832
Smith, Rosy Wife Smith, Francis 1842
Smith, R. V. Mentioned Bateman, Wilson H. 1886
Smith, Samuel Son Smith, William 1741
Smith, Samuel Witness Mann, Joseph 1765
Smith, Samuel Witness Ludford, Thomas 1764
Smith, Sarrah Daughter Morris, William 1767
Smith, Sarah Daughter Smith, John 1798
Smith, Sawyer Son Smith, John 1798
{Smith}, Susanah Wife Smith, Lodawick 1829
Smith, S. J. Witness Sawyer, Nora 1919
Smith, Thomas Son Smith, William 1741
Smith, Thomas Witness Alexander, Joseph 1760
Smith, Thomas Witness Routon, John 1763
Smith, Thomas Deceased   1763
Smith, Thomas Son Smith, William 1790
Smith, Thomas Son Smith, John Junr. 1799
Smith, Thomas Mentioned Davenport, Frederick Senr. 1812
Smith, William Deceased   1741
Smith, William Son & Administrator Smith, James 1757
Smith (alias Ludford), William Deceased   1782
Smith, Wiliam Son Smith, Jacob 1788
Smith, William Deceased   1790
Smith, William Son Smith, William 1790
Smith, William Witness Smith, John Senr. 1798
Smith, William Son Smith, John 1798
Smith, William Administrator Smith, John Junr. 1799
Smith, William Son Smith, John Junr. 1799
Smith, William Deceased   1799
Smith, William Deceased   1800
Smith, William Deceased   1813
Smith, William Deceased   1817
Smith, Zachariah Son in Law Ansley, Joseph 1827
Smith, Zebedee Neighbor Gibson, John 1793
Smith, Zebedee Witness Gibson, John 1797
Smith, Zebedee Witness Gibson, John 1797
Smith, Zebedee Witness Gibson, John 1797
Smith, Zebedee Witness Gibson, John 1797
Smith, Zebedee Witness Gibson, John 1797
Smith, Zilpha Daughter Smith, Abraham 1799
{Smithwick}, Buh Slave Smithwick, John 1768
Smithwick, Clanak Witness Gardner, William 1754
Smithwick, Edmund Mentioned Downing, William 1748
Smithwick, Edmund Witness Smithwick, Samuel 1743
Smithwick, Edmund Witness Stansell, John 1750
Smithwick, Edmd. Mentioned Carkeet, Benjamin 1751
Smithwick, Edmund Father Smithwick, Edward 1759
Smithwick, Edmond Father Smithwick, Samuel 1759
Smithwick, Edward Son Smithwick, Edmund 1759
Smithwick, Edmund Father Smithwick, John 1760
Smithwick, Edmund Grandfather Smithwick, William 1760
Smithwick, Edmund Witness Garrett, Thomas 1766
Smithwick, Edmundson Edward Witness Ward, Francis 1771
Smithwick, Edwd Witness Webb, Isham 1778
Smithwick, Hannah Witness Smithwick, Edmund 1759
Smithwick, Hannah Witness Smithwick, Edmund 1760
Smithwick, Hannah Daughter Smithwick, John 1768
{Smithwick}, Harry Slave Smithwick, Edmund 1759
{Smithwick}, James Slave Smithwick, Edmund 1760
Smithwick, John Son Smithwick, Edmund 1760
Smithwick, John Father Smithwick, William 1760
Smithwick, John Father Smithwick, Hannah 1768
Smithwick, John Senr. Father Smithwick, John 1768
Smithwick, John Son Smithwick, John Senr. 1768
Smithwick, John Father Smithwick, Winifred 1768
Smithwick, John Deceased   1772
Smithwick, Lamuel Witness Stansell, John 1750
Smithwick, Mary Daughter in Law Carkeet, Benjamin 1751
Smithwick, Mary Administratrix Smithwick, John 1772
