Surname M

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Name in WillRelationship
to deceased
of Will
{Mackey}, Aaron Slave Mackey, Samuel 1834
{Mackey}, Amanda Slave Mackey, Samuel 1834
Mackey, Ann Daughter Mackey, William 1765
{Mackey}, Bess Slave Mackey, William 1765
{Mackey}, Caroline Slave Mackey, Samuel 1834
Mackey, Catherin Daughter Makee, Daniel 1694
Mackey, Daniel Deceased   1694
Mackey, Daniel Son Makee, Daniel 1694
Mackee, Daniel Husband Mackee, Mary Frances 1755
{Mackey}, Dealer Slave Mackey, Samuel 1834
Mackey, Elinor Wife Makee, Daniel 1694
Mackey, Elinor Daughter Makee, Daniel 1694
Mackey, Eleanor Witness to Agreement Pollock, Frances 1751
Mackey, Elenor Daughter Mackey, William 1765
{Mackey}, Feribee Slave Mackey, Samuel 1834
Mackey, Francis Daughter Lee, Stevens 1779
Mackey, Frances Wife Mackey, Thomas 1793
Mackey, Frances Daughter Mackey, Thomas 1793
Mackey, Miss Frances Administratrix Mackey, Thomas 1793
Mackey, Frances Mother Mackey, Frances 1797
Mackey, Frances Daughter Mackey, Frances 1797
{Mackey}, Grace Slave Mackey, Samuel 1834
{Mackey}, Hannah Daughter Mackey, William 1765
Mackey, Huldah Wife & Administratrix Mackey, William 1794
{Mackey}, Jenny Slave Mackey, Samuel 1834
{Mackey}, Jim Slave Mackey, Samuel 1834
Mackey, Joanna Sister Swain, Martha 1764
Mackey, Joanna (heirs) Daughter Swain, Mary 1771
{Mackey}, Joe Slave Mackey, William 1765
Mackey, John Son Makee, Daniel 1694
Mackee, Mary Frances Wife Mackee, Daniel 1755
Mackee, Mary Frances Grantor Alexander, Joseph 1755
Mackey, Mary Daughter & Executrix Mackey, William 1765
Mackey, Mary Daughter Mackey, William 1794
Mackey, Mary Jane Deceased   1828
{Mackey}, Nan Slave Mackey, William 1765
Mackey, Nancy Wife Mackey, Samuel 1834
{Mackey}, Pheby Slave Mackey, William 1765
{Mackey}, Prince Slave Mackey, Samuel 1834
{Mackey}, Rose Slave Mackey, Frances 1797
Mackey, Samuel Son Mackey, William 1794
Mackey, Samuel Deceased   1834
Mackey, Samuel Husband Mackey, Nancy 1834
{Mackey}, Scotte Slave Mackey, William 1765
{Mackey}, Stephen Slave Mackey, Samuel 1834
Mackey, T. Witness Davison, Robert 1783
Mackey, Thomas Son Mackey, William 1765
Mackey, Thos. Witness Lee, Stevens 1779
Mackey, Thomas Esqr, Executor Downing, Henry 1780
Mackey, Thomas Nephew Davison, Robert 1783
Mackey, Thomas Son Mackey, Thomas 1783
Mackey, T. Witness Aires, Martha 1785
Mackey, Thomas Witness Stewart, Thomas 1788
Mackey, Thomas Deceased   1793
Mackey, Thomas Son Mackey, Thomas 1793
Mackey, Thomas Executor & Friend Blount, Jacob 1794
Mackey, Thomas Son Mackey, William 1794
Mackey, William Cousin Bell, Thomas 1733
Mackey, William Witness Lee, Stevens 1747
Mackey, William (Capt) Nephew Bell, Elizabeth 1750
Mackey, William Executor Lee, Thomas 1751
Mackey, William (Capt) Mentioned Bell, Thomas 1751
Mackey, William Mentioned Carkeet, Benjamin 1751
Mackey, Wm. Witness to Agreement Pollock, Frances 1751
Mackey, William Mentioned Turnbull, James 1753
Mackey, William Witness Lee, Elizabeth 1753
Mackey, William Witness Jacocks, Elizabeth 1754
Mackey, Wm. Witness Davis, Thomas 1757
Mackey, William Son Mackey, William 1765
Mackey, William Deceased   1765
Mackey, Wm. Witness Gray, Godfrey 1792
Mackey, William Son Mackey, Thomas 1793
Mackey, Wm. Witness Burns, Anne 1793
Mackey, William Deceased   1794
Mackey, William Son Mackey, William 1794
{Mackey}, Willis Slave Mackey, Samuel 1834
{Mackey}, Windsor Slave Mackey, Samuel 1834
{Maddux}, Angelico Daughter Midgett, William 1815
{Maddux}, Anjelico Daughter Midyett, Samuel 1825
Maddux, Thomas C. Son in Law Midgett, William 1815
{Maddux}, Thomas C. Son in Law Midyett, Samuel 1825
Madox, Thomas C. Deceased   1828
Maezel, Elizabeth Daughter Everitt, Nathaniel 1782
Mahone, William Mentioned Alexander, Gideon 1839
Maitland, William Witness Brickhouse, Marilla 1894
Maitland, William Mentioned Woodward, John W. 1910
Majette, Bettie S. Witness Bateman, Charles 1906
Majette, Bettie S. Wife Majette, Mark 1920
Majette, J. Hutchings Brother Majette, Mark 1920
Majette, Mark Witness Brickhouse, Franklin L. 1887
Majette, Mark Witness Hassell, B. F. Sr. 1904
Majette, Mark Witness Hopkins, Edmond 1904
Majette, Mark Executor Bateman, Charles 1906
Majette, Mark Mentioned Jones, V. E. 1906
Majette, Mark Witness Bateman, S. R. 1907
Majette, Mark Executor McClees, B. V. 1909
Majette, Mark Witness Shallingon, W. E. 1909
Majette, Mark Witness Bodwell, Swanner 1910
Majette, Mark Witness Woodward, John W. 1910
Majette, Mark Witness Cahoon, Sarah 1910
Majette, Mark Witness Everton, Lemuel 1913
Majette, Mark Executor Spencer, B. S. 1913
Majette, Mark Executor Swain, J. A. 1913
Majette, Mark Witness Alexander, Alice E. 1918
Majette, Mark Nephew Majette, Mark 1920
Majette, Mark Deceased   1920
Majette, Virginia Mother Majette, Mark 1920
{Man}, Ann Daughter Man, John 1742
{Man}, Dorothy Daughter Man, John 1742
Man, Edward Son Man, John 1742
Man, Elizabeth Daughter Man, John 1742
Man, John Son Man, John 1742
Man, John Deceased   1742
Man, Joseph Son Man, John 1742
Man, Margaret Wife Man, John 1742
Man, Theaphelus Son Man, John 1742
Man, Thomas Son Man, John 1742
Man, William Son Man, John 1742
Mann, Affey Remarried Widow Mason, Archibald 1807
Mann, Affa Wife & Administratrix Mann, Thomas 1818
Mann, Affey Mentioned Midyett, Samuel 1825
{Mann}, Alen Slave Mann, Edward 1816
Mann, Aner Daughter ? Mann, Soloman 1827
{Mann}, Ann Daughter Mann, John 1742
Mann, Ann Daughter Alexander, Christain 1760
Mann, Ann Daughter Mann, Joseph 1765
Mann, Ann Elizabeth Daughter Leigh, Thomas 1822
{Mann}, Ben Slave Mann, Thomas 1818
Mann, Benjamin Brother & Executor Mann, John 1776
Mann, Benjamin Brother & Administrator Mann, William 1786
Mann, Benjamin Witness Johnson, Jonathan 1792
Mann, Benjamin Deceased   1796
Mann, Benjamin B. Witness Mann, Edward 1858
{Mann}, Bet Slave Mann, Joseph 1765
{Mann}, Betsy Slave Mann, William 1840
Mann, B. D. Mentioned Spruill, Annie E. 1911
Mann, C. A. Witness Mann, John M. 1907
{Mann}, Canser Slave Mann, Joseph 1765
Mann, Caroline Wife Mann, Solomon 1840
Mann, Caroline Daughter Sikes, Thomas 1840
Mann, Caroline Wife Mann, William 1840
Mann, Caroline Mentioned Alexander, John G. 1853
Mann, Carrol Grandchild Mann, John M. 1907
Mann, Christain Daughter Alexander, Christain 1760
Mann, Christian Sister Alexander, Benjamin 1784
Mann, Christian Wife & Executrix Mann, Thomas 1790
Mann, Christian Estate Sale Purchaser Barnes, Dorothy 1791
Mann, Christian Daughter Mann, Samuel 1801
Mann, Christian Wife & Executrix Mann, Samuel 1801
Mann, Christian Deceased   1815
Mann, Daniel Son Mann, Edward 1816
Mann, Daniel B. Mentioned Alexander, John G. 1853
Mann, Dorothy Sister Mann, Joseph 1765
Mann, Dorothy Daughter Mann, Thomas 1790
{Mann}, Dorothy Deceased   1791
{Mann}, Dorrity Daughter Mann, John 1742
Mann, Edward Son & Executor Mann, John 1742
Mann, Edward Deceased   1755
Mann, Edward Son Mann, Thomas 1766
Mann, Edward Brother Mann, Thomas 1766
Mann, Edward Son Mann, Samuel 1801
Mann, Edward Witness Midyett, William 1804
Mann, Edward Junr. Guardian Mann, Christian 1815
Mann, Edward Guardian Midgett, William 1815
Mann, Edward Deceased   1816
Mann, Edward Administrator Caroon, Nevel 1822
Mann, Edward Son Mann, Soloman 1827
Mann, Edward Witness Mann, Soloman 1827
Mann, Edward Husband Rollins, Sarah 1832
Mann, Edward Son in Law Rollins, Sarah 1832
Mann, Edward Deceased   1858
Mann, Edward Brother in law Rollins, John M. 1860
Mann, Edward Witness Caroon, Joseph 1862
Mann, Edward L. Brother Mann, John M. 1907
Mann, Eliza F. Niece Rollins, John M. 1860
Mann, Elizabeth Daughter Mann, John 1742
Mann, Elizabeth Daughter Mason, Archibald 1807
Mann, Elizabeth Daughter Mann, Edward 1858
{Mann}, Ella J. Daughter Mann, John M. 1907
Mann, Ephm. Court Witness Basnight, Dorcas 1832
Mann, Ephraim Guardian Melson, William 1808
Mann, Ephraim Son & Guardian Mann, Edward 1816
Mann, Ephraim Guardian Alexander, Abraham 1816
Mann, Ephraim Guardian Combs, William 1819
Mann, Ephraim Son in Law & Executor Leigh, Thomas 1822
Mann, Ephraim Administrator Combs, Lewis 1823
Mann, Ephraim Administrator Johnson, Charity 1825
Mann, Ephraim Administrator Hopkins, Thomas 1825
Mann, Ephraim Administrator Rollins, Joseph 1831
Mann, Ephraim Administrator & Guardian McCalister, James 1832
Mann, Ephraim Executor Prichett, Asa 1832
Mann, Ephraim Executor Midyett, John 1832