Smithwick, Matilda Daughter Gibson, Henry 1861
{Smithwick}, Rose Slave Smithwick, John Senr. 1768
Smithwick, Samuel Father Mizell, Sarah 1743
Smithwick, Samuel Father in Law Mizell, Luke 1743
Smithwick, Samuel Son & Witness Smithwick, Edmund 1759
Smithwick, Samuel Witness Garrett, Thomas 1766
Smithwick, Samuel Grantor Ormond, Roger 1769
Smithwick, Samuel Administrator Swinson, Richard 1770
{Smithwick}, Sarah Daughter Mizell, Luke 1743
Smithwick, William Son Smithwick, John 1760
Smithwick, William Grandson Smithwick, Edmund 1760
Smithwick, Winifred Daughter Smithwick, John 1768
{Smithwick}, Vilet Slave Smithwick, John 1768
{Snell}, Amanda Daughter Brickhouse, Isaac 1839
Snell, Ann Daughter Snell, John 1758
Snell, Ann Sister Davenport, Simeon 1799
Snell, Ann Wife & Administratrix Snell, Asa 1809
{Snell}, Ann Daughter Johnson, Azeal 1822
Snell, Asa Son Snell, John 1793
Snell, Asa Heir Davenport, Simion 1799
Snell, Asa Legatee Snell, Holt 1809
Snell, Azor Deceased   1878
Snell, Aser Son in law Brickhouse, Benjamin 1867
Snell, Augustus M. Son Snell, F. D. 1907
Snell, Asa Deceased   1809
Snell, A. B. Mentioned Snell, John S. 1914
Snell, Bathiah Daughter Snell, John 1758
Snell, Benjamin H. Son Snell, F. D. 1907
Snell, Betsey Daughter Snell, John 1793
Snell, Betsey Legatee Snell, Holt 1809
Snell, Betsey Mentioned Cheson, Elizabeth 1814
Snell, Betsy Witness Tweedy, Benjamin 1817
Snell, Bradford Nephew Snell, John S. 1914
{Snell}, Cenith Daughter Snell, Azor 1878
Snell, Elias H. Son in Law Brickhouse, Isaac 1839
Snell, Elizabeth Wife Snell, Roger 1765
{Snell}, Elizabeth Daughter Snell, Azor 1878
Snell, Elizer Deceased   1902
Snell, Ellen Wife Snell, F. D. 1907
Snell, Emma Daughter Snell, F. D. 1907
{Snell}, Eudora Daughter Snell, F. D. 1907
{Snell}, Eugenia Daugher Snell, Elizer 1902
Snell, Frances Deceased   1906
Snell, F. D. Son Snell, Elizer 1902
Snell, F. D. Deceased   1907
Snell, Hannah Daughter Gray, Henry 1762
Snell, Henry B. Witness Brickhouse, Matthew 1852
Snell, Henry C. Son Snell, F. D. 1907
Snell, Holt Son Snell, Roger 1765
Snell, Holt Deceased   1769
Snell, Holt Son Snell, Roger 1772
Snell, Holt Grandson Snell, John 1793
Snell, Holt Deceased   1794
Snell, Holt Son Snell, Holt 1794
Snell, Holt Deceased   1809
Snell, H. W. Nephew Snell, John S. 1914
Snell, James Witness Swift, Joseph 1792
Snell, James Son Snell, John 1793
Snell, James Deceased   1822
Snell, James Deceased   1840
Snell, Jesse Son in Law Howett, William 1818
Snell, Jesse Son in Law Johnson, Azeal 1822
Snell, John Witness Fewox, James 1710
Snell, John Deceased   1758
Snell, John Son Snell, John 1758
Snell, John Son Snell, Roger 1765
Snell, John Son in Law Davenport, Isaac 1767
Snell, John Witness Snell, Holt 1769
Snell, John Brother & Executor Snell, Roger 1772
Snell, John Witness Marriner, Robinson 1773
Snell, John Witness Parsons, Samuel 1778
Snell, John Senr. Witness Rousham, Joseph 1781
Snell, John Witness Davenport, William 1782