Mann, Ephraim Administrator Etheridge, Samuel 1832
Mann, Ephraim Administrator Howett, Betsy 1832
Mann, Ephraim Administrator Padgett, Zebulon 1833
Mann, Ephraim Administrator Pledger, William 1833
Mann, Ephraim Administrator Weskett, William 1833
Mann, Ephraim Witness Rowe, Rachel 1834
Mann, Ephraim Administrator & Guardian Davenport, John G. B. 1827
Mann, Ephram Brother Mann, Thomas E. 1840
{Mann}, Esther Daughter Mann, Edward 1816
{Mann}, Eumeda Daughter Mann, John M. 1907
Mann, Fanny Daughter Mann, Samuel 1801
Mann, Fayett Deceased   1832
{Mann}, Frank Slave Mann, William 1840
{Mann}, George Slave Mann, Edward 1816
{Mann}, George Slave Mann, William 1840
{Mann}, Gin Slave Mann, Thomas 1818
Mann, Harriet R. Daughter Mann, Edward 1858
Mann, Harriet R. Niece Rollins, John M. 1860
{Mann}, Harry Slave Mann, Joseph 1765
Mann, Herbert L. Son Mann, John M. 1907
Mann, Hester/Ester Wife & Administratrix Mann, Thomas 1766
Mann, J. E. Son Mann, John M. 1907
{Mann}, Jack Slave Mann, Joseph 1765
Mann, Jane Daughter Roughton, John 1813
Mann, John Deceased   1742
Mann, John Son Mann, John 1742
Mann, John Deceased   1776
Mann, John Son & Executor Mann, Thomas 1790
Mann, John Witness Mann, Thomas 1790
Mann, John Estate Sale Purchaser Barnes, Dorothy 1791
Mann, John Witness Alexander, Martha 1791
Mann, John Deceased   1796
Mann, John (heir of William)) Devisee Mann, John 1796
Mann, John M. Deceased   1907
Mann, Joseph Son & Executor Mann, John 1742
Mann, Joseph Administrator Mann, Edward 1755
Mann, Joseph Deceased   1764
Mann, Joseph Deceased   1765
Mann, Joseph Son Mann, Joseph 1765
Mann, Joseph Son Mann, Thomas 1766
Mann, Joseph Brother Mann, Thomas 1766
Mann, Joseph Brother Mann, Solomon 1781
Mann, Joseph Son Mann, Thomas 1781
Mann, Joseph Deceased   1781
Mann, Joseph Devisee Mann, John 1796
Mann, Joseph Junr. (heir of) Devisee Mann, John 1796
Mann, Joseph Senr. (heir of) Devisee Mann, John 1796
Mann, Joseph Son Mann, Samuel 1801
Mann, Joseph Guardian Dowdy, William 1811
Mann, Joseph Junr. Administrator Mann, Christian 1815
Mann, Joseph Guardian Mann, Christian 1815
Mann, Joseph Son Mann, Thomas 1818
Mann, Joseph Witness Mann, Soloman 1827
Mann, Joseph Administrator Mason, John 1837
Mann, Jos. E. Son Mann, William 1840
Mann, Joseph Deceased   1841
Mann, Joseph Son Mann, W. 1841
Mann, Joseph B. Witness Mann, Edward 1858
Mann, Joseph B. Witness Rollins, John M. 1860
{Mann}, Josh Slave Mann, Thomas 1818
{Mann}, Judith Slave Mann, Joseph 1765
Mann, Julian S. Nephew & Exeutor Mann, John M. 1907
{Mann}, Kate B. Daughter Mann, John M. 1907
{Mann}, Laura M. Daughter Mann, John M. 1907
{Mann}, Lennon Slave Mann, Joseph 1765
Mann, Lewis Friend Mann, Edward 1816
Mann, Lewis Son Mann, Soloman 1827
Mann, Lewis Son Mann, John M. 1907
{Mann}, Lid Slave Mann, Thomas 1818
{Mann}, Lilly (?) Slave Mann, Samuel 1822
Mann, Louis H. Son & Executor Mann, John M. 1907
{Mann}, Lucy Slave Mann, William 1840
{Mann}, Lydia Slave Mann, William 1840
Mann, Margit Wife Mann, John 1742
Mann, Mariam Wife Mann, Benjamin 1796
Mann, Mariam Mentioned Alexander, James 1804
{Mann}, Margaret Slave Mann, Samuel 1801
Mann, Martha Sister Mann, John 1776
Mann, Martha Sister Mann, William 1786
Mann, Mary Wife & Executrix Mann, Joseph 1765
Mann, Mary Daughter Mann, Joseph 1765
Mann, Mary Daughter Mann, Thomas 1790
Mann, Mary C. Deceased   1885
Mann, Mary E. Mentioned Alexander, John G. 1853
Mann, Matilda Daughter Mann, Edward 1816
Mann, May Spruill Daughter Spruill, Annie E. 1911
{Mann}, Monday Slave Mann, William 1840
{Mann}, Nancy Daughter in Law Mann, Edward 1816
Mann, Patsey Daughter Mann, Thomas 1790
{Mann}, Penny Slave Mann, Samuel 1801
{Mann}, Peter Slave Mann, William 1840
{Mann}, Phillis Slave Mann, William 1840
{Mann}, Phillup Slave Mann, William 1840
Mann, Polly Estate Sale Purchaser Barnes, Dorothy 1791
Mann, Polly Daughter Mann, Samuel 1801
Mann, Polly Wife Caroon, Nevel 1822
{Mann}, Polly Slave Mann, Samuel 1822
{Mann}, Polly Daughter Mann, Soloman 1827
Mann, Polly Wife & Executrix Mann, Soloman 1827
{Mann}, Pompy Slave Mann, Joseph 1765
{Mann}, Pompey Slave Mann, Samuel 1801
{Mann}, Pomp Slave Mann, Thomas 1818
{Mann}, Rachel Slave Mann, Samuel 1822
{Mann}, Raymon Slave Mann, William 1840
{Mann}, Rose Slave Mann, Thomas 1766
Mann, Samuel Son Mann, Joseph 1765
Mann, Samuel Son Mann, Joseph 1781
Mann, Samuel Witness Mann, Thomas 1790
Mann, Samuel Witness Caroon, John Senr. 1791
Mann, Samuel Estate Sale Purchaser Barnes, Dorothy 1791
Mann, Samuel Administrator Rhodamon, Hendrick 1792
Mann, Samuel (heir to Joseph) Devisee Mann, John 1796
Mann, Samuel Deceased   1801
Mann, Samuel Son Mann, Thomas 1818
Mann, Samuel Deceased   1822
Mann, Samuel Son Mann, Soloman 1827
{Mann}, Samuel Slave Mann, William 1840
Mann, Samuel Witness Caroon, Thomas 1859
Mann, Samuel E. Son Mann, Edward 1858
Mann, Samuel E. Executor Rollins, John M. 1860
Mann, Samuel E. Witness Caroon, Joseph 1862
Mann, Sarah Daughter Mann, Thomas 1766
Mann, Sara Daughter Mann, Thomas 1790
Mann, Sarah Wife McLaughlin, Mitchell 1814
Mann, Sally Daughter Mann, Thomas 1818
Mann, Sally Wife Mann, Samuel 1822
{Mann}, Sally Daughter Mann, Soloman 1827
{Mann}, Sarah Daughter Rollins, Joseph 1832
Mann, Sarah Wife Mann, Edward 1832
Mann, Sarah Wife Mann, Edward 1858
Mann, Sarah Sister Rollins, John M. 1860
Mann, Sarah Daughter-in-Law Mann, John M. 1907
Mann, Sarah M. Daughter Mann, Edward 1858
Mann, Sarah M. Niece Rollins, John M. 1860
{Mann}, Silvy Slave Mann, Edward 1816
{Mann}, Simon Slave Mann, William 1840
Mann, Solomon Son Mann, Thomas 1766
Mann, Solomon Brother Mann, Joseph 1781
Mann, Solomon Son Mann, Thomas 1781
Mann, Solomon Estate Sale Purchaser Barnes, Dorothy 1791
Mann, Soloman Witness Mann, Samuel 1801
Mann, Solomon Son in Law Mason, Archibald 1807
Mann, Solomon Son Mann, Soloman 1827
Mann, Solomon Deceased   1827
Mann, Solomon Husband Sikes, Caroline 1840
Mann, Solomon Son in Law Sikes, Thomas 1840
Mann, Spencer D. Son Mann, Edward 1858
Mann, Theophilus Son & Executor Mann, John 1742
Mann, Theopelus Administrator Mann, Joseph 1764
Mann, Theophilus Executor Mann, Joseph 1765
Mann, Theopleous Witness Alexander, William 1763
Mann, Theophilus (heir of) Devisee Mann, John 1796
Mann, Thomas Son Mann, John 1742
Mann, Thomas Witness Carron, James 1763
Mann, Thomas Brother & Administrator Mann, William 1764
Mann, Thomas Brother & Executor Mann, Joseph 1765
Mann, Thomas Deceased   1766
Mann, Thomas Son Mann, Thomas 1766
Mann, Thomas Father Mann, Joseph 1781
Mann, Thomas Father Mann, Solomon 1781
Mann, Thomas Legatee Alexander, Joshua 1783
Mann, Thomas Brother Mann, William 1786
Mann, Thomas Son Mann, Thomas 1790
Mann, Thomas Deceased   1790
Mann, Thomas Administrator Barnes, Dorothy 1791
Mann, Thomas (heir of) Devisee Mann, John 1796
Mann, Thomas Deceased   1802
Mann, Thomas Witness Mann, Edward 1816
Mann, Thomas Deceased   1818
Mann, Thomas E. Grandson Leigh, Thomas 1822
Mann, Thomas Son Mann, Soloman 1827
Mann, Thomas Uncle Mann, Thomas E. 1840
Mann, Thomas E. Deceased   1840
Mann, Thomas R. Son Mann, Edward 1858
Mann, Thomas R. Executor Rollins, John M. 1860
Mann, Thomas R. Executor Caroon, Joseph 1862
Mann, Thomas Mentioned Mann, John M. 1907
Mann, Thomas Brother Mann, John M. 1907
Mann, Thomas C. Son Mann, John M. 1907
Mann, W. Father Mann, Jos. 1841
Mann, William Witness Ludford, William 1732
Mann, William Son Mann, John 1742
Mann, William Deceased   1764
Mann, William Brother Mann, John 1776
Mann, William Deceased   1786
Mann, William Devisee Mann, John 1796
Mann, William Son Mann, Edward 1816
Mann, William Witness Swain, James 1835
Mann, William Executor Combs, Jno. Senr. 1839
Mann, William Deceased   1840
Mann, William Husband Mann, Caroline 1840
Mann, William Father Mann, William 1840
Mann, William Father Mann, Jos. E. 1840
Mann, William Son Mann, William 1840
Mann, William M. K. Son Mann, Edward 1858
Mann, William M. K. Witness Caroon, Joseph 1862
{Mann}, Zack Slave Mann, Thomas 1818
Manning, Hillery Brother Manning, Malichi 1773
Manning, John Hays Brother Manning, Malichi 1773
Manning, Malichi Brother Manning, John Hays 1773
Manning, Malichi Brother Manning, Hillery 1773
Maples, Mark Debt Swain, John 1790
Marburg, Valorie von D. Mentioned Spruill, St. Clair 1915
Marburg, William L. Mentioned Spruill, St. Clair 1915
Marchant, Abigale Daughter Marchant, John 1777
Marchant, Abigale Wife & Administratrix Marchant, John 1777
{Merchant}, Angelico Sister Merchant, Elizabeth 1828
Marchant, Betty Daughter Marchant, John 1777
Merchant, Betsey Deceased   1828
Merchant, Caleb Deceased   1800
Merchant, Elizabeth Deceased   1828
Marchant, John Deceased   1777
Merchant, Mary Wife & Executrix Merchant, Caleb 1800
{Merchant}, Mary Sister Merchant, Elizabeth 1828
{Marchant}, Rachel Slave Marchant, John 1777
Marchant, Sabela Wife Marchant, William 1840
Marchant, Sarah Daughter Marchant, John 1777
Merchant, William Brother & Executor Merchant, Elizabeth 1828
Marchant, William Deceased   1840
Marks, Elias Deceased   1764
Marks, John Son Marks, Elias 1764
Marret, Hezekiah Son Marret, John 1775
Marret, Issac Son Marret, John 1775
Marret, Jesse Son Marret, John 1775
Marrett, John Witness Sedgex, John 1768
Marret, John Son Marret, John 1775
Marret, John Deceased   1775
Marret, Jonathan Son Marret, John 1775
Marret, Kizia Daughter Marret, John 1775
{Marret}, Mary Daughter Marret, John 1775
{Marret}, Ruth Daughter Marret, John 1775
Marret, Samuel Son Marret, John 1775
Marret, Zachariah Son Marret, John 1775
Marriner, Ann Remarried Widow Howett, William 1768
Marriner, Ann Wife & Executrix Marriner, Robinson 1773
Marriner, Ann Deceased   1825
{Marriner}, Beck Slave Marriner, Ann 1825
{Marriner}, Bob Slave Marriner, Robinson 1773
{Marriner}, Cooper Slave Marriner, Ann 1825
Marriner, Demsey Master Lucas, Richard 1796
{Marriner}, Dinah Slave Marriner, Robinson 1773
Marriner, Elizabeth Daughter Marriner, John 1771
Marriner, Elizabeth Daughter in Law Davis, Richard Senr. 1822
{Marriner}, Ferebee Slave Marriner, Ann 1825
Marriner, James Son in Law Armstrong, Solomon 1782
{Marriner}, Jane Slave Marriner, Robinson 1773
{Marriner}, Jerry Slave Marriner, Ann 1825
Marriner, John Master Davenport, Joshua 1764
Marriner, John Son Marriner, John 1771
Marriner, John Deceased   1771
Marriner, John Son Marriner, Peter 1777
Marriner, John Witness Spruill, Benjamin Senr. 1791
Marriner, John Brother Marriner, Peter 1799
Marriner, John Witness Caswell, Samuel 1808
Marriner, John Witness Spruill, Benjamin Junr. 1808
Marriner, John Guardian Jasper, Richard 1814
Marriner, John Witness Davenport, John 1823
Marriner, John Husband & Administrator Marriner, Sarah 1823
Marriner, John Husband Marriner, Ann 1825
Marriner, Lafayete Son Marriner, Ann 1825
Marriner, Lafayette J. Deceased   1827
{Marriner}, Lindia Slave Marriner, Robinson 1773
{Marriner}, Mary Daughter Armstrong, Solomon 1782
Marriner, Peter Son Marriner, John 1771
{Marriner}, Peter Slave Marriner, Robinson 1773
Marriner, Peter Deceased   1777
Marriner, Peter Son Marriner, Peter 1777
Marriner, Peter Brother Marriner, John 1799
Marriner, Peter Neighbor Hathaway, Woolsey 1804
Marriner, Peter Witness Caswell, Samuel 1808
Marriner, Peter Witness Tarkenton, John 1809
Marriner, Peter Administrator Spruill, Shadrack 1814
Marriner, Peter Administrator Williams, Owen 1816
Marriner, Polly Daughter in Law Davis, Richard Senr. 1822
Marriner, Roberson Administrator & Guardian Howett, William 1768
Marriner, Roberson Husband of Widow Howett, William 1768
Marriner, Roberson Administrator Hassell, William 1768
Marriner, Robinson Deceased   1773
{Marriner}, Rosana Wife Spruill, Abehu/Behue 1819
Marriner, Sarah Deceased   1823
Marriner, Sally A. Witness Hassell, James 1823
Marriner, Tabitha Wife & Executrix Marriner, John 1771
{Marriner}, Vilot Slave Marriner, Ann 1825
Marshall, David Deceased   1778
Marshall, John Hall Executor Hall, John 1800
Marten, Anner Daughter Tharp, Paul 1755
Martin, Africa Daughter Garrett, James 1798
Martin, Africa Heir Garrett, James 1799
Martin, Charles Brother & Administrator Martin, Joel 1792
Martin, Charles Oden Son in Law Garrett, James 1798
Martin, Joel Deceased   1792
Martin, Leonard Executor Spruill, Charles 1814
{Martin}, Lina Great Grandaughter Alexander, Jesse Col. 1818
Martin, Wheeler Husband of Great Grandaughter Alexander, Jesse Col. 1818
Mason, Affa Daughter Midyett, Samuel 1804
Mason, Affa Wife Mason, Archabald 1804
Mason, Affy Wife & Administratrix Mason, Archibald 1807
{Mason}, Affey Daughter Midyett, Samuel 1825
Mason, Amanda S. Sister Mann, Mary C. 1885
Mason, Archibald Guardian Mason, John 1803
Mason, Archabald Son in Law Midyett, Samuel 1804
Mason, Archabald Husband Mason, Affa 1804
Mason, Archibald Deceased   1807
Mason, Archibald Son in Law Midyett, Samuel 1825
{Mason}, Ben Slave Mason, Archibald 1807
{Mason}, Chane Slave Mason, Archibald 1807
Mason, David Son Mason, John 1837
{Mason}, Dorothy Slave Mason, Archibald 1807
Mason, Edward Administrator Mason, John 1827
Mason, Elizabeth Daughter Mason, John 1803
Mason, Elizabeth Daughter Mason, Archibald 1807
Mason, Elizabeth Deceased Wife Liverman, Isaac 1821
Mason, Elizabeth Daughter Mason, John 1837
{Mason}, Frances Wife Perisho, Rufus 1801
{Mason}, Isaac Slave Mason, Archibald 1807
Mason, John Deceased   1803
Mason, John Son Mason, Archibald 1807
Mason, John Stepson Mann, Thomas 1818
Mason, John Witness Mann, Soloman 1827
Mason, John Deceased   1827
Mason, John Deceased   1837
Mason, John Husband ? Mason, Mary 1837
Mason, John Father Mason, Nancy 1837
Mason, John Father Mason, David 1837
Mason, John Father Mason, Elizabeth 1837
{Mason}, Luck Slave Mason, Archibald 1807
{Mason}, Margret Slave Mason, Archibald 1807
Mason, Mary Wife ? & Guardian Mason, John 1837
Mason, Nancy Daughter Mason, John 1837
{Mason}, Penny Slave Mason, Archibald 1807
Mason, Sally Daughter Midyett, Thomas M. 1854
Mason, Thomas Son Mason, Archibald 1807
Mason, Thomas Mentioned Midyett, Thomas M. 1854
Mason, William Guardian Perisho, Rufus 1801
{Mason}, Zack Slave Mason, Archibald 1807
Massey, Adkins Husband of Widow Wynne, Jeremiah 1763
Massey, Adkins Father Massey, Frederick 1800
Massey, Adkins Neighbor Hassell, Zebulon 1801
Massey, Adkins Junr. Son Massey, Adkins Senr. 1806
Massey, Adkins Senr. Deceased   1806
Massey, Adkins Son in Law Phelps, Asa 1810
Massey, Adkins Husband Phelps, Lavinia 1810
Massey, Adkins Brother Massey, Fredrick 1811
{Massey}, Ann Wife Hassell, Edward 1798
{Massey}, Anne Daughter Massey, Adkins Senr. 1806
{Massey}, Anne Mother Hassell, Edward Junr. 1809
{Massey}, Ann Sister Massey, Fredrick 1811
Massey, Frederick Son Massey, Adkins 1800
Massey, Frederic Son & Executor Massey, Adkins Senr. 1806
Massey, Fred Witness Hassell, Edward 1809
Massey, Fredrick Deceased   1811
Massey, Joyce Niece Massey, Fredrick 1811
{Massey}, Lavinia Daughter Phelps, Asa 1810
Massey, Mary Remarried Widow Wynne, Jeremiah 1763
Massey, Mary Daughter Hassell, Rachel 1778
Massey, Mary Wife Massey, Adkins Senr. 1806
Massey, Mary Niece Massey, Fredrick 1811
Massey, William Nephew Massey, Fredrick 1811
Matthews, Charity Remarried Widow Conner, James 1761
Mathews, Charity Deceased   1771
Matthews, David Husband of Great Grandaughter Alexander, Jesse Col. 1818
{Mathews}, Elizabeth Daughter Mathews, Charity 1771
Mathews, George Witness Lee, Francis 1771
Matthews, George Witness Stubbs, Everett 1793
Matthews, James Husband of Widow Conner, James 1761
Mathews, James Husband Mathews, Charity 1771
{Mathews}, Mary Daughter Mathews, Charity 1771
{Matthews}, Minnie Great Grandaughter Alexander, Jesse Col. 1818
{Mathews}, Penelopy Daughter Mathews, Charity 1771
{Mathews}, Susanah Daughter Mathews, Charity 1771
Matthews, John Witness Turnbull, James 1753
Maxwell, William Witness Downing, William 1739
McAlister, Flory Niece Hassell, James 1823
McAllister, Hector Son in Law ? Hassell, Joseph Senr. 1783
McAlester, James Son & Executor Swain, Rachel 1817
Macalister, James Daughter Liverman, Thomas 1818
McCallister, James Son in Law Patrick, John A. 1821
McCallister, James Husband Patrick, Mariah 1821
McAlister, James Administrator Johnson, Jobe 1822
McAlister, James Nephew & Executor Hassell, James 1823
McAllister, J. L. Mentioned Hassell, Jesse 1857
{Macalister}, Mariah Daughter Liverman, Thomas 1818
McCallister, Mariah Daughter Patrick, John A. 1821
McCallister, Mariah Wife McCallister, James 1821
McAlester, Nancy Daughter Swain, Rachel 1817
{McAllister}, Rachel Remarried Widow Edwards, James 1784
{McAllister}, Rachel Daughter Hassell, Joseph Senr. 1783
{McAlester}, Rachel Deceased   1817
McAllister, Robert Son in Law Hassell, Joseph Senr. 1783
McAllister, Robert Husband of Widow & Administrator Edwards, James 1784
McAlester, Sally Daughter Swain, Rachel 1817