Snell, John Deceased   1786
Snell, John Deceased   1793
Snell, John Son Snell, John 1793
Snell, John Son of Cousin Snell, Holt 1809
Snell, John Witness Cheson, Elizabeth 1814
Snell, John Witness Davenport, John Junr. 1818
Snell, John Deceased   1822
Snell, John Son Snell, John 1822
Snell, John Deceased   1840
Snell, John D. Son Snell, Azor 1878
Snell, John D. Son Snell, M. A. 1918
Snell, John S. Witness Snell, Elizer 1902
Snell, John S. Deceased   1914
Snell, Joseph Cousin Snell, Holt 1769
Snell, Joseph Nephew Snell, Roger 1772
Snell, Joseph Son & Administrator Snell, John 1793
Snell, Joseph Mentioned Best, William 1811
Snell, Joseph Administrator Hart, Lucrecey 1815
Snell, Joseph Administrator Chesson, Betsy 1816
Snell, Joseph Witness Alexander, John 1821
Snell, Joseph Administrator Snell, James 1822
Snell, J. B. Mentioned Brickhouse, Marilla 1894
Snell, J. B. Half Brother Snell, John S. 1914
Snell, Lucretia Wife Snell, John 1793
Snell, Martha/Patsey Daughter Howett, William 1818
Snell, Marvilla Grand daughter Brickhouse, Benjamin 1867
{Snell}, Mary Daughter Snell, Roger 1765
{Snell}, Mary Daughter Snell, F. D. 1907
Snell, Mary Ann Daughter Snell, Azor 1878
Snell, Holt Son Snell, Roger 1772
Snell, M. A. Deceased   1918
Snell, Penelipa Daughter Brickhouse, Benjamin 1867
Snell, Polly Ann Daughter Snell, John 1822
Snell, Rebecker Daughter Snell, Roger 1765
Snell, Rhoda Daughter Snell, John 1793
Snell, Roger Brother Jordian, Soloman 1721/2
Snell, Roger Son Snell, John 1758
Snell, Roger Son Snell, Roger 1765
Snell, Roger Deceased   1765
Snell, Roger Brother Snell, Holt 1769
Snell, Roger Deceased   1772
Snell, Roger Witness Norman, Nehemiah 1780
Snell, Roger Executor Roussom, Edward 1787
Snell, Roger Son Snell, John 1793
Snell, Rodger Witness Rhoads, Isaac 1804
Snell, Roger Witness Overton, Edward 1807
Snell, Rodger Witness Cooper, Willis 1809
Snell, Rodger Witness Hassell, Edward 1809
Snell, Rodger Cousin & Executor Snell, Holt 1809
Snell, Roger Mentioned Cheson, Elizabeth 1814
{Snell}, Rosanna Sister Snell, Holt 1809
{Snell}, Sadie E. Daughter Snell, F. D. 1907
Snell, Sarah Wife & Administratrix Snell, John 1786
Snell, Susan Daughter Brickhouse, Benjamin 1867
Snell, Susan Wife Snell, Azor 1878
Snell, Susan Ellen {Daughter} Hopkins, Edmond 1904
Snell, Susannah Wife Snell, Roger 1772
Snell, Thomas Witness Snell, Holt 1769
{Snell}, Vesta Daughter Snell, Azor 1878
Snell, Warren Son Snell, Elizer 1902
Snell, Warren Mentioned Snell, Frances 1906
Snell, Warren Brother Snell, F. D. 1907
Snell, Wm. E. Administrator Snell, John 1840
Snell, William C. Son in law Brickhouse, Benjamin 1867
Snell, William C. Witness Snell, Azor 1878
Snell, Willie Ellonise Daughter Snell, M. A. 1918
Snell, W. C. Mentioned Snell, John S. 1914
Snell, W. S. Brother Snell, John S. 1914
Snipes, Elizabeth Daughter Smith, James 1783

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Updated May 1, 2015
Gordon L. Basnight