McAllister, Susanna Daughter Hassell, Joseph Senr. 1783
McCabe Mentioned Davenport, Joseph 1792
McCabe, Alexander Executor Turner, Joshua 1754
McCabe, Alexander Guardian Lewis, Thomas 1755
McCabe, Alexander Neighbor Spruill, Joseph Senr. 1756
McCabe, Alexander Husband of Widow Spruill, Samuel Senr. 1760
McKibb, Alexander Father McKibb, James 1766
McKabe, Alexander Father McKabe, Alexander
McKabe, Alexander Son McKabe, Alexander
McCabe, Alexander Father McCabe, Elizabeth 1777
McCabe, Alexander Father McCabe, Rosannah 1777
McCabe, Alexander Father McCabe, Alexander 1777
McCabe, Alexander Son McCabe, Alexander 1777
McCabe, Ann Wife McCabe, William 186X
{McCabe}, Charlotte Slave McCabe, Damoris 1833
McCabe, Demeris Wife McCabe, James 1820
McCabe, Demeris Daughter McCabe, James 1820
McCabe, Damoris Deceased   1833
McCabe, Damoris Daughter McCabe, Damoris 1833
McCabe, Elizabeth Daughter McCabe, Alexander 1777
McCabe, Elizabeth Daughter McCabe, James 1780
McCabe, Betsy Daughter McCabe, James 1820
McCabe, Elizabeth Daughter McCabe, Damoris 1833
McCabe, Ebilina Daughter McCabe, James 1820
McCabe, Evelina Daughter McCabe, Damoris 1833
McCabe, Eugene Son McCabe, William 186X
{McCabe}, Everit Slave McCabe, Damoris 1833
McCabe, Grisel Daughter McCabe, William 186X
Macabe, James Witness Spruill, Samuel Senr. 1765
McKibb, James Son McKibb, Alexander 1766
McCabe, James Deceased   1780
McKabe, James Administrator Hatfield, William 1811
McCabe, James Deceased   1820
McCabe, James Son McCabe, James 1820
McCabe, James Son & Executor McCabe, Damoris 1833
{McCabe}, Jordan Slave McCabe, Damoris 1833
McKabe, Joshua Son McKabe, Alexander
McKeabe, Joshua Deceased   1781
McKeabe, Joshua Son McKeabe, Joshua 1781
McKab, Joshua Legatee Ansley, Joseph Senr 1800
McCabe, Julia Ann Daughter McCabe, James 1820
McCabe, Mary Widow Spruill, Samuel Senr. 1760
McKabe, Mary Wife McKabe, Alexander
McCabe, Melissa Daughter McCabe, William 186X
McCabe, Minerva Daughter McCabe, James 1820
McCabe, Rosannah Daughter McCabe, Alexander 1777
McCabe, Sally Daughter McCabe, James 1820
McCabe, Salley Daughter McCabe, Damoris 1833
McCabe, Sarah Daughter McCabe, James 1780
{McCabe}, Siller Slave McCabe, Damoris 1833
McCabe, Sophia Ann Daughter McCabe, William 186X
McCabe, Steven Son McCabe, James 1780
McKabe, Stephen Mentioned Spruill, Benjamin Senr. 1791
McCabe/McKeebe, Stephen Deceased   1793
McKeabe, Susannah Administratrix McKeabe, Joshua 1781
McCabe, William Son McCabe, James 1820
McCabe, William Son & Executor McCabe, Damoris 1833
McCabe, William Deceased   186X
{McCalister}, Asenith Daughter McCalister, James 1832
{McCalister}, Betsy Slave McCalister, James 1832
{McCalister}, George Slave McCalister, James 1832
{McCalister}, Harmon Slave McCalister, James 1832
{McCalister}, Isaac Slave McCalister, James 1832
McCallister, Issibel Wife Thoroughgood, Amos 1836
McCalister, James Deceased   1832
McCalister, John Son McCalister, James 1832
McCallister, John Son in Law Thoroughgood, Amos 1836
McCalister, Mariah Wife McCalister, James 1832
{McCalister}, Mary Slave McCalister, James 1832
McCallister, Mary Jane Daughter Thoroughgood, Amos 1836
{McCalister}, Matthias Slave McCalister, James 1832
{McCalister}, Nelly Slave McCalister, James 1832
{McCalister}, Noah Slave McCalister, James 1832
{McCalister}, Olive Slave McCalister, James 1832
McCalister, Phoebe Ann Daughter McCalister, James 1832
{McCalister}, Primas Slave McCalister, James 1832
{McCalister}, Sally Slave McCalister, James 1832
{McCalister}, Sui Wife McCalister, James 1832
{McCaskey}, Chloe Daughter McCaskey, John 1760
McCaskey, Jehu Son McCaskey, John 1760
McCaskey, John Administrator Williams, Phillip 1754
McCaskey, John Son McCaskey, John 1760
McCaskey, John Deceased   1760
McCaskey, Mary Daughter McCaskey, John 1760
McCaskey, Mary Wife McCaskey, John 1760
McCaskey, Pennelope Daughter McCaskey, John 1760
McCaskey, Susanna Daughter McCaskey, John 1760
McCemes, Joseph Mentioned Warrington, John 1798
McClain, Daniel Friend Everet, William 1755
McClease, Abey Daughter Alexander, John 1801
McCleas, Ann Daughter in Law Alexander, Henry Senr. 1816
McCleese, Sarah D. Grand daughter Wood, Susan 1877
{McClees}, Ann/Nancy Daughter Liverman, Thomas 1818
McClees, Ann Sister Pledger, Robert L. 1854
McClees, Brittana Mentioned Bowser, Zion 1906
McClees, B. V. Deceased   1909
McClees, Beuna V. Wife McClees, William 1884
McClees, Charles Son in Law Liverman, Thomas 1818
McClees, Charles R. Greatgrandson Liverman, Thomas 1818
McClees, Charles Administrator McClees, John 1826
McClees, Charles Administrator Armstrong, Spencer 1832
McClees, Charles Husband of Widow Weskett, William 1833
McClees, Charles Administrator Owens, Edward 1835
McClees, Charles Administrator Liverman, Thomas M. 1835
McClees, Charles Witness Liverman, Dempsy 1837
McClees, Charles Administrator Belangy, Isaac 1833
McClees, Charles Administrator De Bonis Non Davenport, Maria 1838
McClees, Charles Executor Norman, Henry 1839
McClees, Charles Administrator Truitt, John 1840
McClees, Charles Administrator Smith, Isaiah 1840
McClees, Charles Administrator Cahoon, Wilson 1840
McClees, Charles Father in law McClees, E. A. 1871
McClees, Charles Executor Wood, Susan 1877
McClece, Ede Daughter Alexander, John 1812
McClees, Ellen Wife McClees, E. A. 1871
McClees, Emma Mentioned Alexander, Anthony 1917
McClees, E. A. Deceased   1871
McClees, E. A. Mentioned Spruill, Benjamin 1874
{McClees}, Hattie Sister McClees, W. L. 1923
McClees, Henry Mentioned Midyett, Thomas M. 1854
McClees, Henry Brother McClees, Joseph 1855
McClees, H. W. Husband McClees, Lola O. 1889
McClees, H. W. Nephew McClees, W. L. 1923
{McClees}, Isabel Deceased   1874
McClees, James Grandson Liverman, Thomas 1818
McClees, Jesse Guardian Combs, Jno. Senr. 1839
McCleese, John Mentioned Cowell, William 1793
McCleas, John Executor & Son in Law Alexander, Joseph 1796
McClease, John Son in Law Alexander, John 1801
McClees, John Administrator Charles, Harvey 1814
McClees, John Junr. Husband of Witness Midyett, Ann 1815
McClees, Jno. Witness Alexander, Henry Senr. 1816
McClees, John Deceased   1826
McClees, John Sr. Deceased   1830
McClees, John Husband of Niece Midyett, Joseph 1834
McClees, John Guardian Etheridge, William 1836
McCleese, Jno. Mentioned Alexander, George H. 1836
McCleese, Jno. Witness Liverman, Dempsy 1837
McClees, John Guardian Tweedy, Jonathan 1856
McClees, John Guardian Basnight, Lemuel 1839
McClees, John Administrator Alexander, Warren 1839
McClees, John Administrator Davis, Sebin 1840
McClees, John Administrator Brickhouse, Samuel 1840
McClees, John Administrator Basnight, Mary/Polly 1842
McClees, John Executor Midyett, Thomas M. 1854
McClees, John Witness Sanderson, Jesse 1856
McClease, Joseph Son in Law & Guardian Alexander, William 1804
McClece, Joseph Son in Law & Executor Alexander, John 1812
McClees, Joseph Guardian & Administrator Alexander, Gilbert 1819
McClees, Joseph Witness Leigh, Thomas 1822
McClees, Joseph Administrator McClees, John Sr. 1830
McClees, Joseph Witness Pledger, Selby 1831
McClees, Joseph Guardian Tweedy, Jonathan 1851
McClees, Joseph Witness Wynne, Joseph 1849
McClees, Joseph Witness Spruill, Milly 1852
McClees, Joseph Executor Smith, Rosanna 1855
McClees, Joseph Deceased   1855
McClees, Jos. O. Witness Brickhouse, Matthew 1852
McClees, J. C. Nephew McClees, W. L. 1923
McClees, J. J. Witness McClees, Lola O. 1889
McClees, J. J. Mentioned Spruill, Annie E. 1911
McClees, Lola O. Deceased   1889
McClees, Louisa Daughter Hill, Charles W. 1907
McClees, Mary Grandaughter Liverman, Thomas 1818
McClees, Mary Ann Niece Midyett, Joseph 1834
McClees, Martha Grandaughter Liverman, Thomas 1818
McClees, Nelson Brother McClees, Joseph 1855
McClees, Norah C. Greatgrandaughter Liverman, Thomas 1818
McClees, N. Witness Spruill, James A. 1866
McClees, Permelia Married Witness Midyett, Ann 1815
McCleese, Permelia Legatee Spruill, Samuel 1832
McClees, Polly Wife Brickhouse, Samuel 1840
McClees, Polly Mother in law McClees, E. A. 1871
McClees, Samuel S. Greatgrandson Liverman, Thomas 1818
McClees, Samuel Son McClees, John 1826
McClees, Samuel Guardian Hassell, Anderson 1839
McClees, Samuel Witness Midyett, Thomas M. 1854
McClees, Samuel Mentioned McClees, Joseph 1855
McClees, Sarah Remarried Widow Weskett, William 1833
McClease, Silvia Daughter Alexander, William 1804
McClees, Susan Daughter Bowser, Zion 1906
McClees, Thomas Son McClees, John 1826
McClees, Virginia D. Greatgrandaughter Liverman, Thomas 1818
McClees, Walter Son & Executor McClees, William 1884
McClees, William Witness Spruill, Milly 1852
McClees, William Brother McClees, Joseph 1855
McClees, William Witness Spruill, James A. 1866
McClees, William Deceased   1884
McClees, William D. Son & Executor McClees, William 1884
McClees, Wm. Witness Norman, John W. 1861
McClees, W. H. Nephew McClees, W. L. 1923
McClees, W. L. Deceased   1923
McCleas, Zilfa Daughter Alexander, Joseph 1796
Macclelan, Alexander Witness Durrance, Samuel 1756
McClish, Dennis Deceased   1774
McClish, Hannah Daughter McClish, Dennis 1774
McClish, Jane Wife & Administratrix McClish, Dennis 1774
McClish, John Bondsman McClish, Dennis 1774
McClure, Jno. Guardian Hunnings, Edward 1827
McClures, Richard Mentioned Cowell, Benjamin 1752
McCollum, Nicholas Deceased   1793
McColute, Mariah Daughter Patrick, Jno. A. 1821
McCoy, Josiah Mentioned Owens, Thomas 1817
McCrae, Amelia Ann Daughter Hooker, Nathan 1801
McCrae, Amelia Ann Wife McCrae, John 1811
McCray, Ann Daughter McCray, Robert 1769
McCrae, John Deceased   1764
McRae, Jno. Mentioned Spruill, Benjamin Senr. 1791
McCrae, John Executor & Son in Law Hooker, Nathan 1801
McCray, John Witness Hathaway, Woolsey 1804
McCrae, John Witness Spruill, Thomas 1808
McCrae, John Deceased   1811
McCrae, John Husband Hooker, Amelia Ann 1832
McCrae, John Son in Law Hooker, Eliza 1832
McCrae, John Father McCrae, Sheridan 1832
McCray, John Deceased   1837
McCray, John Father McCray, Sheridan 1837
McCray, Mary Wife/Daughter McCray, Robert 1769
McCrea, Robert Witness Fryly, William 1737
McCrae, Robert Deceased   1774
McCray, Robert Deceased   1769
McCray, Robert Son & Petitioner McCray, Robert 1769
McCray, Sheridan H. Grandson Hooker, Eliza 1832
McCray, Sheridan H. Son McCrae, John & Amelia Ann 1832
McCray, Sheridan Son McCray, John 1837
McCrae, Sherrod Mentioned Spruill, William 1840
McRae, S. H. Witness Spruill, William 1846
McCree, Richard {Brother in law} Bell, Thomas 1751
McCree (?), Nancy Daughter Jackson, Dempsey 1792
McCullough, Hugh Witness Orr, William 1811
McCullom, Nicholas Deceased   1793
{McDaniel}, Alice Daughter Carroon, Isaac Junr. 1788
McDaniel, Enoch Brother McDaniel, William 1783
McDaniel, Enoch Son McDaniel, Joshua 1783
McDaniel, Enoch Deceased   1798
McDaniel, George Son McDaniel, Enoch 1798
McDaniel, Joshua Father McDaniel, Enoch 1783
McDaniel, Joshua Father McDaniel, William 1783
McDaniel, Ruben Son in Law Carroon, Isaac Junr. 1788
McDaniel, Ruben Mentioned Cowell, William 1793
McDaniel, Reuben Deceased   1791
McDaniel, William Brother McDaniel, Enoch 1783
McDaniel, William Son McDaniel, Joshua 1783
McDaniel, William Son in Law Carroon, Isaac Junr. 1788
McDaniel, William Administrator McDaniel, Reuben 1791
McDaniel, William Guardian McDaniel, Enoch 1798
McDonald, Dorothy Administratrix McDonald, William 1793
McDonald, William Administrator Black, Samuel 1786
McDonald, William Deceased   1793
McDougle, Robert Deceased   1787
McDowell, Charles Witness Rhoades, William Senr. 1753
McDowell, Charles Deceased   1754
McDowell, Daniel Witness Mixson, Jeremiah 1826
McDowell, Federick Son McDowell, Thomas 1786
McDowell, James Son McDowell, Thomas 1786
McDowell, Mary Mentioned McDowell, Charles 1754
McDowell, Mary Wife McDowell, Thomas 1786
McDowell, Nancy Daughter McDowell, Thomas 1786
McDowell, Simeon Son McDowell, Thomas 1786
McDowell, Thomas Son McDowell, Thomas 1786
McDowell, Thomas Deceased   1786
McGown, Elizabeth Daughter McGown, William 1775
McGown, Frances Wife & Executrix McGown, William 1775
McGound, Hannah Administratrix McGound, John 1799
McGown, Hannah Deceased   1807
McGown, James Son McGown, William 1775
McGown, Job Son & Executor McGown, Hannah 1807
McGown, Job Husband of Widow Cohoon, Isaiah 1833
McGown, John Son McGown, William 1775
Megown, John Witness Pool, John 1790
McGound, John Deceased   1799
McGown, Joseph Son McGown, William 1775
McGown, Mary Daughter McGown, William 1775
{McGown}, Orpha Remarried Widow Cohoon, Isaiah 1833
{McGown}, Sally Daughter McGown, Hannah 1807
McGown, Thomas Son McGown, William 1775
McGown, William Son McGown, William 1775
McGown, William Deceased   1775
Mchabees, Mary Daughter Davenport, Richard 1773
McHenry, George Augustus Son in law Butler, John 1772
McHenry, Mary Deceased   1819
McHenry, Phereby Daughter Butler, John 1772
McHenry, Sarah Ann Grand daughter Butler, John 1772
McHenry, Susanna Grand daughter Butler, John 1772
McHenry, Wineford Grand daughter Butler, John 1772
Mchoon, Ann Daughter Mchoon, James 1772
Mchoon, Casander Daughter Mchoon, James 1772
Mchoon, Diannah Daughter Mchoon, James 1772
Mchoon, Hezekiah Son Mchoon, James 1772
Mchoon, James Son Mchoon, James 1772
Mchoon, James Deceased   1772
Mchoon, John Son Mchoon, James 1772
Mchoon, Susanna Wife & Executrix Mchoon, James 1772
Mchoon, William Son Mchoon, James 1772
McKeel, C. B. Ph.G. Witness Selby, Miriah Louisa 1914
McKenny, William Witness Overton, Priscilla 1832
McKenzie, George Debtor Armistead, Anthony 1793
McKildo, John Witness Ward, Francis 1771
McKildoe, John Deceased   1772
McKildoe, Martha Wife McKildoe, John 1772
McKildoe, Richard Nephew McKildoe, John 1772
McKimmy, Joseph Administrator Davis, Ephriditus 1785
McKimmey, Joseph Witness Merchant, Caleb 1800
McKimmy, Joseph Son in Law Spruill, Esther 1817
McKimmey, Jos. Husband of Grandaughter Owens, Thomas 1817
McKimmey, Joseph Mentioned Norman, Henry 1839
McKimmey, Patsy Grandaughter Owens, Thomas 1817
McKimmy, Peninnah Daughter Spruill, Esther 1817
McKimmey, Thomas Deceased   1775
McKimmey, Thomas Son McKimmey, Thomas 1775
McKimmey, William Son McKimmey, Thomas 1775
McKinny, Jos. Witness Thoroughgood, Paul 1829
McKinny, Mary Sister Merchant, Elizabeth 1828
McKinny, Nester Ann {Grand daughter} Spruill, Uri 1863
McKinny, William C. Mentioned Spruill, Uri 1863
McKinzee, William Executor Stewart, Thomas 1788
McLean, John Witness Conner, James 1761
McLean, John Son in Law Alexander, Edmond 1830
{McLean}, Mary Ann Daughter Alexander, Edmond 1830
McLaughlin, John Son McLaughlin, Mitchell 1814
McLaughlin, Mitch Witness Alexander, Martha 1791
McLaughlin, Mitchell Estate Sale Purchaser Barnes, Dorothy 1791
McLaughlin, Mitchell Deceased   1814
McLaughlin, Polly Daughter McLaughlin, Mitchell 1814
{McLaughlin}, Sarah Wife McLaughlin, Mitchell 1814
McManus, James Mentioned Conner, James 1761
McRoughton Witness Holida, Canada 1876
Mead, Ann Legatee Alexander, Joshua 1783
Mead, Benjamin Guardian Alexander, Benjamin 1784
Meads, Benja. Witness Hopkins, Thomas 1792
Meanture, Partrick Mentioned Conner, James 1761
Measel, Amelia Daughter John Cannady Senr. 1791
Meazel, Elizabeth Daughter Everitt, Nathaniel 1782
Meekins, Abagail Wife Meekins, Asa 1832
Meekins, Ader Daughter Brickhouse, Matthew 1810
Meekins, Adah Wife & Executrix Meekins, William 1832
Meekins, Aden Son/Brother McHenry, Mary 1819
Meekins, Adin Deceased   1838
Meekins, Adin Husband Meekins, Nancy 1838
Meekins, Adin Father Meekins, Henry 1838
Meekins, Adin Father Meekins, Mary 1838
Meekins, Adin Father Meekins, Nancy Ann 1838
Meekins, Adin Father Meekins, Jordan S. 1838
Meekins, Adin Father Meekins, Jonathan H. 1838
Meekins, Adin Father Meekins, James Anson 1838
Meekins, Adin Father Meekins, Mozella 1838
Meekins, Angelico Wife Meekins, Asa 1835
Meekins, Angelico Daughter Liverman, Adamant 1835
Meekins, Ann Wife Meekins, Isaac Senr. 1769
Meekins, Ann Mother Meekins, Isaac 1774
Meekins, Ann Mother {Meekins}, Darkis 1774
Meekins, Ann Mother Pool, Darkis 1774
Meekins, Asa Son Meekins, John Senr. 1831
Meekins, Asa Deceased   1832
Meekins, Asa Husband Liverman, Angelico 1835
Meekins, Asa Son in Law Liverman, Adamant 1835
Meekins, Benjamin Son Meekins, Isaac 1790
Meekins, Benjamin Brother Meekins, Joshua 1811
Meekins, Benjamin Deceased   1811
Meekins, Benjamin Brother Meekins, Keziah 1811
{Meekins}, Brutus Slave Meekins, Thomas 1830
{Meekins}, Brutus Slave Meekins, Sarah 1834
Meekins, Charles Son Meekins, Thomas 1830
Meekins, Charles Deceased   1835
{Meekins}, Cooper Slave Meekins, Thomas 1830
Meekins, Daniel Son in law Mann, Edward 1816
Meekins, Dorcas Daughter Meekins, Isaac Senr. 1769
{Meekins}, Darkis Daughter Meekins, Ann 1774
{Meekins}, Dorcas Sister/Daughter McHenry, Mary 1819
Meekins, Elizabeth Ann Daughter Meekins, John Senr. 1831
{Meekins}, Elizabeth Remarried Widow Davenport, John G. B. 1827
Meekins, Elma Mentioned Meekins, Johnathan H. 1886
Meekins, Esther Daughter Mann, Edward 1816
Meekins, Hannah Daughter Brickhouse, William Senr. 1821
Meekins, Hannah Wife Meekins, John Senr. 1831
Meekins, Hannah Daughter Meekins, John Senr. 1831
Meekins, Hardy Deceased   1833
Meekins, Henry Son Meekins, Adin 1838
Meekins, Isaac Guardian Rapheld, William 1757
Meekins, Isaac Administrator Jennett, Ann Patterson 1764
Meekins, Isaac Son & Executor Meekins, Isaac Senr. 1769
Meekins, Isaac Senr. Deceased   1769
Meekins, Isaac Son Meekins, Ann 1774
Meekins, Isaac Junr. Administrator Hancock, Benjamin 1789
Meekins, Isaac Junr. {Son} Meekins, Isaac 1790
Meekins, Isaac Senr. Deceased   1790
Meekins, Isaac Trustee Poole, John 1794
Meekins, Isaac Senr. Father Meekins, Joshua 1811
Meekins, Isaac Senr. Father Meekins, Benjamin 1811
Meekins, Isaac Senr. Father Meekins, Keziah 1811
Meekins, Isaac Son in Law & Guardian Etheridge, Asa 1817
Meekins, Isaac Senr. Deceased   1818
Meekins, Isaac Son & Administrator Meekins, Thomas 1830
Meekins, Isaac Son Meekins, John Senr. 1831
Meekins, Isaac B. Son & Executor Meekins, William 1832
Meekins, Isaac Administrator Evans, Joseph 1834
Meekins, Isaac Administrator Meekins, Sarah 1834
Meekins, Isaac Administrator Meekins, Charles 1835
Meekins, Isaac B. Administrator Spencer, Asa 1838
Meekins, James Anson Son Meekins, Adin 1838
Meekins, James M. Witness Owens, Gilbert L. 1902
Meekins, Jane Administratrix Meekins, Jesse 1782
Meekins, Jerusha Daughter Banks, Mary 1818
Meekins, Jerusha Wife & Executrix Meekins, Joseph 1833
Meekins, Jesse Deceased   1782
Meekins, John Son Meekins, Isaac Senr. 1769
Meekins, John Grantee Meekins, Ann 1774
Meekins, John Brother & Administrator Meekins, Isaac Junr. 1790
Meekins, John Administrator Handcock, Benjamin 1790
Meekins, John Executor Meekins, Isaac Senr. 1818
Meekins, John Son/Brother McHenry, Mary 1819
Meekins, John Son in Law Brickhouse, William Senr. 1821
Meekins, John Son Meekins, Thomas 1830
Meekins, John Senr. Deceased   1831
Meekins, Jonathan H. Son Meekins, Adin 1838
Meekins, Johnathan H. Deceased   1886
Meekins, Jordan S. Son Meekins, Adin 1838
Meekins, Jordan S. Father Meekins, Jordan 1838
Meekins, Jordan Son Meekins, Jordan S. 1838
Meekins, Joseph {Son} Meekins, Isaac 1790
Meekins, Joseph Executor & Son in Law Banks, Mary 1818
Meekins, Joseph Executor Meekins, Isaac Senr. 1818
Meekins, Joseph Administrator & Son/Brother McHenry, Mary 1819
Meekins, Joseph Deceased   1833
Meekins, Joseph Charles Nephew McClees, B. V. 1909
Meekins, Joshua Son Meekins, Isaac 1790
Meekins, Joshua Deceased   1811
Meekins, Joshua Brother Meekins, Benjamin 1811
Meekins, Joshua Brother Meekins, Keziah 1811
Meekins, J. C. Mentioned Davis, Easter 1882
Meekins, J. C. Sr. Witness Meekins, Johnathan H. 1886
Meekins, J. C. Mentioned Swain, Ann E. 1921
Meekins, Keziah Daughter Meekins, Isaac 1790
Meekins, Keziah Sister Meekins, Joshua 1811
Meekins, Keziah Sister Meekins, Benjamin 1811
Meekins, Keziah Deceased   1811
Meekins, Lavina Ann Daughter Meekins, Thomas 1830
Meekins, Lneizer Mentioned Meekins, Johnathan H. 1886
{Meekins}, Lucy Slave Meekins, Thomas 1830
Meekins, Mahala Daughter Melson, Elijah P. 1867
Meekins, Mahala Mentioned Davis, Easter 1882
Meekins, Margarett Wife Meekins, Isaac Senr. 1818
Meekins, Mary Daughter Meekins, John Senr. 1831
Meekins, Mary Daughter Meekins, Adin 1838
{Meekins}, Mingo Slave Meekins, Adin 1838
Meekins, Mozella Daughter Meekins, Adin 1838
Meekins, Nancy Daughter Meekins, Thomas 1830
Meekins, Nancy Wife & Administrator Meekins, Adin 1838
Meekins, Nancy Ann Daughter Meekins, Adin 1838
{Meekins}, Nancy Sister McClees, B. V. 1909
Meekins, Nancy Ann Daughter Meekins, Adin 1838
Meekins, Nat Nephew McClees, B. V. 1909
{Meekins}, Oliff Daughter Etheridge, Asa 1817
{Meekins}, Phebe Slave Meekins, Thomas 1830
{Meekins}, Phoebe Slave Meekins, Sarah 1834
Meekins, Rachel Daughter Meekins, Thomas 1830
Meekins, Richard A. Son Meekins, Thomas 1830
Meekins, Richard A. Husband of Widow Davenport, John G. B. 1827
Meekins, Rosanna Daughter Meekins, John Senr. 1831
Meekins, Sarah Wife Meekins, Thomas 1830
Meekins, Sarah Daughter Meekins, Thomas 1830
Meekins, Sarah Deceased   1834
Meekins, Thomas Son Meekins, Isaac Senr. 1769
Meekins, Thomas {Son} Meekins, Isaac 1790
Meekins, Thos. Witness Cahoon, James 1790
Meekins, Thomas Neighbor Brickhouse, William 1818?
Meekins, Thomas Son/Brother McHenry, Mary 1819
Meekins, Thomas Deceased   1830
Meekins, Thomas Son Meekins, Thomas 1830
{Meekins}, Thomas Slave Meekins, John Senr. 1831
Meekins, William {Son} Meekins, Isaac 1790
Meekins, William Administrator & Brother Meekins, Joshua 1811
Meekins, William Administrator & Brother Meekins, Benjamin 1811
Meekins, William Administrator & Brother Meekins, Keziah 1811
Meekins, William Executor Meekins, Isaac Senr. 1818
Meekins, Wm. Witness Banks, Mary 1818
Meekins, William Son/Brother McHenry, Mary 1819
Meekins, William Administrator Meekins, John Senr. 1831
Meekins, William Deceased   1832
Meekins, William Junr. Son & Executor Meekins, Joseph 1833
Meekins, William Administrator Simmons, Keziah 1834
Meekins, William B. Deceased   1834
Meekins, W. M. Mentioned Meekins, Johnathan H. 1886
Meeks, William Witnes Meekins, Joseph 1833
Melson, A. Mentioned Shallingon, W. E. 1909
{Melson}, Aaron Slave Melson, John A. 1809
Melson, Betsy Remarried Widow Pledger, William 1833
Melson, Elijah P. Son Melson, John A. 1809
Melson, Elijah P. Nephew Pledger, Selby 1831
Melson, Elijah P. Deceased   1867
Melson, Elizabeth Sister Pledger, Robert L. 1854
Melson, Elizabeth Wife Melson, Elijah P. 1867
{Melson}, Hagar Slave Melson, Mary/Polly 1819
{Melson}, Hetty Slave Melson, John A. 1809
Melson, James Husband of Widow Melson, William 1808
Melson, James Son in Law Pledger, Robert J. 1819
Melson, James Son of Remarried Widow Alexander, Frederick 1823
Melson, James Mentioned Pledger, Selby 1831
{Melson}, Joanna Slave Melson, William 1808
Melson, John Mentioned Pledger, Joseph 1807
Melson, John Son Melson, Elijah P. 1867
Melson, Jno. A. Witness Heath, Jacobus 1795
Melson, John A. Son in Law Pledger, Joseph 1807
Melson, John A. Husband Pledger, Mary (Polly) 1807
Melson, John A. Administrator Hassell, William 1808
Melson, John A. Administrator Hassell, Betsy 1808
Melson, John A. Deceased   1809
Melson, Joseph Son Melson, William 1808
Melson, Joseph Witness Prichett, Asa 1832
Melson, Joseph Husband of Widow Pledger, William 1833
Melson, J. C. Son in law Melson, Elijah P. 1867
{Melson}, Kezah Slave Melson, John A. 1809
Melson, Levina Daughter Davenport, Elizabeth 1843
Melson, Mahala Ann Daughter Melson, John A. 1809
Melson, Mahala Daughter Melson, Mary/Polly 1819
{Melson}, Mahala Daughter Melson, Elijah P. 1867
Melaon, Mary (Polly) Daughter Pledger, Joseph 1807
Melaon, Mary (Polly) Wife Melson, Mary (Polly) 1807
Melson, Mary (Polly) Daughter Melson, William 1808
Melson, Mary (Polly) Wife & Executrix Melson, John A. 1809
Melson, Mary/Polly Deceased   1819
Melson, Mary Daughter of Remarried Widow Alexander, Frederick 1823
Melson, Mary C. Wife Combs, Jno. B. 1839
Melson, Mary C. Daughter in Law Combs, Jno. Senr. 1839
Melson, Mary C. Sister Pledger, Robert L. 1854
{Melson}, Mohala Niece Pledger, Selby 1831
{Melson}, Nancy Slave Melson, John A. 1809
{Melson}, Nancy Slave Melson, Mary/Polly 1819
{Melson}, Obed Slave Melson, John A. 1809
{Melson}, Obed Slave Melson, Mary/Polly 1819
Melson, Olive Remarried Widow Alexander, Frederick 1823
Melson, Olive Sister Pledger, Selby 1831
Melson, Peledge (Pledger) Son Melson, William 1808
Melson, Pledger Son Melson, John A. 1809
Melson, Peledge Deceased   1817
Melson, Pledger Guardian Etheridge, Asa 1817
Melson, Pledger Nephew Pledger, Selby 1831
Melson, Polly Daughter Pledger, Joseph 1807
Melson, Sally Daughter Pledger, Joseph 1807
Melson, Sally Wife Melson, William 1807
Melson, Sally Wife Melson, William 1808
Melson, Sally Remarried Widow Melson, William 1808
Melson, Sally Mother Melson, Peledge 1817
Melson, Sally Daughter Pledger, Robert J. 1819
Melson, Sally Sister Pledger, Selby 1831
{Melson}, Sampson Slave Melson, William 1808
{Melson}, Sarah Daughter Melson, Elijah P. 1867
Melson, William Mentioned Alexander, William 1804
Melson, William Son in Law Pledger, Joseph 1807
Melson, William Husband Pledger, Sally 1807
Melson, William Deceased   1808
Melson, William Father Melson, Peledge 1817
Melson, William Husband of Widow Alexander, Frederick 1823
Melson, William Guardian Alexander, Clarky/Clarissa 1827
Melson, William Brother in Law Pledger, Selby 1831
Melson, William Brother Pledger, Robert L. 1854
Mercer, Emily Deceased   1838
Mercer, Jonathan Deceased   1838
Mercer, Lukey Deceased   1838
Mercer, W. G. Administrator Mercer, Emily 1838
Mercer, W. G. Administrator Mercer, Jonathan 1838
Mercer, W. G. Administrator Mercer, Lukey 1838
Merritt (Also see Marret)    
Merritt, Apume Daughter Spruill, Jeremiah 1781
Merritt, George W. Son Duvals, Kisen 1884
Merritt, George W. Deceased   1900
Merritt, Isaac Son Merritt, Jesse 1817
Merritt, Jesse Administrator Fox, Thomas 1764
Marrett, Jesse Witness Perisho, Mary 1781
Merritt, Jesse Administrator Fox, John 1783
Merritt, Jesse Administrator Fox, James 1783
Merritt, Jesse Guardian Alexander, Anthony 1789
Merritt, Jesse Deceased   1817
Merritt, Jesse Son Merritt, Jesse 1817
Merritt, John Son Merritt, Jesse 1817
Merritt, L. Haywood Son Merritt, George W. 1900
Merritt, Milly Wife Merritt, Jesse 1817
Merritt, Sarah Daughter Hassell, Rachel 1778
Merritt, Sarah Wife of Jesse Fox, John 1783
Merritt, Sarah Heir Fox, James 1783
Merritt, Vashti Wife Merritt, George W. 1900
Merritt, Vesta Daughter Snell, Azor 1878
Merritt, Wilson B. Son Merritt, George W. 1900
Messenger, Joseph Administrator Scrieves, Thomas 1838
Messer, James Mentioned Butler, John 1772
Metcalf, Tabitha Witness Jackson, Samuel 1798
Meyer, John Alexander Deceased   1822
Micheau, John Deceased   1821
Middleton, Delilah Witness Howard, Benjamin 1788
Middleton, Henry Son Middleton, Henry Sr. 1738/9
Middleton, Henry Sr. Deceased   1738/9
Middleton, James Son Middleton, Henry Sr. 1738/9
Middleton, James Neighbor Walker, Benjamin 1750
Middleton, James Deceased   1767
Middleton, John Son Middleton, Henry Sr. 1738/9
Middleton, John Witness Gerkins, Charles 1793
Midlenton, Josiah Witness Spruill, Jeremiah 1781
Middleton, Martha Wife & Executrix Middleton, Henry Sr. 1738/9
Middleton, Mary Daughter Middleton, Henry Sr. 1738/9
Middleton, Sarah Wife & Executrix Middleton, James 1767
Middleton, Sarah Wife Howard, Benjamin 1788
Middleton, Thomas Son Middleton, James 1767
Middleton, Thomas Son in Law & Executor Howard, Benjamin 1788
Middleton, Thomas Neighbor Walker, Edward 1794
{Midyett}, Abel Slave Midyett, Joseph 1834
{Midyett}, Affa Daughter Midyett, Samuel 1804
Midyett, Affey Daughter Midyett, Samuel 1825
{Midgett}, Anjelico Daughter Midgett, Samuel 1803
Midyett, Anjelico Daughter Midyett, Samuel 1825
Midyett, Ann/Nancy Daughter & Executrix Spruill, Hezekiah 1802
Midgett, Ann Wife & Administratrix Midgett, Samuel 1815
Midyett, Ann Deceased   1815
Midyett, Ann Daughter Midyett, Joseph 1834
Midyett, Ann Daughter Rogers, Fanny 1837
Midyett, Ann Deceased   1837
Midgett, Ann/Angelico Daughter Midgett, William 1815
{Midyett}, Annis Slave Midyett, Joseph 1834
Midyett, Belcher D. Son Midyett, Samuel 1825
Midyett, Benjamin Witness Midyett, Samuel 1825
{Midyett}, Betsy Wife Pledger, William 1833
{Midgett}, Boson Slave Midgett, Samuel 1815
Midyett, Charlotte Daughter Pledger, Robert J. 1819
Midyett, Charlotte Remarried Widow Combs, William 1819
Midgett, Charlotte Sister Pledger, Selby 1831
{Midgett}, Chloe Slave Midgett, William 1815
Midgett, Daphney Daughter Midgett, William 1815
{Midgett}, Davie Slave Midgett, William 1815
{Midgett}, Dennis Slave Midgett, William 1815
{Midgett}, Dorothy Daughter Midgett, William 1815
{Midyett}, Dorothy Deceased Wife Combs, William 1819
Midyett, Edward D. Son Midyett, Samuel 1825
Midgett, Ellis Mentioned Caroon, Thomas 1859
{Midyett}, Elsey Slave Midyett, Joseph 1834
Midyett, Fanny Wife & Executrix Midyett, Joseph 1834
{Midyett}, George Slave Midyett, Joseph 1834
{Midgett}, Harry Slave Midgett, Samuel 1815
{Midyett}, Harry Slave Midyett, Ann 1815
{Midgett}, Hatty Slave Midgett, William 1815
{Midyett}, Henry Slave Midyett, Joseph 1834
{Midgett}, Jack Slave Midgett, William 1815
Midgett, James O Witness Davenport, Issac H. 1880
{Midgett}, Jenny Slave Midgett, William 1815
{Midgett}, Jesse Slave Midgett, William 1815
Midyett, John Neighbor Midyett, William 1801
Midyett, John Neighbor Midyett, Samuel 1804
Midyett, John Witness & Neighbor Midyett, William 1804
Midyett, John Uncle Midyett, Lewis 1804
Midyett (Mydyett), John Executor Davenport, Thomas 1824
Midyett, Jno. Mentioned Midyett, Ann 1815
Midyett, John Guardian Pledger, Joseph 1815
Midgett, John Son Midgett, Samuel 1815
Midyett, John Son Midyett, Samuel 1825
Midyett, John Brother & Executor Pledger, Zellah 1825
Midyett, John Witness Thoroughgood, John 1825
Midyett, John Administrator Davenport, Nancy 1826
Midgett, John Mentioned Mann, Soloman 1827
Midyett, John Administrator Madox, Thomas C. 1828
Midyett, John Deceased   1832
Midyett, John Brother Midyett, Joseph 1834
Midyett, John C. Son Midyett, Thomas M. 1854
Midyett, John C. Witness Caroon, Thomas Alexander 1856
Migatt, Joseph Trustee Alexander, Joseph 1778
Midyett, Joseph Grandson Spruill, Hezekiah 1802
Midyett, Joseph Son Midyett, Ann 1815
Midgett, Joseph Son Midgett, Samuel 1815
Midyett, Joseph Son Midyett, Samuel 1825
Midyett, Joseph Brother & Executor Pledger, Zellah 1825
Midgett, Jos. Witness Spruill, Samuel 1832
Midyett, Joseph Deceased   1834
Midyett, Keziah Remarried Widow Alexander, Hezekiah 1817
Midyett, Keziah Wife Midyett, Spencer 1820
Midyett, Lancaster Son Midyett, Thomas M. 1854
Midyett, Lewis Witness Midyett, William 1801
Midyett, Lewis Son Midyett, William 1804
Midyett, Lewis Nephew Midyett, John 1804
{Midgett}, Lewis Slave Midgett, Samuel 1815
Midgett, Lewis Administrator & Guardian Midgett, William 1815
Midgett, Lewis Executor Mann, Edward 1816
Midyett, Lewis Son in Law Pledger, Robert J. 1819
Midyett, Lewis Husband of Widow Combs, William 1819
Midyett, Lois Wife Midyett, John 1832
{Midgett}, Lydia Slave Midgett, Samuel 1815
{Midgett}, March Slave Midgett, William 1815
Midgett, Martha Daughter Midyett, William 1836
{Midgett}, Mary Daughter Midgett, William 1815
Midgett, Mary Deceased   1820
{Midyett}, Mary Wife & Administratrix Bryant, John 1824
Midyett, Mary Daughter Midyett, Samuel 1825
{Midgett}, Mary Daughter in Law Midyett, Samuel 1825
Midgett, Mary E. Daughter Belangia, Washington W. Sr. 1916
Midgett, Matilda Wife Midyett, William 1836
Midgett, Maurice Deceased   1815
{Midyett}, Minor Slave Midyett, John 1832
{Midyett}, Mourning Slave Midyett, Joseph 1834
{Midyett}, Mundy Slave Midyett, Samuel 1825
Midgett, Nancy Wife & Administratrix Midgett, Samuel 1815
{Midgett}, Nancy Daughter Midgett, Samuel 1815
{Midyett}, Nancy Wife & Administratrix Pledger, Joseph 1815
Midyett, Nancy Mentioned Midyett, Ann 1815
Midgett, Nancy Daughter Midgett, William 1815
{Midgett}, Nancy Slave Midyett, John 1832
Midyett, Nancy S. Daughter Midyett, John 1832
{Midyett}, Nancy Niece Midyett, Joseph 1834
{Midgett}, Obed Slave Midgett, William 1815
{Midyett}, Patsy Sister Caroon, Joseph 1807
{Midgett}, Patsy Daughter in Law Midyett, Samuel 1825
{Midgett}, Pegg Slave Midgett, William 1815
{Midgett}, Peggy Slave Midgett, Samuel 1815
{Midyett}, Peggy Slave Midyett, Joseph 1834
Midgett, Polly Wife Midgett, Maurice 1815
Midyett, Polly Daughter Midyett, Spencer 1820
Midyett, Polly Wife Basnight, Randal 1841
{Midgett}, Pomp Slave Midgett, William 1815
Midyett, Rhoda Grandaughter Spruill, Hezekiah 1802
Midyett, Rhoda Daughter Midyett, Ann 1815
Midgett, Rhoda Daughter Midgett, Samuel 1815
{Midyett}, Rhoda Wife Alexander, Edmond 1830
Midyett, Rhoda Daughter Midyett, Joseph 1834
Midyett, Rhoda Sister Midyett, Joseph 1834
{Midgett}, Sabra Slave Midgett, Samuel 1815
{Midyett}, Sabra Slave Midyett, Joseph 1834
Midyett, Sally Daughter Midyett, Samuel 1825
{Midyett}, Sally Daughter Midyett, Thomas M. 1854
Midyett, Sally D. Daughter Midyett, Samuel 1825
Migett, Samuel Administrator & Guardian Ludford, Thomas 1764
Midyett, Samuel Son in Law Spruill, Hezekiah 1802
Midyett, Samuel Administrator Donaldson, William 1803
Midgett, Samuel Father Bryant, Sarah 1803
Midgett, Samuel Father in Law Bryant, John 1803
Midgett, Samuel Father Rallings, Anjelico 1803
Midgett, Samuel Father in Law Rallings, Joseph 1803
Midyett, Samuel Father Mason, Affa 1804
Midyett, Samuel Father in Law Mason, Archabald 1804
Midyett, Samuel Father Bryant, Sarah 1804
Midyett, Samuel Father in Law Bryant, John 1804
Midgett, Samuel Deceased   1815
Midgett, Samuel Witness Mann, Edward 1816
Midyett, Samuel Deceased   1825
Midyett, Samuel Son Midyett, Samuel 1825
Midyett, Samuel C. Son Midyett, Thomas M. 1854
Midgett, Samuel Mentioned Caroon, Thomas 1859
{Midgett}, Sarah Daughter Midgett, Samuel 1803
{Midyett}, Sarah Daughter Midyett, Samuel 1804
{Midyett}, Scynthia Slave Midyett, John 1832
Midgett, Spencer Administrator Midgett, Maurice 1815
Midyett, Spencer Husband of Widow Alexander, Hezekiah 1817
Midyett, Spencer Deceased   1820
{Midgett}, Steven Slave Midgett, William 1815
{Midyett}, Susanna Daughter Hassell, Joseph Senr. 1783
Midyett, Thomas M. Witness Midyett, Samuel 1804
Midyett, Thomas Mann Neighbor Midyett, Samuel 1804
Midyett, Thomas M. Witness Midyett, Samuel 1804
Midyett, Thomas M. Brother in Law Caroon, Joseph 1807
Midgett, Thomas M. Guardian Dowdy, William 1811
Midyett, Thos. M. Guardian Payne, Thomas 1821
Midyett, Thomas Son & Executor Midyett, Samuel 1825
Midyett, Thomas B. Son & Executor Midyett, John 1832
Midyett, Thomas B. Nephew Midyett, Joseph 1834
Midgett, Thomas Son Midyett, William 1836
Midyett, Thomas Senr. Administrator Darvey, Louisa 1837
Midyett, Thomas M. Deceased   1854
Midyett, Thomas C. Son Midyett, Thomas M. 1854
Midgett, Thomas Mentioned Caroon, Thomas 1859
{Midyett}, Tom Slave Midyett, Joseph 1834
{Midyett}, Truxton Slave Midyett, Joseph 1834
{Midyett}, Viney Slave Midyett, Joseph 1834
Midyett, William Son in Law Hassell, Joseph Senr. 1783
Midyett, William Father in Law Combs, William 1801
Midyett, William Father Midyett, Lewis 1804
Midgett, William Mentioned Scott, William 1812
Midgett, William Deceased   1815
Midgett, William Mentioned Mann, Edward 1816
Midyett, William Witness Midyett, Samuel 1825
Midgett, William Deceased   1836
Midgett, William Husband Dowdy, Matilda 1836
Midgett, William Father Midyett, Martha 1836
Midgett, William Father Midyett, William 1836
Midgett, William Father Midyett, Thomas 1836
Midgett, William Son Midyett, William 1836
Midyett, William Mentioned Mason, John 1837
{Midgett}, Zillah Daughter Midgett, Samuel 1815
{Midyett}, Zellah Deceased   1825
Miears, Nathan Witness Spruill, Samuel Senr. 1760
Miears, Nathan Senr. Executor & Witness Davis, Thomas 1762
Miears, Nathan Mentioned Hooker, Stephen 1766
Miller, Anna Wife & Executrix Miller, James 1790
Miller, James Witness McDowell, Thomas 1786
Miller, James Deceased   1790
Miller, John Deceased   1793
Miller, L. Vernon Witness Spruill, St. Clair 1915
Miller, Nathaniel Mentioned Mixson, Jeremiah 1826
Miller, Thomas Father Miller, James 1790
Milless, Mary Witness Linton, Lamuel none
Milling, William Son Hassell, Jabis 1762
Mills, Ann Administratrix Mills, Francis 1775
Mills, Francis Deceased   1775
Minchee, Mary Wife Minchee, Michael 1868
Minchee, Michael Deceased   1868
Mincher, Zilphia Mentioned Smith, Rosanna 1855
Minge, James Mentioned Giles, Mathias 1713
Mitchell, Alexander Mentioned Midleton, Henry Senr. 1738
Mitchell, Charles W. Dr. Mentioned Spruill, St. Clair 1915
Mixson, Charles Son Mixson, Jeremiah 1826
{Mixson}, Darcas Slave Mixson, Jeremiah 1826
Mixson, Elezabeth Daughter Mixson, Jeremiah 1826
Mixson, Emily Daughter Mixson, Jeremiah 1826
Mixson, Francs Ann Grandaughter Mixson, Jeremiah 1826
Mixson, Jeremiah Deceased   1826
Mixson, Jere. Son Mixson, Jeremiah 1826
Mixson, John Guardian Mixson, Jeremiah 1826
{Mixson}, Julia Slave Mixson, Jeremiah 1826
Mixson, Maria Daughter Mixson, Jeremiah 1826
{Mixson}, Martha Daughter Mixson, Jeremiah 1826
Mixson, Mary Daughter Mixson, Jeremiah 1826
{Mixson}, Philis Slave Mixson, Jeremiah 1826
Mizell, Andrew Mentioned Hollis, Easter 1912
Mizell, Elenor Wife &
Mizell, William 1762
Mizell, James Son Mizell, William 1758
Mizell, James Witness King, Higason 1759
Mizell, John Mentioned Mizell, William 1762
Mizell, Jno. Witness Swain, James 1762
Mizell, John Witness Dugan, John Junr. 1763
Mizell, John Witness Swain, James 1763
Mizell, Luke Son in Law Smithwick, Samuel 1743
Mizell, Luke Husband Mizell, Sarah 1743
Mizell, Luke Legatee ? Gibbs, Henry 1745
Mizell, Luke Witness Bentley, John 1754
Mizell, Luke Mentioned Mizell, William 1762
Mizell, Mary Witness Bentley, John 1754
Mizell, Samuel Administrator Ludford, Thomas none
Mizell, Sarah Daughter Smithwick, Samuel 1743
Mizell, Sarah Wife Mizell, Luke 1743
Mizell, Sarah Witness Swain, James 1763
Mizell, S. H. Witness Alexander, Anthony 1917
Mizell, W. M. Witness Swain, James 1763
Mizell, William Father Mizell, James 1758
Mizell, William Deceased   1762
Moffatt, James Witness Collins, Josiah 1819
Montgomery, Ann Mentioned Turnbull, James 1753
Montgomery, John Executor Downing, William 1739
Moody, Robert Witness Cooley, Penelope 1794
Moody, Robert Deceased   1800
Moore, Ann Administratrix Moore, Morris 1758
Moor, Charles Witness Simmons, Josiah 1803
Moore, George Brother in Law Snell, Holt 1809
Moore, James Son Moore, Morris 1758
Moore, John Witness Langston, Mulford 1753
Moore, John A. Witness McClees, E. A. 1871
Moore, Joseph Deceased   1767
Moore, Martha Administratrix Moore, Joseph 1767
Moore, Morris Deceased   1758
Moore, Morris Son Moore, Morris 1758
Moore, Rosanna Sister Snell, Holt 1809
More, William Deceased   1799
Morean, John Witness Cooper, Nathaniel 1754
Moren, John Witness Cooper, Nathaniel 1756
Morrall, John Witness Marret, John 1775
{Morris}, Ann Daughter Morris, William 1767
Morris, Ann Wife Hunnings, Phillip 1807
Morris, Asenith Daughter McCalister, James 1832
Morris, Cathrine Wife & Executrix Morris, Cornelius 1795
Morris, Cora E. Daughter Swain, Ann E. 1921
Morris, Cornelius Deceased   1795
Morris, Cornelius Witness Basnight, Jacob 1800
Morris, Edmond Administrator Rousham, Joseph 1781
Morris, Edward Son Morris, William 1767
{Morris}, Elizabeth Daughter Morris, William 1767
Morris, Ester Daughter Morris, William 1767
{Morris}, Hannah Daughter Morris, William 1767
Morris, Jacob Witness Butler, John 1772
Morris, Jacob Executor Currell, Thomas 1795
Morris, Jane Wife & Executrix Morris, William 1767
Morris, John Deceased   1818
Morris, Jonathan Son & Executor Morris, Cornelius 1795
Morris, Jonathan Administrator Morris, John 1818
Morris, Jonathan Juror Wynne, Jeremiah 1831
Morris, Joseph Son in law Patrick, Jehoda 1850
Morris, Joseph Witness Pledger, Robert L. 1854
Morris, Lois Daughter Patrick, Jehoda 1850
Morris, Margaret Daughter Patrick, Jehoda 1850
{Morris}, Mary Daughter Morris, William 1767
Morris, Priscilla Wife Morris, John 1818
Morris, Richard Son Morris, Cornelius 1795
Morris, S. P. Witness Basnight, Thomas 1872
{Morris}, Sarrah Daughter Morris, William 1767
Morris, Tamer Daughter Morris, Cornelius 1795
Morris, William Son in Law McCalister, James 1832
Morris, William Deceased   1767
Morris, William Son in law Patrick, Jehoda 1850
Morse, Sophy E. Neice Spruill, Joseph A. 1860
Morton, Eugene Deceased   1880
Morton, Sarah E. Wife Morton, Eugene 1880
Mosely, Edward Executor Lee, Thomas 1716
Moseley, Edward Executor Crisp, Nicholas 1727
Moseley, Edward Mentioned Everet, Nathaniel (the Elder) 1744
Mosley, Edward Esq. Mentioned Everett, Nathaniel 1749
Moss, Polley Wife Payne, John 1834
Moss, Polley Mother Payne, Matthias 1834
Moss, Polley Mother Payne, Eleanor 1834
Moss, Richardson Mentioned Sutton, Greenbury 1795
Moss, Robert Deceased   1752
Moss, Sarah Witness Buttler, James 1765
Moyland, William Previous Owner Smithwick, Samuel 1769
Murphy, John Guardian Ewen, John 1785
Murphy, John Neighbor Howett, William 1799
Murphy, John Brother in Law Hoskins, Thomas Junr. 1802
Murphy, John Deceased   1810
Murphy, John Mentioned Mann, Edward 1816
{Murphy}, Mary Sister Hoskins, Thomas Junr. 1802
Murphy, Mary Daughter Hoskins, Thomas Senr. 1804
Murphy, Mary Deceased   1810
Muschamp, Geo. Witness Makee, Daniel 1694
Muse, William T. Deceased   1825
Muse, John Son Muse, William T. 1825
Muse, William Son Muse, William T. 1825
Mydgitt, William Witness Twidy, Devotion 1814
Myditts, John Mentioned Mann, Samuel 1801
Myers, Thomas B. Administrator Spellman, Persis 1835
Myers, Thomas B. Witness Armstrong, Holway 1840
Myers, Thomas B. Witness Hassell, Richard D. 1842
Myers, Thomas B. Witness Woodley, Hardy 1867

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Updated May 1, 2015
Gordon L. Basnight